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The Closing Of Ironcat Studios

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 4:58 pm
by ashfire
I read on Fansview website for Ushicon in Austin, Texas that Ironcat Studios which was started by Steve Bennett will close its operations after the company has been struggling to stay afloat since it had a book deal pulled out from under them for MegaTokyo and other problems.
Steve may find a way keep Ironcat out there by going to work for another company which will let him use the stories that were published under Ironcat.
I have many of the series and other items that were put out there by Ironcat.
I made friends with Steve at Neko Con when he spotted me in my Japanese EMS uniform that I wear at the cons. I talk to him when we run into each other during a con.
I hope for the best for Steve because he has had a lot to deal with his company and things in his life including his father's death a few years ago.
I know many publications that have discontinued or have run into problems during their time.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 7:37 am
by Gypsy
That's too bad - they offered some good publishing opportunities to American manga artists. It's too bad that they were pretty much under my radar until Fred switched to Darkhorse. I have several of the Amerimanga books they released and they were very good quality.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 4:23 am
by FunkerVGirl
omg!!! Steve is my friend!! I have to send him an email. I was wondering why he wasn't online anymore.....