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Imadoki. . .

PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 7:49 pm
by Mangafanatic
Okay. So I admit it. I cracked.

When browsing through the seeming endless sea of manga that does not appeal to me (for reasons that any manga reader will sympathize with. . .), my fingers stumbled across Imadoki.

Could. Not. Resist. Must. Read. Cuteness.

I started reading Alice the 19th, but I coudln't get past that shower/nude battle sequence. It just disguisted me. So I dropped Alice. And now, I lie in the grip of yet another Yuu Watase manga.

I thought I'd heard that Imadoki was a little milder than many of Yuu's other mangas. But I want to know for sure. If this manga ends in some mindless nude sequence I'm not going to go any further with it. So, does anybody know anything?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:54 pm
by Mave
I've read the whole series, which isn't that long...spanning 1-4 or 5 volumes, which is too bad since it was one of my fav. series by Watase Yuu. Once again I have to dig into the depths of my memory. ^^;;

I remember Imadoki being the most popular-enough clean manga by Watase Yuu in my records. I don't recall any scenes of Tanpopo (the female protagonist) nude or doing anything inappropriate with her love interest. I'm pretty sure about the latter because I applaud that couple when everything was over. The romance between them was very sweet and clean. Overall, it was an comical entertaining series and this is the first time I actually liked the female protagonist very much, as compared to FY, Ayashi no Ceres and even Alice 19th.

There was only one thing that bugged me.
[spoiler] One of her high school friends became pregnant and had a child out of wedlock. [/spoiler]

Hope this helps. ^^

PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 5:52 am
by Kireihana
Yay! I was intrested in Imadoki too, but after reading (up to vol. 5) of Ceres I was hesitant. Thanks Mave for the info.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 2:54 pm
by Gypsy
Interesting ... yes, thank you Mave for the info, and thanks, Mangafanatic (wait a sec ... didn't you get a nickname?!) for bringing it up. I'm just about to head to Borders, and I'd rather have something particular in mind to look for rather than just staring at the shelves and scooting back and forth on the ladders.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 3:53 pm
by Mangafanatic
Yes, I did get a nick name.

So why are you still referring to me by my wordy username?! :grin:

PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:57 am
by Indigo_Eyes
I would also recommend Imadoki. I read the traslations for it up to about volume four (that was all the place had) and I don't remember any really questionable things. In fact, I liked it a lot, but the group that was scanlating it dropped it due to it being liscensed (and, 8 months later, it comes out, what do yah know). Viz is really slow, that's all I'm saying. But at least they're there :)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:31 pm
by RoyalWing
Imadoki is great. I'm not sure when it comes out for english for you, but when it does, you should buy! I have it and it's one of my favourites!

I think Koki Kougyo is funny. Tampopo must be a very awkward name to have thought!

(looks at own avatar...) that is from the first comic book. ^v^

PostPosted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 9:51 am
by Mangafanatic
I just read the first two volumes, and TANPOPO IS SO CUTE!!!

I like this series. There are only a few things I was a little "Come on, why'd you have to stick that in there!?" about.

They are as follows:

[spoiler= Imadoki. I know these aren't really spoilers but they do give away a few things]
1. Towards the beginning of the first volume, Tanpopo cut her thigh and Koki binds it with a handkerchief. Later when in front of a bunch of students, he acts as if he doesn't know her so, in an attempt to jog his memory, he lifts the hem of her skirt and points at the bandage he put on. Unfortuneately, she gets a little zealous, and we not only see her bandage but a little of her underwear as well. *Osaka is not amused*

2. Later on in volume two, Tanpopo stays out in the rain and comes down with a fever. She passes out and Tim is obligued to carry her home. Now, being the quick thinking fellow that he is, he realizes that is simply isn't healthy for a sick girl to be in wet clothings. So what's a guy to do but change her out of her wet clothes*sarcasm sarcasm*? We don't see this happen (atleast, I don't think we do), but it was still unfortuneate.

3. In the second volume, there is a bad girl who Tanpopo tries to befriend. This girl quite clearly has no interest in having a relationship with Tanpopo for many reason-- on of which is that Tanpopo is a virgin, a fact which she repeatedly taunts. Later, the bad girl makes references to playing with guys and "going clubbing and to hotel rooms". Later, one of the characters in discovered to be pregnant, and *surpirse* she's not married. The guy who is the father of the baby makes a phone call to his father and sheepishly says something to the effect of "I did it again." (Insinuating this isn't the first girl he's gotten pregnant)

4. A little later, Tanpopo mets the bad girl and her gang in the hall way of a night club and the mean chick tells her gang something along the lines of "She's here because she doesn't want to be a virgin anymore." One of them tries to rip off Tanpopo's shirt, but he's interrupted.

Well, that's all I can think of right now. If anybody wants to add anything-- feel free. Overall, I like this series alot. Tanpopo is nice to everyone, from the spiteful prep to the school's phsychotic stalker. If you can handle the things I mentioned above, you shuld read the first two volumes of this series. Very sweet.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 4:39 pm
by Kisa
What exactly is it about? Like story line? Sounds ok to me so far . . . ^^'

PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 5:18 pm
by Spirit_Wolf8356
You have to admit, thought Mangafanatic, it's still a lot better than Watase's other stuff, although I do like Alice 19th. (Sorry 'bout the wordy name, dear. Haven't heard your nickname.)

Tanpopo is cool. ^_^ She's got awesome determination. Have to admire that about her.

Caved and bought both volumes of Imadoki myself...heh heh...^__^

PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 8:56 pm
by Mangafanatic
Spirit_Wolf8356 wrote:You have to admit, thought Mangafanatic, it's still a lot better than Watase's other stuff, although I do like Alice 19th. (Sorry 'bout the wordy name, dear. Haven't heard your nickname.)

Tanpopo is cool. ^_^ She's got awesome determination. Have to admire that about her.

Caved and bought both volumes of Imadoki myself...heh heh...^__^

Indeed, I would totally agree that Imadoki is better than Yuu Watase's previous work, IMHO. Once I finish the series, I might buy it.

In answer to your question, Kisa, Imadoki is the story of a girl named Tanpopo who tranfers to a new school (a ultra elite school full of stuck up rich kids). When she arrives, she mets Koki who is planting flowers. In her first encounter, he seems atleast somewhat friendly, but, later when around other rich students, he treats Tanpopo like a stranger. Confused by his sudden change in temperments, Tanpopo resolves that she will be his friend --- wether he likes it or not.

Shortly after, Tanpopo volunteers herself for a planting committee where she grows more relationships than flowers. Really this whole manga seems to be about accepting and loving imposible people.

You should check it out or atleast the first two volumes of it. I still reserve my judgment for the series until I've read all of it.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 9:40 pm
by true_noir_chloe
I LOVE THIS SERIES! I am still reading the second volume, but the protagonist alone, being better than any other Yuu Watase protagonist as Mave mentioned, makes me like it. ^__^ Tanpopo (sp?) is so sweet, positve and not a dork who whines all the time. It's so refreshing. It's unfortunate the main guy looks like Tamahome; however, he doesn't seem as brooding and irrationally angry at everything like some of her other male leads - another good reason to like this.

Hey, Mangafanatic you never gave us your nickname. Isn't it Mangafan or Osaka. I just call you the LOTR gal. -__- hehe XDXD

PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:09 pm
by Mangafanatic
true_noir_chloe wrote:Hey, Mangafanatic you never gave us your nickname. Isn't it Mangafan or Osaka. I just call you the LOTR gal. -__- hehe XDXD

Officially, it's Osaka. Unofficially, I also go by Mangafan, ect.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:11 pm
by Kisa
OK! I will check out the first two volumes! Sounds good! Hopefully Watase won't start adding in her signature nudity iin theis one . . .
Thanks for the review Osaka! ^^

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 6:58 am
by Kisa
OOOO I got the first two yesterday! I like it alot!
Her fox Poplar is sooo cute! *hugs him*

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 6:32 am
by Mave
Don't worry, Chloe, Kouki looks like Tamahome but by the end of the series, I bet you're gonna be respecting and liking him.

Do expect a little bit of typical love drama in the middle of the series (ex. Girl likes boy, boy likes girl, another girl likes boy, another boy likes girl etc). But it's not frustrating like the love triangles in the other Watase Yuu works. The characters in this series have the maturity to resolve them and move on in life. That makes this manga title very special (to me).

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 11:06 am
by LightUpTheDark
Being a fan of Watase-san's art work and her snappy dialog I've read Imadoki as well. The only think I think is over the top is the... lunatic behavior of the characters. They're But that's probably why I like it ;)

Actually, I'm a fan of her art work...clean artwork, mind you, because mine's very close to her's in style...though my stories are better, since they have a christian message, lol.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 6:12 pm
by Kisa
I love this series so far! Watase has doen it again in creating a very nice story! I love her art too! Now just keep out the nudity please Watase! ^^'I really like the storyline and how it is going too . . . I think Kouki looks more like Kyo though....

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 6:29 pm
by RoyalWing
I think you just like Kyô alot! ^-^

I think Koki Kougyo is a funny, awkward character. He is always in the funniest parts. I liked it when he said to Tampopo: "You have to show attention to the flower..." and she looks at him as if he has two noses. Then he shows how to love the flower, putting his hands and petting it to love it, :lol:!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 7:35 pm
by Mangafanatic
Yeah, that was great! He's so funny. Like-- the spade of death!!!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 8:14 pm
by Kisa
LOL yes! I love that part when he is always using his scoop! HAHAHA
hey . . . what's so wrong with liking all the Kyo characters? >_< lol

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 8:27 pm
by Mangafanatic
I have no objections. I mean, Yuu writes likable character, and they all just happen to look exactly the same. It's not our fault that she can't come up with some original character design. ;)

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 4:30 am
by Kisa
LOL ^__^'
I was also referring to how I like a couple of Kyo's . . . Kyo in Fruits Basket and Kyo in Alice, lol. Ahhhh so many bishies >_<

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 7:08 am
by Mangafanatic
KisaTohru wrote:LOL ^__^'
I was also referring to how I like a couple of Kyo's . . . Kyo in Fruits Basket and Kyo in Alice, lol. Ahhhh so many bishies >_<

Hehehe, well, I agree with that too! Somebody should make a Kyo banner that had a medley of Kyo pictures. No matter what manga they're from.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 12:26 pm
by Kisa
OOOOO Kyo banner . . . *wanders off with idea*
Wait, how many different Kyos are there?!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 2:21 pm
by Spirit_Wolf8356
Aoi is completely nuts though! *grabs him* I like the nutsy boys. :sweat:

PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 5:24 pm
by Kisa
Hehe go Flippy! I don't like that snobby girl at all! (cant remember name) what's her deal, she will never marry Kouki anyway!
Poplar is soooo cute too^^ I want a pet fox, but they have parasites that they are born with that transfer to humans and hurt us ..... so nevermind.... maybe a plushie then? ^^'

PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 5:58 pm
by Mangafanatic
Yeah, he's uber adorable.

I kind like the snobby girl. She's so forward that I can't help but find her hillarious!

PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 8:28 pm
by Mave
I don't think there's any character that I dislike except for

[spoiler] Kouki's annoying, clingy, spoiled fiancee, Erika >_< That girl needs to have a backbone and stop being so whiny. Sheesh. [/spoiler]

Kouki seems like the brooding type but he lightens up and become really cool when he learns to stand up for his own choices in life.

Tanpopo is the sweetest and kindest girl. I cannot help liking her so much. She's a very strong girl and always thinks of others.

Poplar is one of the cutest critters I've ever seen. XD

I didn't like Tsuki at first but she becomes so funny with her obsession in marrying Kouki and gaining his property haha.

Aoi is a crazy guy but the crazy cool type. XD

When I think about it, I generally like all the characters except for Kouki's parents and the "spoiler" person.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 5:22 am
by Kisa
Yea, I like Tanpopo the best and Poplar, but Kouki really grows with his new friends and Aoi is just so darn crazy its cute ^^
Tsuki, I dunno, obsessive girls like that that are so mean just make me mad, especially cause shes so mean to poor Tanpopo....
Spoiler person, yea I don't like them either..... so clingy and helpless, bleh.... ><