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Postby Vampi » Mon Feb 16, 2004 6:18 pm

wiggins wrote:...could some one help me with names? I need to name all the characters...

What in the world? YOU NEED TO NAME THEM MAN~!!! A name is an important part of a person!! (Name them after their personalities or something...) The churches over here base their names on their denomination and a word describing their mission/goal/church body. And then they shorten them down to initials.

The 4 planes idea is very hard....I tried to do something like it and it didn't work out...... After many attempts, the story finally split into two...one in the physical world and the other in the spiritual world. (Funny though...they both have the same title and contain the same characters...)
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Feb 17, 2004 5:38 am

Conversely, The Fall (my own series) exists on three planes at once (supernatural, human and spirit) and worked out fine. I considered splitting it in two, or leaving the angelic in a different area, but in the end kept them together and I am glad I did. Just to balance Vampi's example, and urge you to do whatever you feel God wants you to.

Meanwhile, a shonen manga from Mave would be interesting. But considering Kingdom Come is still going, I'm not going to be impatient.

Church names: here lies a major issue. Do you want these church members to be a part of a specific denomination? Most churches have names based upon such. Other than that, most church names are pretty basic, such as [City] Church of God. Your choice.
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Postby wiggins » Tue Feb 17, 2004 7:39 am

I want the church to be non-denominational.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Feb 17, 2004 1:22 pm

Probably a wise choice. I'd support Fellowship of [something] or a basic church name such as the one that I mentioned before. Most churches that are nondenomination are generally that way.
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Postby Mave » Tue Feb 17, 2004 6:23 pm

Existing non-denominational fellowships I've joined are as follows:

_[place]___ City Blessing
Asian Youth Ambassadors
Lifeline Fellowship

It might get ideas flowing..

Let me kick in some other names from my university's organizations listings...

His House
Abundant Life
Living Bread
Campus Crusade for Christ
Common Ground
Cutting Edge
Impact Movement
Just for Christ
Life Changers
_____ Student Movement
United Christians
Way Christian
(most end with 'Christian fellowship)

Interesting names, huh? May this help...or not..0.o
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Postby Pepper Kittie » Tue Feb 17, 2004 9:44 pm

Church names... hard one. A lot of them are just named by the places that they're located in, like say you lived in Toka, it could be Toka Bible Church. Lol, I have absolutely no clue if Toka exists, just an example for ya XD My church doesn't have a denomination either and it ends like that. Mave's got some great suggestions too ^^
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Postby wiggins » Thu Feb 19, 2004 2:20 pm

I've got it! The church name is Sheepfold Community Church. In Luke, I read Jesus referred to His people as the sheep fold when He was talking about how His sheep knew His voice and would follow only Him.

However, I've another question (I kinda need this answer if possible to this one by today, because um... tomorrow my family is going out on a family trip, the kind with long car rides. I wanted to work on the script/dialogue then, but if no it's still ok): What are the mechanics of churches? I understand the head of the church is the pastor, and then there's the congregation. But who are deacons? And are there any other positions in the church that I don't know about? And most importantly, if a group of people who have some degree of strength in the church hierarchy so to speak want to suggest to or rather get the pastor to move the youth group to be more active and go out and find their own facility, what position would they be in? What should their standing be and how would they approach the pastor on a potentially volatile topic such as this especially if the pastor and the youth group leader have been friends for a long time? Thanks guys!
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Postby uc pseudonym » Thu Feb 19, 2004 5:37 pm

I'm uncertain if this response is soon enough. Ah well.

Churches vary extremely, so you could do just about anything you want. Almost all churches have a head pastor, and many have associate pastors who handle some of the work and preach some sermons. Also, many have a youth pastor, which you already have planned.

I'd support having a church without a major hierarchy. If you have deacons, they're elder Christians of the church who handle some other duties. Also, most churches have committees to handle many things. For example: a Property Committee, to handle the building itself.

I think any member would be able to approach the pastor in that way. I can't think of a reason they couldn't, anyway.
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Postby wiggins » Fri Feb 20, 2004 12:39 pm

Thanks UC. It was on time. I would have responded earlier, but my family and I were rushing off to Stratford upon Avon to remember William Shakespeare.
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