Dragon Knights is an AWESOME manga.
It's fairly obscure, but it has a good plot and amazing characters.
A few warnings: there is magic. There is a fair amount of swearing, though no one ever drops the f-bomb. There is violence and blood. There are youkai. Yeah, go ahead and be offended by that all you want - youkai and demon is fairly interchangeable at the beginning of the series, though as it progresses the term youkai is used instead of demon. No bad religious content as far as I can imagine, just an alchemist named Kharl, who wants to resurrect his dead master. There are a couple nudity instances - so if you want to avoid those, just PM me and I can give you the page numbers so you can skip over them. ^_^
All in all, I love Dragon Knights. It's a lengthy series, but the plot twists have kept me hanging in there waiting for the ending. ^_^ Love Garfakcy or else.