Searching for Lyrics (J-pop)

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Searching for Lyrics (J-pop)

Postby Elycien » Sat Jul 05, 2008 1:28 pm

Okay. So I found this group on iTunes called "asterisk." iTunes has their first album, called *1, and it has a few songs on there that I really would like lyrics/translation to. But I can't find them anywhere. The songs are Yakusokuno Hana (or possibly Yakusoku no Hana, but that's how I've seen it spelled most of the time), Sizu Kokoro, and Paraffin. Also, the vocalist is Youko Ueno.

If anyone knows where I can find lyrics, especially if said lyrics are translated, I would be very happy. ^_^ Or, if anyone here actually speaks Japanese and could translate from listening to it, you can stream it (free and legally) from Rhapsody:*1

Thank you ^^;; I'm really curious about this.

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