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New Age Music - why it's dangerous

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 9:23 pm
by Fsiphskilm
A lot of people i know listen to this stuff and really they never let me finish my argument when i tell them the truth about this...

Q:What is New Age Music?
A:It is a serene form of music that puts people in a state of relaxation (using accustic instruments is most popular in new age)

Q:is relaxation a sin then?
A: No it's not that... the music also has another effect, it puts the lsitener in a hypnotic like relaxing mood and really opens them up to a world of occult(new age)

Q: what's New Age?
A: the new age is the movment of -> Occult, magic, white witchcraft, universal healing, yoga, magic spells, unicorns, neo pagan gods, etc...

Q: What IS WRONG with New age music?
A: It's not the STYLE of the music, i as a christian can make music that SOUNDS like new age but it wouldn't be harmfull, why? becasue it's NOT the relaxing pleasure of accustic instruments that is harmfull but what the singers sing about...

On the outside it sounds nice and relaxing but if you got deep into the music you'll find out that hard-core NEW AGE bands have CD's with songs that have NO BEAT, NO VIOCES, just chanting in the background....and it is just sick...

New age can sound like everything from RAP to's not the melody that's demonic or evil it's the words.... New age CD's are classified under that catagory by what teh artist beleaves in and sings about.,....just like christian music can be anything from rap to country to techno, same with NEW AGE... it's not a TYPE of music it's a Beleife and a UNIT of artists.

i used to be into satanism and withcraft..the way i started was with new age...after i became a christian i was still a little weak and vulnerable..... i herd ENYA's "Carabean Blue" and it gave me afealing sick to my stumach!!!! That night i had horrible dreams and couldn't go to sleep which is why i tell all my freinds NOT to play any NEW AGE around drives me crazy and really scares the crap outa me... i guess i've just grown immune to the hypnotic mask of NEW AGE and i when i hear it i feal it in it's har core- natural state... Truely Evil music...sorry man for being so close minded but after nightmares and bad fealings not to mension what new age did to me i deam this music in my opinion BAD... STAY AWAT FROM IT...

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 10:33 pm
by Gypsy
Well, if any kind of music is giving you nightmares, then it's probably a good thing that you stay away from it. As for "new age" music, yes it is often used for meditation purposes, and the style of it is pretty spacey, but not all of it is bad. Like Bouncer mentioned, it can be very relaxing to listen to.

I actually like a lot of Enya's stuff. I also listen to a lot of Marie Brennan, Enya's Christian sister and lead singer of Clannad.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 10:37 pm
by inkhana
I guess if you're weak to that sort of thing, yes, it could indeed be a problem. But for the most part, when there are so many other kinds of music that are so much more poisonous, I find it a little hard to believe that a genre that is comprised of soft, relaxing sounds and sometimes light singing is evil. Especially since when you're in a meditative state, you can meditate on whatever you choose, including the holiness of God. My two cents.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2003 6:00 am
by Technomancer
most "new age" music from what I've heard doesn't have lyrics. A lot of it is just soft music, some synths and nature sounds. Some of it's not bad (hey! Clannad, cool.). Then again, I also like Gregorian chant.

In any event, the particular beliefs of a singer/band are not really an issue for me if the music is well done and original (depending on the song). Simply listening to music, especially if it's just instrumental is not going affect my beliefs.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2003 8:48 pm
by Fsiphskilm
there is no....if it makes you weak...... on this one......i'm tellin you dude... i got into this stuff and i know a lot about it.....exposing yourself to this isn't good wheather it bothers you or not...

and about the me having nightmares and stuff......a lot of my spiritual descisions happen to me when i sleep..... when the rest of the world and surrounding can't conflict with descisions i'm making....if i dream it bad...then it's bad man...i've always had that "Holy Spirit Fealing"

just watch out for it... it can sneak up on you....just cuz there's NO LYRICS doesn't mean it doesn't have FEALING, INTENSTION.....MUSIC IS made by putting your fealings and soul into it......dark souls make dark music.....

Don't expect SATAN to pop out in front of you with a pitch-fork and say "COME LISTEN TO MY DEMONIC MUSIC" of course not....luscifer is very very smart.....he'll relax you and while you daze off into sleep it's when you'll get stabed....NEW AGE didn't give me a bad fealing at's the after-effect.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2003 9:03 pm
by Shinja
yani just freaks me out,

but on topic, any music can be used for evil, just like most other things. weather all new age music is bad or not i dont know, i know that it is used for meditaion in new age religion, which kinda puts it into a catagory i dont want to mess with, and it is posible for the devil to mess with people through it, so watch what you listen too, and pray about it, and if you feel Gods telling you to get rid of, well get rid of it.

oh yeah enya gives me a bad vibe, too.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2003 9:26 pm
by inkhana
Well, Bouncer, first of all, yes it is a "weak" thing. If something like an instrumental piece of music is bothering you so much, then fine. Don't listen to it. But don't talk as if we're all ignorant and only you understand this. It's just like a lot of other things; a matter of conviction. And if a person is putting that much into anything other than music intended for worship, that's a problem with them and not the music.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2003 9:43 pm
by Stephen
Can I just...point somthing out without hurting feelings? I notice you have a post about the band love Aqua...yet would make a thread implying ignorance to those that listen to newage music....yet you listen to Aqua? That seems kind of funny to me...I find more offense to lyrics that all seem sex and party oriented...then songs with no lyrics....but, lyrics speak for have quite a slew...but here are just the first few i found before I got bored of reading...AQUA Lyrics

Happy Boys and Girls (first song they had lyrics listed for)

"Be happy...
Come on let's go get it on!
Be happy. Be happy...
Come on let's go get it on!
Be happy...
Everybody let's go have some fun

I don't want to waste my time on simple little things
I'd rather stay here all the night with happy boys who sings
Come on let's go get it on, everybody let's go have some fun"
And new age has a bad message?

Be A Man
"I know she must be special,
this new girl by your side
I seek for answers when I look into your eyes,
And it hurts like he** but, I will be strong"

More nice lyrics....

We Belong To the Sea

"Come on into my waves
You can sleep in my caves
Let me know that you will hold me
Till the tides take my soul"

I am not saying Aqua is wrong, and I am not saying all Newage is wrong. Like Ink said...which she hit on the button its up to personal can't go around telling others what they should be convicted of...thats up to the Lord.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2003 9:57 pm
by Haibane Shadsie
Eh. I don't think music is evil. I think lyrics can be evil, but not music itself. You sound a little paranoid to me, but if it freaks you out, don't listen to it.

I'm not into New Age music myself. I'm into rock and alternative rock. There are people who say that is evil just because of the "beat" and "sound". I just think they're dorks - a lot of Christian bands play in rock styles, and even with secular bands, I like the beat and I can find positive messages in their lyrics.

My favorite band is U2. I especially like their classic stuff from the 1980s. (And, though they play in secular circles, I do believe they are Christians). They sing a lot about peace.

Um... you dissed unicorns. :shady: Unicorns are a mythical animal, as in fiction, and not evil in themselves. They were used in Renaissance art as a symbol for chastity. I think they've even been used as a symbol for Christ. Generally, they are a symbol for innocence and purity, and fundamentally, they are just - a fictional type of horse with a horn. I love mythical animals. They hold whatever symbolism an individual assigns to them.

Whoa Hold On A Sec...

PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 7:33 pm
by Fsiphskilm
Hey man i know i offended yall a bit but really i'm just trying to be serious. Like some other people said it give's em bad vibes, and really that's what i'm trying to say.....just be carefulll and stay away so ya don't get sucked in... I know i was sounding a bit too Close Minded back there on my first post and really i only do it cuz i was into this stuff for like 3 years...

Really i am an open minded Person...i don't like black magic but yet i own all the Final Fantasies... cuz really it doesn't bother me and i know what your saying.... But from over here i see it as an Intension VS. Unintensional... Final FAntasy is made by Japanese...and if you get deep into there culture.....their just trying to be like Americans, when they saw the accult no one really told them it was 'bad' and so now they accept it...........they don't really know what their doing, Like 99% of manga & anime is like occultic...they are vbery uineducated about it and me having a past in the occult i can tell what's intensional...the japanese are just trying to fill a spiritual hole with spiritually unclean things....if you notice even their most demonic sounding anie and manga has freindships, hope, faith, and beleaving. ya know.... but stuff like New Age is intensionally made that way... i don't hate new age pepole and i don't think they are demonic some of them don't really know what their gettin into....all my freinds around me are NON-Chrsitian....some do drugs, others aren't virgins, pericings & tatoos, newage and wicca is very abundant around me..... And
yet i accept them and love them....i don't judge them... cuz later on wehn they see that i don't have to worry about: hell, or pericing infections, or STD's or AIDS, when they see how nice and clean my life is...they will come to me on their own....and i really am sorry for sounding so ignorant and being like "well this is evil and don't do it" i just ya know...typing letter is different from expalinging it in much emotion and fealling is lost when a person types...

About AQUA.... yes you are right...some aqua lyrics sound nasty but that is unintensional.....if you've seen their music videos you'll get what i mean...... i'll explain everything below...
Aqua is european, just because they talk about something sexual, don't be fooled, it is nothing by mear metamorph or simile. Aqua sings about things like baloons, and fish, and really childish innoscent stuff, while i agree some of their stuff does have sexual themes i'm not going to stand up for them on that one.

aqua - barbie girl
"you can touch, you can play, if you say i'm always yours"
sexual->sexual conduct
actual meaning-> in music video imagin a little girl playing and undressing her favorite barbie.
overall-> After seeing the music video i'd have to say it was the most innoscnet and cute thing i have ever seen in my life... Lene is so addorable aqua might have sexual lyrics but innoscent music videos while CHer has innoscent(?) lyrics but horrible SEXUAL videos.

We belong to the sea
Come on into my waves
You can sleep in my caves (actually i think that's a typo i listened very carefully to the lyrics and after see ing the music video i herd"come on into my waves, (something) stay with my gaze(the fish likes looking at her).
sexual-> sleeping with people in the sea caves
actual-> The music video shows an environmental like animal rights girl steal a lonely little fish from it's aquairium and try to take it back to the sea... she wants to stay with the fish but knows she must release it"
overall-> i still think the fish is a little (perv) but the theme isn't sexual.

other -> "let's go get it on" has so many different meanings just like "let's do it" do you want to go to the sea? sure lets' do it. -> okay are you guys ready for the football game? Yea let's go get it on.....
I'm not just protecting them cuz i like a couple songs...i'm not really their fan. but i'm just saying it's-> Aqua might be sexual vs. New age that's (well new age-> wicca, black magic, universal healing etc....endless list)

Sorry about the unicorn remark....i like Phoenix's because they have been converted from mythological beasts to symbolisms of chrsit's rebirth.....if you can convert unicorns (i would still be weird) but as long as you are carefull and have proof, then go girl.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 8:14 pm
by Fsiphskilm
Haibane Shadsie wrote:Eh. I don't think music is evil. I think lyrics can be evil, but not music itself. You sound a little paranoid to me, but if it freaks you out, don't listen to it.

I'm not into New Age music myself. I'm into rock and alternative rock. There are people who say that is evil just because of the "beat" and "sound". I just think they're dorks - a lot of Christian bands play in rock styles, and even with secular bands, I like the beat and I can find positive messages in their lyrics.

i read about the origins of rock(which wasn't rock at all) used human hide for the drums and the beat is demionic but that's just a load of elephant poop. Really people don't use human hide anymore....and there is no "demonic sound" techno -> my favorite is used a lot in sexual bars becasue the beat influences the mind (the techno beat is almost 97% exactly like the sound of a human heart....the beeps and sound effects - synthesisers - are pleasing to the mind and the repetative beat and ruthym can be used to energyze yet calm the mind or as other people discovered sexually arouse people... but ALL music is neutral...and depends on how it is used....i've herd nasty techno and christian techno and secular just be happy and rave techno.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 10:06 pm
by bemanisuperstar
Ahhhhh normally a post like this would offend me but You all seem to really know what you are all talking about Unlike 'SOME OTHER FORUM"

Music is only evil if you make it out as such.

Nothing wrong with some Slayer from time to time.

Only real Satanic music I know of is Hanson and their evil cross dressing with out cross dressing ways.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 10:12 pm
by Straylight
This thread is going to go nowhere. Locked.