The Malignant Tumor of the Music Industry

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The Malignant Tumor of the Music Industry

Postby PumpkinKoRn52 » Mon Aug 30, 2004 4:07 pm

Rap. Plain and simple. I hate rap with every fiber of my soul. Rap is the poorest excuse for music I could ever find. I'd rather listen to a disco-country-pop combination than rap. The following is the criteria for a rap every rap song(with the exception of christian rap, which only falls one category short.)

1. A repeated monotonous beat. It usually has an annoying techno voice or quote in the backgroung, followed by a simple drum beat that a mentally disabled child could beat out, followed by a loud burst of bass, to give the song meaning.
2. Lyrics that are soleley about having sex, drinking, getting high, and repeatedley stating how great they are.(all but christian rappers.) If the lyrics are not about this, they are usually about how they hate someone, how they talk trash with their buddys but are truly weak alone, and how they reapeatedley blast what they think isn't normal or hate. Example: Taken form a black eyed peas song, known as "where is the love." Black eyed peas says the following:
"Overseas, yeah, we try to stop terrorism
But we still got terrorists here livin'
In the USA, the big CIA
The Bloods and The Crips and the KKK"
The Black Eyed Peas, for some wierd reason, believe the CIA, KKK, Bloods and the Crips are terreorist orginazatons. This is entireley unfounded. I do not support the KKK, but they are not a terrorist orginazation. I also do not support either of them, but the bloods and the crips are gangs, not terrorist orginazatoins. And how could any body believe that the CIA, the Governments own Central Intelligence Agancy, is a terrorist orginazatoin?
3. Lyrics compiled of words created so they could finish a rhyme, or the same word reapeated over and over again so they can still fall under the illusion that they are creating rhymes. I can easily provide an example: From the same Black Eyed Peas song:
"What's wrong with the world, mama
People livin' like they ain't got no mamas"
Yeah, great job ryhming mama with mamas. Wonder how long it took them to figure that one up. There are plenty of other examples, but I don't want to hunt down lyrics for this reason:
4. Lyrics which contain extremeley vulgar language.(With the exception of christian rappers.)
5.(Optional) A guest appearance from another rapper who raps one verse or screams out "Yeah!!!" This is optional, but very often does happen.
6.(Optional) A music video that is just the rapper standing around rapping accompanied by half naked women moving in slow motion. There have been rare circumstances when a rapper's video does not include this, but it is extremely rare.

In closing, Rap is the worst form of music, if you could call it that, that exists.
I use to listen to rap, for about a week, with my brother who is a complete moronic conformist. That is the extent of the rap I've listened too, with the exception of when my brother drives. Remember kids, you can't spell crap, without rap.

That's my rant. Post opinions here. :rant:
"Relax, turn around, and take my hand." Tool
"Heir Kommt Die Sonne." Rammestein
"Now the world is gone, I'm just one. Oh please God help me." Metallica
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"All and all your just another brick in the wall." Pink Floyd.
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Postby PumpkinKoRn52 » Mon Aug 30, 2004 4:26 pm

I seriously want comments on this.
"Relax, turn around, and take my hand." Tool
"Heir Kommt Die Sonne." Rammestein
"Now the world is gone, I'm just one. Oh please God help me." Metallica
"Are You Ready?!?" KoRn
"All and all your just another brick in the wall." Pink Floyd.
The downfall of society will be society itself.
Rap is the malignant tumor of the music industry.
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Postby glitch1501 » Mon Aug 30, 2004 4:35 pm

i dont listen to secular rap(only christian rap(and not very much of that either)), so i pretty much agree with you on most of the topics, just not as zealous(ly?)

i dont hate it, just its near the bottom of my list

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Postby ShiroiHikari » Mon Aug 30, 2004 4:51 pm

whoa, easy on the hate. I detest rap too, but seriously, let's try to keep this thread from erupting into something bad please.
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Postby Hitokiri » Mon Aug 30, 2004 7:18 pm

I dislike rap as well, in all forms. I can stomach Christian Rap but still I can't listen to it.

But I dont hate the rappers and people who do the music. I don't like thier messages but I care for them and I love them, even though it may be hard to. Hopefully, they can change thier ways.

One intresting story I was at a KJ-52 concert (it was at Alive 2003) and he said how this one person who got to talk to Eminem for a while gave him one of KJ-52's c.d. He said thiers a song on thier that talks and addresses you. Emininem responded "what does he trash me?". The guy says "far from it" just listen to it and think bout it he said with a smile.

No ones sure if Eminem actually listened to the song or even thought bout what KJ was saying but at least he has that c.d. in his hands.

Christians need not to show hate towards todays rappers but show Christs love. I just said that cause from reading what PumpkinKorn was saying, I just felt some hatred behidn those words and I felt I need to let that off my chest.

But I do agree rap is the worst exscuse for music. As I walk on campus, all you hear is rap, rap, rap. I blare christian heavy metal, christian heavy metal, christian heavy metal. I get yelled at lol. And when I come home, I have to deal with more rap cause thats what my teenage sister likes ::sigh:: oh well at least she listens to christian rap.
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Postby Htom Sirveaux » Mon Aug 30, 2004 7:38 pm

There's a scant few rap songs I actually like. What really, really bugs me is when they dub it over good classic rock.
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Postby Hitokiri » Mon Aug 30, 2004 8:32 pm

SpoonyBard wrote:What really, really bugs me is when they dub it over good classic rock.

I second that
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Postby DrNic » Tue Aug 31, 2004 3:12 am

Raps ok. It sprung forth bands like Linkin Park, Thousand Foot Krutch, The Red Hot Chilis and The Transplants who have all benifited from rap influenced styles.

The majority of rap is, as you said, poorer than a hobo with cardboard vital organs. All popular rap consists of the same regurgitated garbage about sex,drugs,drive-bys and the 'luxery' life of 'pimpin'. All rappers have egos impossible to conseal within their small heads and all like boasting about the 'time' they've done and the no. of times they've been in jail.

I'm not particulaly keen on christian rap as it comes across as kinda cheesy but is respectable as its for a good cause.

And there we go, my two cents on the matter...
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Postby glitch1501 » Tue Aug 31, 2004 3:33 am

DrNic wrote:Raps ok. It sprung forth bands like Linkin Park, Thousand Foot Krutch, The Red Hot Chilis and The Transplants who have all benifited from rap influenced styles.

agreed, rapcore does own....

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Every New Day - On Distant Shores - Five Iron Frenzy

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Postby Icarus » Tue Aug 31, 2004 12:47 pm

Just to be clear, I like Christian rap.

PumpkinKoRn52 wrote:Rap. Plain and simple. I hate rap with every fiber of my soul.

1. ... followed by a loud burst of bass, to give the song meaning.
LOL and yet, people like it for just that, the simple beats and thumping bass.
2. Lyrics that are soleley about having sex, drinking, getting high, and repeatedley stating how great they are.
If you didn't hate rap, I'd recommend "Hello, Ego," by John Reuben, as he lambastes that last practice.

But yes, I stopped listening to secular rap because of all the obscenity.

If the lyrics are not about this, they are usually about how they hate someone, how they talk trash with their buddys but are truly weak alone, and how they reapeatedley blast what they think isn't normal or hate. Example: Taken form a black eyed peas song, known as "where is the love." Black eyed peas says the following:
"Overseas, yeah, we try to stop terrorism
But we still got terrorists here livin'
In the USA, the big CIA
The Bloods and The Crips and the KKK"
The Black Eyed Peas, for some wierd reason, believe the CIA, KKK, Bloods and the Crips are terreorist orginazatons. This is entireley unfounded. I do not support the KKK, but they are not a terrorist orginazation. I also do not support either of them, but the bloods and the crips are gangs, not terrorist orginazatoins. And how could any body believe that the CIA, the Governments own Central Intelligence Agancy, is a terrorist orginazatoin?

I believe that you missed the point of that song. It's not about them hating those groups, but rather it is them pleading for an end to violence and distrust. Of course, that is another favorite topic of hip-hop, as gang banging is so prevalent in the culture that spawns it.

3. Lyrics compiled of words created so they could finish a rhyme, or the same word reapeated over and over again so they can still fall under the illusion that they are creating rhymes. I can easily provide an example: From the same Black Eyed Peas song:
"What's wrong with the world, mama
People livin' like they ain't got no mamas"

I have no argurment what so ever. Solecisms are a pet peeve of mine. Bomb the Ghetto.

4. Lyrics which contain extremeley vulgar language.(With the exception of christian rappers.)
5.(Optional) A guest appearance from another rapper who raps one verse or screams out "Yeah!!!" This is optional, but very often does happen.
And it's hilarious that they are always given credit, even if only for the "Yeah!"

In closing, Rap is the worst form of music, if you could call it that, that exists.
I use to listen to rap, for about a week, with my brother who is a complete moronic conformist. That is the extent of the rap I've listened too, with the exception of when my brother drives. Remember kids, you can't spell crap, without rap.

No offense to any, but nor can you spell crock without rock.

I won't attempt to trace its history, but black music has always had an obvious, steady rhythm. It is not made to last the ages, but to give you something to dance to.
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Postby Hitokiri » Tue Aug 31, 2004 12:55 pm

:o I'm appalled Icarus!! shame shame :lol: ;)

very good arguments there. I have nothing wrong with Christian Rap. I just can't listen to it. It doesn't entertain me as much.

I just have a probelm with secular rap.
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Postby PumpkinKoRn52 » Tue Aug 31, 2004 1:14 pm

In response, I say this. I don't hate rappers, just rap. There, now to the other replies. Dr.Nic, you brought up a great point. I hate Rap even more for spwning Linkin Park now. The only good rap-metal band that ever existed was Rage Against The Machiene, mainly because the band was so freakin good. Spoonybard, another graet point. Whenever a rapper remixes a classic, I want to lock them in a little cage where they cannot rap or they will be shocked with a taser. Maybe not that extreme, but they should not have the right to redo the song. And in response to Icarus, what can you spell with Metal? Nothing! Hah!
"Relax, turn around, and take my hand." Tool
"Heir Kommt Die Sonne." Rammestein
"Now the world is gone, I'm just one. Oh please God help me." Metallica
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"All and all your just another brick in the wall." Pink Floyd.
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Postby DrNic » Tue Aug 31, 2004 1:24 pm

I hate Rap even more for spwning Linkin Park now

Whatever dude. It's your opinion but just remember...actually I can't think of a good come back apart from Rage Against the Machine sound too much like Limp Bizkit (another evil spawn of rap).

Whenever a rapper remixes a classic, I want to lock them in a little cage where they cannot rap or they will be shocked with a taser.

Hey, that reminds me! Today I heard the abomination of all abominations! A dance track version of Poison by Alice Cooper!! I wanted to personally extract the singers voicebox and insert it into her eye socket!!! yeah! What a sad, sad day this is for the world of rock n' roll... *hangs head in shame*
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Postby Kenchii » Tue Aug 31, 2004 1:53 pm

I was hoping a thread like this would show up.

I've read though all the post and I have to come to a conclution that I also hate rap music.

Its comes to a point where society will do anything for money. and I mean anything.

QUICKEDIT: Too all you rap/rock fans who listen to linkin park, tfk, ect the style is going away. and there will be NO LONGER NU-METAL/RAPCORE. I know a sad days....bleh, whatever.


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Postby Ssjjvash » Tue Aug 31, 2004 1:59 pm

(Funny, I was about to put up a rap thread too...heh.)

You want opinoins do you? -.-

Don't worry, even though I am allll for rap, I will not get mad at those who don't like it. I don't listen to Eminem or anything like that--what I like is Christian rap with clean lyrics.

Not all Christian rap is good though. Some of it is terrible and lame.
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Postby DrNic » Tue Aug 31, 2004 2:24 pm

QUICKEDIT: Too all you rap/rock fans who listen to linkin park, tfk, ect the style is going away. and there will be NO LONGER NU-METAL/RAPCORE. I know a sad days....bleh, whatever.

I'm sorry but why would I care if music was 'going out', thats a really ignorant thing to say, why would I listen to music just because everyone else is listening to it. Oh, and Nu-metal already died, there was a free sticker in Kerrang once that said Numetal : 1994-2001 on a gravestone. Probably because of Limp Bizkits demise (now thats one band I won't miss!)

Not all Christian rap is good though. Some of it is terrible and lame.

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Postby Hitokiri » Tue Aug 31, 2004 3:28 pm

John Rueben and KJ-52 are th eonly rap artists I like and can listen to. I don't like gangsta rap nor christian gangsta rap lol

not abig rapcore fan myself....I dont really consider TFK rapcore myself. Anyways if they were, I'd still love them. I've been a loyal fan of thiers for like 5 years now (ever since they gor started) and I like thier new stuff more than ever (i still love thier old stuff as well).
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Postby panegryst » Tue Aug 31, 2004 5:08 pm

PumpkinKoRn52 wrote:The only good rap-metal band that ever existed was Rage Against The Machiene, mainly because the band was so freakin good.

oh man, I love Rage Against The Machine. their lyrics are sometimes so nonsensical it hurts, though: 'Hoover/He was a body remover', indeed... it's a shame those boys broke up and now Zach deLaRocha is forced to write cheap 'Bush-hater' songs to even get on a CD...

PumpkinKoRn52 wrote:And in response to Icarus, what can you spell with Metal? Nothing! Hah!


p.s. rap is t3h suck
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Postby PumpkinKoRn52 » Wed Sep 01, 2004 5:30 am

Hopefully RapMetal will die, but Nu-Metal is still goin strong. As long as KoRn's around, there will be Nu-Metal.
"Relax, turn around, and take my hand." Tool
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"Now the world is gone, I'm just one. Oh please God help me." Metallica
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Postby righteous_slave » Wed Sep 01, 2004 6:28 am

I happen to like rap (along with metal, punk, techno, industrial, etc). Most secular rap has degenerated into all the things that Dr.Nic listed at the start, and hopefully it will hurry up and collapse upon itself. There are good Christian rappers (Verbs, KJ-52, Lil' Raskull, Rubadub, come immediatly to mind) and there used to be some good, intelligent secular rappers too (Run DMC {Down with the King was awesome}, Pete Rock and C.L. Smooth, KRS-1, Heavy D, Sir Mix-a-lot {listen to "One Time Got No Case", an account of police harassment that ends not with the stereotypical gunfight, but by getting the cop kicked off the force through the system}) The best rappers and DJs weave a tapistry using beats, samples, and sound effects over which stories are told, social ills lambasted, and sometimes fun is had too (DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince). I walk down the rap/urban aisle of the local Hastings and see nothing but gang graphitti on black album covers and big parental advisory stickers on the albums.

Rapcore/numetal: I couldn't stand any of the secular bands I heard (Korn, RATM, old Fear Factory) until I got saved and heard POD, Jacks of All Trades, later Demon Hunter. I don't know what made the difference.

PS Dr.Nic Bizkit sounds like RATM since Rage first hit back when I was in high school. The only thing I liked about them was the "we have determined that your whole system sucks" t-shirt.
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Postby PumpkinKoRn52 » Wed Sep 01, 2004 1:32 pm

Rage and Limp Bizkit sound nothing alike. Don't insult Ragelike that.
"Relax, turn around, and take my hand." Tool
"Heir Kommt Die Sonne." Rammestein
"Now the world is gone, I'm just one. Oh please God help me." Metallica
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"All and all your just another brick in the wall." Pink Floyd.
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Postby Kisa » Wed Sep 01, 2004 2:11 pm

I dont like rap either, I actually cant stand it . . .
Christian rap is a little less bad but still, rap is not music . . .
I personally like punk and rock ^^
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Postby Htom Sirveaux » Wed Sep 01, 2004 3:59 pm

righteous_slave wrote:I happen to like rap (along with metal, punk, techno, industrial, etc). Most secular rap has degenerated into all the things that Dr.Nic listed at the start, and hopefully it will hurry up and collapse upon itself. There are good Christian rappers (Verbs, KJ-52, Lil' Raskull, Rubadub, come immediatly to mind) and there used to be some good, intelligent secular rappers too (Run DMC {Down with the King was awesome}, Pete Rock and C.L. Smooth, KRS-1, Heavy D, Sir Mix-a-lot {listen to "One Time Got No Case", an account of police harassment that ends not with the stereotypical gunfight, but by getting the cop kicked off the force through the system}) The best rappers and DJs weave a tapistry using beats, samples, and sound effects over which stories are told, social ills lambasted, and sometimes fun is had too (DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince). I walk down the rap/urban aisle of the local Hastings and see nothing but gang graphitti on black album covers and big parental advisory stickers on the albums.

Rapcore/numetal: I couldn't stand any of the secular bands I heard (Korn, RATM, old Fear Factory) until I got saved and heard POD, Jacks of All Trades, later Demon Hunter. I don't know what made the difference.

PS Dr.Nic Bizkit sounds like RATM since Rage first hit back when I was in high school. The only thing I liked about them was the "we have determined that your whole system sucks" t-shirt.

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Postby Yojimbo » Wed Sep 01, 2004 9:15 pm

I'm guessing most of you guys haven't heard Talib Kweli or Jurrasic 5 who actuallly have some meaning behind their songs and forgo the drugs, sex, and violence. Yes they still do curse but like cursing in a good movie I didn't feel it was there just for shock value. Not to mention all the old school stuff like Grandmaster Flash, Run DMC, Tone Luc, KRS-1, and some of the other artists righteous listed.
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Postby PumpkinKoRn52 » Thu Sep 02, 2004 11:51 am

A few exceptions don't overwiegh the collective.
"Relax, turn around, and take my hand." Tool
"Heir Kommt Die Sonne." Rammestein
"Now the world is gone, I'm just one. Oh please God help me." Metallica
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"All and all your just another brick in the wall." Pink Floyd.
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Postby Htom Sirveaux » Thu Sep 02, 2004 4:02 pm

I'll venture a guess you wouldn't have liked my "CAA members freestyle" thing. I got a bunch of people to sign up for it and wrote a freestyle with all their names in it. I should do one again sometime, come to think of it.
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Postby righteous_slave » Fri Sep 03, 2004 5:36 am

PumpkinKoRn52 wrote:A few exceptions don't overwiegh the collective.

No they don't, but the exceptions should be held up as exceptions, not lumped in with the rest of the junk. Plus the simple fact that we are talking about people's opinions, which have a tendency to vary from person to person. :grin:
You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness. Rom. 6:18

God can do anything, anytime, anyway He wants to.......if He wants to paint me blue and hang me upside down nekkid from an apple tree, thats alright, as long as it's God doing it. Of course, if He comes through with a directive like that, I might have to ask for some I.D. Michael Wanke
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Postby PumpkinKoRn52 » Fri Sep 03, 2004 5:36 am

Hey SpponyBard, by freestyle, you mean rap right? If you mean just writing songs, I'll do that, but I'm proud to say I can't rap. And I do hold those as exceptions, but you can't base the whole on exceptions. Some people try to do that.
"Relax, turn around, and take my hand." Tool
"Heir Kommt Die Sonne." Rammestein
"Now the world is gone, I'm just one. Oh please God help me." Metallica
"Are You Ready?!?" KoRn
"All and all your just another brick in the wall." Pink Floyd.
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Postby Hitokiri » Fri Sep 03, 2004 8:03 am

its fun to freestyle when you know you can do that. All I can rhyme is "cat and hat"
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Location: Yatsushiro-shi, Kumamoto-ken

Postby greyscale42 » Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:04 am

Thts ... just ..... sad. Although I cant say much I cant rap either. I dont like rap mostly because off..... EVERY DOG GONE THING ABOUT IT!!! Its annoying, monotonous, and over all cheesy. Mainly rappers have an ego ranging from "I am the greatest" or "Im no. 1" to "I own the World". O sorry miss quote "I be da greatest" or "I ownz da World *enter cussword here*"
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