greyscale42 wrote:Thts ... just ..... sad. Although I cant say much I cant rap either. I dont like rap mostly because off..... EVERY DOG GONE THING ABOUT IT!!! Its annoying, monotonous, and over all cheesy. Mainly rappers have an ego ranging from "I am the greatest" or "Im no. 1" to "I own the World". O sorry miss quote "I be da greatest" or "I ownz da World *enter cussword here*"
PumpkinKoRn52 wrote:Hey SpponyBard, by freestyle, you mean rap right? If you mean just writing songs, I'll do that, but I'm proud to say I can't rap. And I do hold those as exceptions, but you can't base the whole on exceptions. Some people try to do that.
PumpkinKoRn52 wrote:I seriously want comments on this.
Inferno wrote:technecly music is just sound waves moving in a pleasurable way. So music such as techno/rap is music because it is sound waves moving in a pleasurable way(to some people it's pleasurable) . SO my point is..... music does not always to involve people using instruments.
DrNic wrote:I'm sorry but why would I care if music was 'going out', thats a really ignorant thing to say, why would I listen to music just because everyone else is listening to it. Oh, and Nu-metal already died, there was a free sticker in Kerrang once that said Numetal : 1994-2001 on a gravestone. Probably because of Limp Bizkits demise (now thats one band I won't miss!)
Pumpkin whatever wrote:Zip, no. You're just wrong there. Nothing can give God proper praise. But we can all try. You cannot possibly think that only David could praise God. And you cannot possibly think that rap can't praise him, or any other style. I don't like rap, but if it praises God, I'm okay with it.
ZiP wrote: and besides, if the holy spirit doesn't belive it proper who wouldn't inspire rap
ZiP wrote: and the holy spirit doesn't need to inspire special Revelation like that anymore becuase the bible's been writtin
kaemmerite wrote:I hate to get riled up, and I'd hate to see this thread locked, but there are some things I believe NEED to be said.
FIRST of all, you as a mere MORTAL CANNOT even REMOTELY begin to fathom what God is thinking. Who do you think you are to claim to know what the Holy Spirit finds proper? I don't recall the Bible saying anywhere that rap was somehow evil or unholy.
Oh, really? Okay, then why do we have hymns? You're saying that God didn't inspire people to write the hymns we sing in church, MOST of which were written in the 1500s or so, well after the bible? So then why do we sing them if they're not inspired by God? And if the Holy Spirit doesn't inspire people anymore, why do people still turn to God? The Bible says the Holy Spirit enters us when we put our faith in God, but you're saying that God doesn't do that anymore? The Holy Spirit just kinda lies around like a bum these days?
Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise--the fruit of lips that confess his name. - Hebrews 13:15
Sounds to me like the author of Hebrews, which is in the Bible, which is inspired by God, says that lips that confess the word of God is praise, and last time I checked praise is a good thing. So if a Christian rap star raps about how good and holy God is, according to God, that would be praise.
Thts ... just ..... sad. Although I cant say much I cant rap either. I dont like rap mostly because off..... EVERY DOG GONE THING ABOUT IT!!! Its annoying, monotonous, and over all cheesy. Mainly rappers have an ego ranging from "I am the greatest" or "Im no. 1" to "I own the World". O sorry miss quote "I be da greatest" or "I ownz da World *enter cussword here*"
PumpkinKoRn52 wrote:Rap is, as I have stated before, the poorest excuse for music in existence.
kaemmerite wrote:Err...sorry if I got ya confused, Kenchii. Actually I was defending Christian rap, not regular rap, which I could pretty much care less about. It's just that ZiP there was trashing Christian rap, saying it wasn't a proper way to praise God, and that got me fired up.
Again, I'm not defending regular rap, I know that's unholy and displeasing to God, I was defending Christian rap.
Locke wrote:When life gives you lemons, make it into a blog and get comments. =/
[/color]Nate wrote:[color=black]Screw TNT: CAA Knows Drama.
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