The Best of Christian metal

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The Best of Christian metal

Postby Eric » Mon May 01, 2006 7:04 pm

Absurd2 (technical thrash metal)
Aletheian (progressive/technical death metal)
Altera Enigma (jazz fusion/progressive metal)
Antestor (black metal; there's nothing on the site and I doubt it will be updated any time soon, so if you'd like to hear them, please contact me through pm or im, as I have all their cds)
Ashen Mortality (gothic doom/death metal)
The Awakening (gothic/progressive metal)
Becoming the Archetype (progressive death/metalcore)
Benea Reach (metalcore)
Bleakwail (black metal)
Bloodlined Calligraphy (hardcore, female vocalist)
Bloodwork (death metal)
Bombworks Records (this label has songs available to download from most of their bands, a few of which don't have websites; I highly recommend them all)
Ceremonial Sacred (black metal)
Crimson Moonlight (black metal)
Crimson Thorn (brutal death metal) (here is their updated site, but only the other one has songs available to download)
Divinefire (power metal/death metal)
Divine Symphony (black metal)
Drottnar (technical black metal)
Encryptor (brutal death metal)
Extol (Burial is black metal, Undeceived is death metal, Synergy is thrash metal, The Blueprint Dives is progressive hard rock)
Fearscape (progressive death metal)
Frost Like Ashes (black/death metal)
The Horsemen of the Apocalypse (technical death metal/grind)
Illuminandi (gothic metal)
Immortal Souls (death metal)
In Vain (progressive death metal)
Inevitable End (death/thrash metal)
Kekal (avant garde/black metal)
Lengsel (black metal) (this site hasn't been updated in a long time, but they are releasing a new cd later this year)
Living Sacrifice (self-titled cd is thrash metal, Nonexistent and Inhabit are death metal, the rest are metalcore)
Morphia (gothic doom/death metal)
Mortal Treason (metalcore)
My Silent Wake (gothic/doom/death metal)
Narnia (heavy metal)
Nodes of Ranvier (metalcore)
No Souls Lost (death/thrash metal)
Overcome (hardcore)
Pantokrator (death metal)
Parakletos (black metal)
Paramaecium (doom/death metal)
Random Eyes (melodic metal, female vocalist)
Renascent (death metal)
Rob Rock (heavy metal)
Royal Anguish (experimental death metal)
Sacrificium (death metal)
Sanctifica (black metal)
Saviour Machine (goth)
Schaliach (doom/death metal)
Shadows of Paragon (black metal)
Sinai Beach (metalcore)
Slechtvalk (folk black metal)
Society's Finest (metalcore)
Sorrowstorm (Sorrowstorm)
Spitfire (hardcore)
Still Remains (metalcore)
Symphony In Peril (metalcore)
Sympathy (death metal)
Synnove (gothic/doom/death metal)
Taketh (death metal)
Tortured Conscience (brutal death metal)
Tourniquet (metal)
Training for Utopia (hardcore)
Virgin Black (gothic/doom metal)

And if anyone is wondering where to order music from these bands (other than directly through them), here are some good sites:
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Postby ZiP » Mon May 01, 2006 7:08 pm

whoa, thanks for posting this dude. i don't listen to much metal, but i betcha everyone here who does is gonna love you to death...
i had no idea there were so many christian metals bands... actually i had no idea there were so many metal bands at all. heh...

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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Mon May 01, 2006 7:16 pm

umm theres no August burns red or demon hunter :(
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Postby Eric » Mon May 01, 2006 7:22 pm

GrubbTheFragger wrote:umm theres no August burns red or demon hunter :(

I said the "best," not the most popular. They might be good by your standards, but they're not nearly as good as the bands I have listed here.
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Mon May 01, 2006 7:26 pm

eric wrote:I said the "best," not the most popular. They might be good by your standards, but they're not nearly as good as the bands I have listed here.

very good point not alot of people into christian metal like Demon Hunter and August burns red are to spastic for a alot of people. But hey BCA is on the list so that makes this list all the better.
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Postby Eric » Mon May 01, 2006 7:32 pm

ZiP wrote:whoa, thanks for posting this dude. i don't listen to much metal, but i betcha everyone here who does is gonna love you to death...
i had no idea there were so many christian metals bands... actually i had no idea there were so many metal bands at all. heh...

rock on,

There are actually many more christian metal bands out there than that][/url], and are a few excellent metal databases.
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Postby Arnobius » Mon May 01, 2006 7:43 pm

I see Christian metal has changed. I remember when the bands were Bloodgood, Stryper, Creed, Vengeance Rising, Deliverance, X-Sinner and Tourniquet back in the 80's. Nice to see it's evolving to have genres and not like "The Christian version of X"
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Postby Eric » Mon May 01, 2006 7:49 pm

GrubbTheFragger wrote:very good point not alot of people into christian metal like Demon Hunter and August burns red are to spastic for a alot of people. But hey BCA is on the list so that makes this list all the better.

August Burns Red isn't very spastic to me, so that's not why I didn't include them on this list. I just don't think they're all that good. If you want some truly spastic music, Canvas Solaris and Ephel Duath are hard to beat.
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Postby Eric » Mon May 01, 2006 7:54 pm

AnimeHeretic wrote:I see Christian metal has changed. I remember when the bands were Bloodgood, Stryper, Creed, Vengeance Rising, Deliverance, X-Sinner and Tourniquet back in the 80's. Nice to see it's evolving to have genres and not like "The Christian version of X"

I don't believe Creed was ever a Christian band, and they were definitely never a metal band; they're rock. The only other band you mentioned that wasn't a carbon copy of some other secular band is Tourniquet (although they were influenced a good deal by Slayer; Ted Kirkpatrick even played drums for Slayer when they were touring early on in Tourniquet's career).
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Postby Hitokiri » Mon May 01, 2006 8:17 pm

ZiP wrote:whoa, thanks for posting this dude. i don't listen to much metal, but i betcha everyone here who does is gonna love you to death...
i had no idea there were so many christian metals bands... actually i had no idea there were so many metal bands at all. heh...

rock on,

Eric is the guy who got me into those bands I was telling you about haha.

As well, Demon Hunter and Haste the Day and such may be good but not nearly as celebrated as some of the bands listed in that list by people who actually appreciate good, ol metal. I mean - who would win a war of music. Demon Hunter? Or Saviour Machine? If you knew your music, Saviour Machine would own so hard that people 100 years from now would know it as "The Great Ownage of 2006".

Nice list by the way Eric. This guy, he knows what awesome music is.
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Postby Arnobius » Mon May 01, 2006 8:41 pm

[quote="Eric"]I don't believe Creed was ever a Christian band, and they were definitely never a metal band]
There was a different band called Creed in the 80s. They made one album, and they were metal. I forgot there was another band by the name when I posted

edit: Yes the current Creed is definitely a different band than the one I knew in the 80's
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Postby Eric » Mon May 01, 2006 8:42 pm

AnimeHeretic wrote:There was a different band called Creed in the 80s. They made one album, and they were metal. I forgot there was another band by the name when I posted

Oh ok, I didn't know that.
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Postby Scarecrow » Mon May 01, 2006 11:14 pm

Wow thanks for that :hug: Finally some Christian bands I can really get into. Already a fan of Random Eyes but they were like the only one. Thanks for the list!

Edit: I didn't know Virgin Black was Christian...
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Postby DrNic » Wed May 03, 2006 1:44 am

Hey, cheers for that Eric. I don't know that many truely heavy christian bands so this list is gonna prove helpful. Still Remains do kick butt though. I'm going to see them on the 21st at Rock City :D
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Postby Kkun » Wed May 03, 2006 5:07 am

I'm not really into metal, but I do appreciate that list. I'm glad to see Training for Utopia and Spitfire on there. Nice list.
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Postby Maledicte » Wed May 03, 2006 10:04 am

Dude, thanks for posting this list! I'll be sure to check them out.
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Postby glitch1501 » Wed May 03, 2006 1:06 pm

i like me some metal :)
thanks for the list

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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Wed May 03, 2006 1:10 pm

wow i never noticed Still remains is on the list that and Mortal treason (RIP). That i actually listened to Saviour machine not bad not bad at all
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Postby Hitokiri » Thu May 04, 2006 4:53 pm

GrubbTheFragger wrote:wow i never noticed Still remains is on the list that and Mortal treason (RIP). That i actually listened to Saviour machine not bad not bad at all

Saviour Machine is simply amazing. Simply amazing.
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Postby Eric » Sun May 14, 2006 8:31 pm

I added Inevitable End to the list.
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Postby Knives » Tue May 16, 2006 11:37 am

Sweet list dude, you might also want to add Mortification.
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Postby GhostontheNet » Sat May 20, 2006 2:46 am

I'm glad to see gothic rock groups like The Awakening and Saviour Machine on the list, although gothic rock has its roots more in positive punk than in metal. I would myself add to the list the Industrial metal of Circle of Dust and Brainchild (although both are the same band), particularly the remixes in the album of Metamorphosis - never before have I heard audio sampled machine guns so effectively illustrate Biblical truths and a message of non-violence. At any rate, over at one can request to hear from this list Brainchild, Circle of Dust, The Awakening, Saviour Machine, and Virgin Black. I'd advise anybody hanging out here anyway to perhaps develop an appreciating ear for the Industial genre, with groups like Audio Paradox or ThouShaltNot being a particular favorite of mine. Also, many of the the entries by Christians into the industrial genre, synthpop, and a bit of gothic rock (they need to add more, it's not like the glory days of five pages in the times of flaming fish anymore) can be found at .
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Postby GhostontheNet » Sat May 20, 2006 3:11 am

Hitokiri wrote:Eric is the guy who got me into those bands I was telling you about haha.

As well, Demon Hunter and Haste the Day and such may be good but not nearly as celebrated as some of the bands listed in that list by people who actually appreciate good, ol metal. I mean - who would win a war of music. Demon Hunter? Or Saviour Machine? If you knew your music, Saviour Machine would own so hard that people 100 years from now would know it as "The Great Ownage of 2006".

Nice list by the way Eric. This guy, he knows what awesome music is.
Unfortunately, Saviour Machine has been criminally ignored here in the U.S. Also, getting banned from a lot of Christian bookstores for the song Legion, which simply preserves and innovates the blunt Biblical metaphor of the harlot (see Ezekiel 23, particularly verses 19-21) didn't help. Also, moreso than other subcultures, Western Christianity is still way spooked out by anything gothic whatsoever, which they percieve to be satanic, while many of the goths reciprocate in dislike of the Christians, and this has gone against Saviour Machine's popularity on two fronts.
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Postby Eric » Sat May 20, 2006 6:33 pm

GhostontheNet wrote:Unfortunately, Saviour Machine has been criminally ignored here in the U.S. Also, getting banned from a lot of Christian bookstores for the song Legion, which simply preserves and innovates the blunt Biblical metaphor of the harlot (see Ezekiel 23, particularly verses 19-21) didn't help. Also, moreso than other subcultures, Western Christianity is still way spooked out by anything gothic whatsoever, which they percieve to be satanic, while many of the goths reciprocate in dislike of the Christians, and this has gone against Saviour Machine's popularity on two fronts.

That's really too bad. I have their dvd, but I can't watch it because of the stupid region code. :comp:
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Postby GhostontheNet » Sat May 20, 2006 7:39 pm

Eric wrote:That's really too bad. I have their dvd, but I can't watch it because of the stupid region code. :comp:
PC World's blog writes

"Now, it's one of the world's worst-kept secrets that most inexpensive DVD players have a menu option to turn off region-coding restrictions. That means you can buy movies encoded for other parts of the world and play them right here--in some cases, movies that are, legally, unavailable in this country from anyone. I have one of these players, and I love it: My relatives in Britain can send me DVDs of English TV shows that I can't even buy here." ( ).

If it's not too much to ask, could you give Brainchild and Circle of Dust a listen, and add them if you like them enough?
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Postby Inferno » Sun May 21, 2006 12:50 pm

That is a sweet list, but you're missing a few essential bands. Where is underoath on that list! And by that I don't include their new CD because they changed so much that they should prob change their name. Yeah UnderOath needs to be on that list! And what about the showdown? They're amazing!
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Postby BigZam » Sun Jul 09, 2006 2:08 pm

Inferno wrote:That is a sweet list, but you're missing a few essential bands. Where is underoath on that list! And by that I don't include their new CD because they changed so much that they should prob change their name. Yeah UnderOath needs to be on that list! And what about the showdown? They're amazing!

ok this is kind of an old thread but i had to add this....Underoath?! Metal?! are you out of your mind?! i love Underoath but no way are they metal....The Showdown is though...
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Postby Hitokiri » Sun Jul 09, 2006 6:29 pm

BigZam wrote:ok this is kind of an old thread but i had to add this....Underoath?! Metal?! are you out of your mind?! i love Underoath but no way are they metal....The Showdown is though...

They used to be metalcore/death metal but went to screamo/emo-ish. Thier new cd is basically a Norma Jean clone.
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Mon Jul 10, 2006 10:30 am

hitokiri wrote:Thier new cd is basically a Norma Jean clone.

Yea but Norma Jean is alot less melodic and way more brutal (IMO)
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Postby That Dude » Tue Jul 11, 2006 5:15 pm

Plus it's a really good Norma Jean clone. Just like August Burns Red...Their CD is the follow up to "Bless The Martyr Kiss The Child" in my eyes.
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