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Wiggin's destructions of real artists' artwork

PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 9:13 am
by wiggins
OK... so i said i would try and improve my drawing by drawing some fan art. Here's the thread in which i endeavour to mimic good artwork from real artists. I know they look nothing like the real thing, but comment anyway please with lots and lots of constructive criticism because those are really helpful. My first fan art is Zero Enna and Kizna Towryk from Yukiru Sugisaki's Candidate for goddess. I copied a reference pic which is on the 7th page from the cover page of Volume 2 of Candidate for goddess, wihthout tracing. It was alot harder than i thought it would be... and alot more time consuming than ithought it would be. I know the positions of Zero and Kizna aren't the same, but i was getting really tired of it after drawing Kizna's hair again for the i don't know what number-th time; so i just drew the rest and modified as i saw fit. Thanks! God bless you all,

EDIT: OK... my file is too large. I'll post it when i figure out how to get around this.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 9:22 am
by kaji
Bummer! Talk about a climax killer.
I was all excited to see Wiggins new fan art and there wasn’t anything there. :(

Well, I’ll be ready when it does arrive. ;)


PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 9:27 am
by wiggins
Sorry Kaji... >_<
I think this should do it... there!

PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 9:43 am
by kaji
What!?!? Where is this destruction and chaos we were promised!?!?

I guess Im not a steller artist, but I think you did a good job. :thumb:

Perhaps its hard for me to judge for you since I have no idea who those characters are. :lol:

But you know what you can do if people say; "Hey! That doesnt look anything like Zero Enna and Kizna Towryk!"
You just say; "Yah, thats right! I made these characters up on my own, thats Bob and Sally!"
And boy, will they be impressed then!


PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 10:14 am
by Esoteric
Yes! Very nice, Wiggins!

I copied a reference pic which is on the 7th page from the cover page of Volume 2 of Candidate for goddess, wihthout tracing. It was alot harder than i thought it would be... and alot more time consuming than ithought it would be.

Yup, because you were forced to study what you were drawing carefully.

I know the positions of Zero and Kizna aren't the same, but i was getting really tired of it after drawing Kizna's hair again for the i don't know what number-th time; so i just drew the rest and modified as i saw fit.

See, you're already starting to invent. Although I haven't seen the cover, so I wouldn't know what modifications you made, it looks very nice. Awesome job. Keep practicing and you'll get better than the rest of us who don't have time to practice <looks at watch disdainfully>.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 11:56 am
by wiggins
Time? I have time? *looks behind him at an impending avalanche of undone homework*

PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 4:14 pm
by Esoteric
Homework huh? Then... take an art class. That way, you'll be drawing AND doing homework at the same time! That's just brilliant! :grin:

Haha, no seriously, since I have problems with motiviation, the few times in my life when I've really been able to concerntrate on improving my drawing, were when taking art classes.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:20 am
by skynes
Then... take an art class. That way, you'll be drawing AND doing homework at the same time!

!? Have you ever DONE an art class? It's 90% writing and 10% drawing!!! You spend more time writing up reports and explanations for your drawings than you do actually drawing it! :P

PostPosted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 12:26 pm
by Esoteric
That would be an art history class, or an art theory class. No, I'm talkin' about hands on drawing training. Intro to Drawing, Intro to Illustration, Life Drawing, etc. at a community college or something. Those are the art classes I"m talkin about. I only had to do, one measly report in each of those... just because the school required it. 98% was drawing.

Trust me, Skynes, you've just had the wrong classes. Sadly though, that's the way many art programs at universities are getting nowadays. It's outrageous... they won't even teach you how to hold a paint brush!

PostPosted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 11:43 pm
by VELyuki_26
There is definitely talent bursting through that picture. All you need to do is improve your anatomical skills and placement. Thay will save you alot of time. I agree with Esoteric. You should take a beginners art class. Thay teach you how to break up the picture into shapes. You could go anywhere form there. You will only improve! GOD BLESS. Keep drawing!

(My my my. Such encouragement.)

PostPosted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 1:16 am
by skynes
That would be an art history class, or an art theory class. No, I'm talkin' about hands on drawing training. Intro to Drawing, Intro to Illustration, Life Drawing, etc. at a community college or something. Those are the art classes I"m talkin about. I only had to do, one measly report in each of those... just because the school required it. 98% was drawing.

Trust me, Skynes, you've just had the wrong classes. Sadly though, that's the way many art programs at universities are getting nowadays. It's outrageous... they won't even teach you how to hold a paint brush!

I wasn't referring to university art, I was referring to everywhere else (i.e. high school).

PostPosted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 1:31 am
by c.t.,girl
whoa that is so good! i have that pic on my desktop! i love pilot candidate it's what got me hooked for life!

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 5:28 pm
by Little T-chan
Wow....You consider that "destruction"???? I personally think it's beautiful! ^^ I'm constantly getting surprised with more great artists at CAA that I never knew about!!!! Draw and post some more Mr. Wiggins!!

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 10:39 am
by wiggins
Destruction... yeah... I originally wanted to put corruption. The OG looks soooo much better. Thanks for your words of encouragement. I will draw again as soon as i wade out...of ... this marshy bog of college applications, college essays and homework.