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PostPosted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 6:32 pm
by Dante
Good grief. Personally, I want to forget about this thing, but I did finish it and honestly, I may as well post it here (It's an interesting read because it's amazing how vastly I've changed in a year - so many aspects and dreams have changed in me entirely that I'm shocked.). I transferred over the document (I think it was the final version) over to Open Office and then converted it over to a pdf file.

I doubt anyone will really find it that interesting of a document, but as certain individuals are included in a book's acknowledgements (whether they like it or not :P) I figure I may as well post it so that the entire world can look at this gargantuan monstrosity. If you are writing a thesis on this however, may as well use the sources at the end copy pasta because I believe my adviser required me to find every single paper remotely related to the subject and include it in this thing. I would never wish the task of organizing that thing into some kind of order to my worst enemy, let alone find them.

Anyways - only fun programming, no more evil school for me!

(Thesis PDF ~5.51 MB)

EDIT: In case no one wants to look for it, it's on page 13:

I would also like to thank those cherished
friendships outside of academia, that have weathered this
maelstrom with me. There are truly so many people whom I
have befriended and been acquainted with along the various
stages of this journey. Though the difficulty of the task
has often left me cloistered away within the lab or at
home, I was given great encouragement and aid from my long
time friend, David Kling and my friendships of old and new
on the internet. Aerials, Executive Minister, Fore,
Kaligraphic, Jaden Mental, Nate, Peanut, Rocklobster,
Shade, Sorrel, Temmy, Twi and Zarn Ishtare, Zephyr just to
name a few individuals of the multitude that have used the
world-wide-web to provide me a connection to my humanity.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 5:52 am
by Warrior4Christ
Wow, that is quite a monstrosity! Good job getting it finished though... it's a massive task.
(But isn't LaTeX pretty much a requirement for thesises.. thesi? I'm a bit of a LaTeX fan, and I wish we used it at work. Word = not great)

PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 6:36 am
by Dante
Nope, we weren't even taught LaTex, the only thing we really had to worry about were the margins, font sizes ect. Honestly, I'm glad I could just type it out in word because that took long enough (I had to rewrite that thing more times then I want to remember because of changes wanted and then my personal favorite, changes that were unwanted and had be changed again back to the original).

PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 11:28 am
by Mr. SmartyPants
I reject your empirical epistemology data and replace it with my own arbitrary ones!

Er, I mean. Awesome! A thesis! I hope to be able to write mine someday. This assuming I eventually enter an MA program soon.

Also: ugh I hate formatting papers. I don't like doing it... et al! Badum cha!

PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 11:38 am
by blkmage
It's been my experience that no one ever teaches LaTeX, but everyone expects you to somehow know it. Institutions and journals usually have their own LaTeX templates for you to use (read: are required to use) so all you have to worry about is marking everything up properly.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 1:26 pm
by Dante
blkmage (post: 1513828) wrote:It's been my experience that no one ever teaches LaTeX, but everyone expects you to somehow know it. Institutions and journals usually have their own LaTeX templates for you to use (read: are required to use) so all you have to worry about is marking everything up properly.

Well - if I don't have to learn it, I'd much rather spend my time focusing on something else. Word get's my ideas across just fine - so, if it isn't broke, don't fix it.


Wow! Did you guys see the new smileys? These things are awesome :n_n:!

PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 2:09 pm
by Sheenar
The thesis writing, rewriting (and more rewriting) and formatting process all fed into my decision to scrap the thesis track altogether and take my comprehensive exam instead to finish my graduate program.

That, and I've already finished all of my hours and would have to enroll in an extra semester to go the thesis route --with the amount of loans I already have, I decided to just forgo the whole thing.