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Do you believe in ghosts?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:46 pm
by timothy
Well i had a question and its about ghosts kind of well my friend just sent me a picture that he took of his sister in there new house and there is something by her and it has not feet so i am wondering are ghosts real

PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:51 pm
by Shao Feng-Li
I don't believe in ghosts at all. However, I do tend to believe that any "hauntings" and whatnot are the work of the Devil... or infrasound.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:52 pm
by timothy
thanks for your perspective do you wanna see the picture?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:53 pm
by Neane
No. I am okay without the photo.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:55 pm
by timothy
i am glad there are people on here to talk to about God and other things

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:01 am
by Dante
Had wierd enough experiences to say that there are some fairly strange things out there. Story in point. Our house had 'hauntings' - my sister reported seeing a little boy walking around up stairs, I saw a floating eyeball in the mirror, every time my father went on graveyard shift, a light-bulb would would go out and one particularly freaky time, the thing INTERACTED back and forth with me while my mother was there to witness it by shutting off power to the entire house - having it perfectly match the patterns of my sounds exiting my mouth and then when I challenged back later and declared 'I don't believe there are any such things as ghosts - reason and logic say you don't exist'... it knocked power off to the house and left it off for a short time. I nearly peed my pants and learned a very strong lesson - do not poke the bear.

The worst that has ever physically happened to me was the eyeball incident, because in that incident, 'it' actually lightly burned my feet. At 2 that isn't entirely hard to do, but that was what caused me to go inside and wash my feet off (cool water to soothe them, it wasn't a bad burn by a long shot, they were just slightly red in color - but I could feel it) after which I saw the eye-ball in the mirror (and it only existed in the mirror, violating all known laws of physics). In fact, it might not have even been the ghost that burnt my feet, it gets hot out here and my parents have a theory that I just walked on the hot side-walk the day before. My memory ends in terror and I normally could hock it up to a dream, but my sister remembers running into the bathroom to get me as I screamed at the top of my lungs. But that's about the limit of things. Of course, my mother claims it once threw a book at her - still for living in the house for years, no one has been really hurt.

Moreso however, was the fear factor, I was frightened enough to sleep downstairs on the couch during my childhood and early teens. It was a very comfy couch though, so I won't complain. I'm probably one of the few people who had his own room but wouldn't actually sleep in it when I was younger. To understand why the couch was better, you had to realize that we just didn't LIKE the upstairs of our house. For years, I wouldn't even go up there at night alone, I'd have to call my dog bear with me to feel safe enough. My mother didn't like going up there either. Only my father went up there and it never bothered him - so, I don't know. But then again, he has a really passive personality. It would be kind of hard for even the most grumpy personality to find a gripe with him.

*I should also note that none of this was the only influence in my life. I supposedly slept upstairs until first grade when I was slightly abused by a teacher at school. After that, I supposedly wouldn't sleep upstairs, but before-hand I did...

Oddly enough, computers brought me upstairs again and over time I got over part of my phobias and things simply stopped happening. But occasionally I'd stay up too late at the beginning and would bolt down the stairs when I realized the light in the hall was out and everyone had gone to bed downstairs. Heck, I was outright terrified - why I felt the need to be so terrified, I can't say. But we humans just have a bad vibe about ghosts - even worse then our fear of roaches.

Actually this is probably one of the chief reasons I won't live alone today - I have to have someone in the same building as me to simply feel safe. There are occasions, like at 2-3 in the morning where I'm super tired, have a bad dream and I still will go downstairs and sleep on the couch simply to be closer to other people. If there weren't other people, I don't know if I could stay inside just to get closer to others. It's a real weird after-effect, but ultimately, if it was something evil - I guess it got the opposite of what it would want because it essentially insured that I could never survive as a solitary miser.

There is a plus side to these kinds of things however - small of a consolation as it is. Realize, that if you actually see a ghost, you've just had a spiritual experience - it might not be a positive one, but you've just gained confirmation that there is more to this world then your physical body and the physical laws that seem to confine every day life. So, you've actually glimpsed a part of the invisible - that which normally we would only be able to accept on faith. The details, and all the important stuff, are all hidden - but it definitely says you're on to something in feeling that we're more then just flesh and bones and you'll have physical experience to back it up. People might not believe you, but that doesn't make your experience any less real - you'll know it was real yourself.

Still - don't go hunting these things down either. Not everything in the spiritual world is benign and there are a lot of tortured souls and a few nasty entities out there that you don't want to let know you even exist. If you run across a ghost or two, there isn't anything you can do, so you can only learn to cope with it. Realize that I've never heard of anyone being killed by a ghost or even severely injured. The worst they do is scare you out of your wits - so don't freak out too much, but do keep each other company if you have it. No need to leave the other person 'alone in the dark' after something like that - you need a bit of human companionship to make you both feel safe and secure knowing that someone else cares - for some reason, that's typically enough to overcome the fear something like this can bring.

PS - as a side note, I've never touched one myself, but I will reiterate what everyone I know has ever told me. DO. NOT. TOUCH. A. QUIJI BOARD. EVER.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:15 am
by TheMewster
Well the Bible doesn't have room for ghosts with the heaven or hell thing. Get an exorcist fast. I think you have a demon on your hands.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 5:35 am
by rocklobster
As Shakespeare himself said "There are more things in Heaven and Earth than dreamt of in your philosophy."
In other words, no, I don't believe in ghosts. But I don't deny the possibility that they may exist.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:50 am
by Okami
My mom and I have both witnessed, at different times, the apparition of an old man in our house. We believe he is the gentleman that died on our lot before my stepdad moved in. He never did anything other than walk up and down the hallway leading to my sister and my's rooms. I do not believe all such spiritual occurences are demonic....rather that perhaps they are spirit sent to guide for one reason or another. In the case of our old man, i would say that he was there and his presence alone was enough to enforce belief in the spiritual realm. Regardless of how true my thoughts are or not, yes, I do believe in ghosts because I have experienced them.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:57 am
by Nate
There is Biblical evidence that ghosts and spirits of the dead do exist. The biggest of these is when Saul went to see a medium in 1 Samuel. The spirit of Samuel appears and talks with Saul and tells him why God will not speak to him. The Bible confirms that yes, this is actually Samuel, and not a demon or an angel pretending to be Samuel.

If Samuel can come back from the dead and be a spirit, I don't see why it can't happen again. I would like to note, however, that I think almost all claims of paranormal encounters are probably bunk. However, there are things like what Okami said above, which are likely genuine.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 7:19 am
by GrubbTheFragger
What Nate said.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 7:33 am
by Rylynn4869
When I was younger, I would often see black apparitions running around my house and disappearing around corners whenever I was home alone. This went on for years, but it never happened when anyone else was in the house even if they were in a different room or asleep. One night I couldn't sleep, and I hadn't seen the dark shadows in about a week or so, so I figured I go watch a little tv. From the corner of my eye I saw a white hand coming towards me, and it disappeared when it "touched" my shoulder. I never saw the dark shadows after that.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 7:45 am
by Atria35
I believe ghosts exist because I've had a few experiences with them, and like Nate said the Bible does give evidence that they could exist. Are some demonic? Yes. But not all.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:17 am
by TheMewster
Well communicating with the dead is a sin.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:55 am
by Rusty Claymore
Just don't mix up a quiji with a squiji. XD

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 9:07 am
by TopazRaven
TheMewster (post: 1502022) wrote:Well communicating with the dead is a sin.

Well I barley see how it's their fault if the dead contacted them first. What are they supposed to do. Pretend it's not there?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 9:08 am
by Ante Bellum
Rusty Claymore (post: 1502025) wrote:Just don't mix up a quiji with a squiji. XD

Or ouija with quiji.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:09 am
by Rusty Claymore
Ante Bellum (post: 1502027) wrote:Or ouija with quiji.

As you can see I am well versed in these things. n_n

In 1 Samuel 28 is where the story of the familiar spirit crops up. However, the woman did not have the power to call up deceased human souls, just her "familiar spirit", most likely a fallen angel. If she could, why was she shocked when Samuel actually showed up? Saul had asked her to do this, yes? She even says right after that what scared her was seeing a spirit ascend from the earth. Samuel showing up wasn't the medium's doing, it was God's.
If Samuel can come back from the dead and be a spirit, I don't see why it can't happen again.

Of course. However, it can only truly happen when God's hand is in it. And then it will be very obvious and have a clear mission. Anything else, like vengeful spirits and such are not human souls, but either demons, psycology, or medications. While freaky, they only have as much deadly potential as a car or wild animal. If that.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:15 am
by Nate
Rusty Claymore wrote:If she could, why was she shocked when Samuel actually showed up?

She probably was a scam artist who was pretending to call up the dead and then didn't know what to do when it actually happened for real.

At any rate it hardly matters. Why would God give the commandment not to communicate with the dead if it wasn't possible to do so without His intervention? That would be a pretty pointless commandment. I can only assume, therefore, that it IS possible.
Anything else, like vengeful spirits and such are not human souls, but either demons, psycology, or medications.

Okami doesn't seem the type to lie and would gain nothing from doing so. I trust her because I've known her, and if she says her and her family saw a ghost, I believe her, even if I am extremely skeptical about the paranormal. I think to blame it on "medication" or something (especially when it was more than only her who saw it, disproving that it's unique to her brain chemistry) is to belittle and insult her claim. I respect her far too much to do that.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:22 am
by Juliannesan
Nate (post: 1502042) wrote:She probably was a scam artist who was pretending to call up the dead and then didn't know what to do when it actually happened for real.

At any rate it hardly matters. Why would God give the commandment not to communicate with the dead if it wasn't possible to do so without His intervention? That would be a pretty pointless commandment. I can only assume, therefore, that it IS possible.

Okami doesn't seem the type to lie and would gain nothing from doing so. I trust her because I've known her, and if she says her and her family saw a ghost, I believe her, even if I am extremely skeptical about the paranormal. I think to blame it on "medication" or something (especially when it was more than only her who saw it, disproving that it's unique to her brain chemistry) is to belittle and insult her claim. I respect her far too much to do that.

Yeah, I believe it is possible, but more or less I believe that there are demonic spirits that also disguise themselves as people. Or at least a demonic presence where witchcraft or whatever had been present.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:28 am
by Nate
Juliannesan wrote:Yeah, I believe it is possible, but more or less I believe that there are demonic spirits that also disguise themselves as people. Or at least a demonic presence where witchcraft or whatever had been present.

*shrug* I'm just not a fan of blaming demons for everything. It's been shown throughout history that demons don't do as much as we credit them for, it was just lack of scientific knowledge.

I'm not saying there aren't demons who do things to upset people but it doesn't make sense. If it works, why don't they do it more? Why don't they throw crap around all the time and make noises to everyone and scare as many people as possible? If it doesn't work then why do they bother? Especially since one of the common solutions to haunted houses/paranormal activity is to call in a priest. Isn't that self-defeating? Why would a demon do that stuff knowing they'd just get smacked down by the clergy? It doesn't add up, it seems that demons wouldn't get enough out of it to make it worth their while, especially since I thought their goal was to help make sure the souls of man are damned. Lifting tables off the ground and looking like blue men just doesn't seem conducive to this goal.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:51 am
by ShiroiHikari
I'm not sure if I think ghosts or the "paranormal" are as common as people seem to think they are. They might actually exist, but a lot of "strange phenomena" can be explained by science, atmospheric conditions, and by the nature of the human eyes/brain. Sometimes we see crap that isn't there; sometimes we hear a weird noise and our brain starts making things up to try to explain it. Also, infrasound.

I don't know how I feel about demonic activity or demons in general, for that matter.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:57 am
by TheMewster
Well Nate:
1. Where is she surprised at? I just don't get it...
2. Well what else is it supposed to be? Where in the Bible doea it support the existence of ghosts?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:04 am
by Nate
TheMewster wrote:1. Where is she surprised at? I just don't get it...

Verse 12: When the woman saw Samuel, she cried out at the top of her voice and said to Saul, “Why have you deceived me? You are Saul!â€

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:24 am
by TheMewster
Not what I meant. That was a ghost being CALLED UP. I meant ghosts freely roamingthe earth.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:25 am
by K. Ayato
Try the last part of Ephesians 6:12 that says "spiritual wickedness in high places".

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:28 am
by Rusty Claymore
I think to blame it on "medication" or something (especially when it was more than only her who saw it, disproving that it's unique to her brain chemistry) is to belittle and insult her claim. I respect her far too much to do that.
The nature of this discussion is one based upon personal experiences. I say I have not experienced anything of this nature. Okami says she has. I did not call her out, and I wasn't even thinking of her post when I posted my opinion, so I was not belittling or insulting her any more than she was belittling and insulting me. Which is not at all.
Well Nate:
1. Where is she surprised at? I just don't get it...
2. Well what else is it supposed to be? Where in the Bible doea it support the existence of ghosts?
...hah, I had a feeling only Nate could read my posts! XD

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 12:44 pm
by TheMewster
I thought Ephesians 6:12 was talking about demons?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 1:59 pm
by goldenspines
I would like you all to take a moment and look up at which section this thread is in: General.
Steer away from the theology discussions in this thread, please. The OP doesn't seem to be asking for a biblical answer to his question. If you wish to continue this theological line of thought, you can do so by making your own thread in the appropriate forum section.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:49 pm
by Tsukuyomi
*Gets the chills from reading Dante's post* I remember you telling us that eyeball in the mirror :O

The house is creeking and cracking (maybe, not the right word) more then before, but I'm sure that's a normal thing. It's just that, some do actually sound like footsteps >_<; I just try to ignore.. My niece says at times she sees a little girl walking up and down the hallway *Gets chills again* :O

Asdfjlk, this stuff gives me the creeps but it is interesting to hear about.. There's so many mysteries out there ^^