Hi guys!
I was arguing with a gnostic guy over Christianity when playing a game yesterday. I need a good Christian argument aginst fate and destiny and man's actions controlling them. It has to be reaslly strong becaus ethis guy reads the Bible and can fight me off with Bible verses. he says he has read the Latin translation... If anyone plays Tactics arena online... the guy's sn is antediluvian or something to that effect... If you guys want to try and influence him for Christ try it out...It was on the Great Lakes server. I'm not sure how the game worlks so amybe only people from the UK canplay on it against him. Then again, maybe I'm wrong. But it was tough trying to talk about God to him... so next time I play him, I need a good argument to try and minister to him. Thanks! He is also against Catholicism in particular because according to him, they took out all references in the Bible to God being a gender other than male, although I don;t think we can even assign gender to God, and he also says that Christians in general consider the pentagram as satanic and magic related when it really was something of beauty originally when it was first used in Greek religion. He's a tough one so I would appreciate some helpe to counter his arguments...Thanks again