Postby Bobtheduck » Sun Jan 25, 2004 2:59 am
Sorry for grave digging, but I talked to a Full Sail rep the other day, and was told that the requirements for entering teh game degree are:
1. C or better in Intermediate algebra
that's it...
They made it sound like it was something outrageous (you need your 70 page thesis refuting the pythagoran theorem accepted by the nobel prize winning comittee before you can enter!!) or something, but that's all it is.
It was recommended you have a decent grasp of trig and elementary physics, and those are the only other classes mentioned. That makes it a BIT easier for me!
Anyhow, that being the case, I won't have to wait as long, so Maybe UC, Volt, and I can coordinate something... The only thing I REALLY have to worry about is Credit... I need credit to get FULL LOANS (to cover tuition, housing, food, phone, internet (We'll all be getting computers with the tuition!), and the OFF CHANCE that I would want to have a little fun over those 2 years or so, but with no calculus to worry about, it is much more straightforward... I'll save up the next few months worth of paychecks to put in a deposit for my credit card, and start building it right away (using other people, of course, who will pay me in cash and I'll buy their items for them) It should take me no time at all once I finally get the card to be ready.
UC has allready stated he doesn't want to use loans, but how do you plan on doing it, volt? (No, I'm not back... I'm an echo. And echo of a child's dreams... Well, no, ok so I'm not really, but I'm not back... I really just came back on to say that) Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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