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Rhythm Heaven

PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 4:22 pm
by blkmage
So in the realm of DS news, everyone seems to be focused on that DSi thing that, from what I've read, people here aren't too fond of. Unfortunately, this has distracted our collective gaze from the actual awesome news: Rhythm Heaven is being released in North America on the same day.

Rhythm Heaven is actually Rhythm Tengoku Gold, the second of the series, which started out on the GBA. It's a rhythm game that consists of many minigames that are entirely controlled via the touchscreen. There are ten sets of five minigames, with a remix in each set of the four other minigames of the set.

It's an awesome portable game and an excellent rhythm game. The music and the minigames are fun and quirky. Apparently, it was the sixth best selling game in Japan in 2008.

You should consider picking it up on April 5 if you haven't got the Japanese version already.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 4:39 pm
by Fantasy Dreamer
Sounds interesting. Being a music person, I could use some help improving my rhythm in a fun way. Hmmm