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Sonic Unleashed
PostPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 1:54 pm
by sonicfan
Hey, Sonicfan here
This my first time blogging on this site. I am really excited about the upcoming sonic the hedgehog game Sonic Unleashed. I heard their was a new character named Chip who was going to be on it
PostPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:25 pm
by Haruhiko
Sonic Unleashed looks slightly better than most of the recent trash Sonic has been in as of late. I was an avid Sonic fan once, and I still love him, but I'm not gonna care to much until something decent comes out.
PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:35 pm
by Monkey J. Luffy
I will say that the RPG is a fine game, but Unleashed looked better before the inclusion of a wherewolf... thing.
PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 6:32 pm
by Danderson
Makes me wish even harder now that I had Wii.....Now all they have to do is make a live-action in the vein of long as they have good diolouge that goes beyond the cheesy catch phrases and a good story....I'm more then happy.....
PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 1:30 am
by Fish and Chips
A friend of mine picked up a copy of the game a couple days early. A bunch of us have been providing running commentary for his playthrough.
The traditional Sonic levels ("Day") are a satisfying rush, though not all the locales live up to series standard. Windmill Isle and Dragon Road are sufficiently interesting, but Savannah Citadel and Cool Edge are basically bland, expressionless stages. But still, we have that sound and speed that is Sonic, so I can brush that aside. If you own a portable fan, plug it in and set it to high.
The game also includes some Tornado segments, which are always welcome in my book.
I dislike the Werehog scenes ("Night"). Yes, that what they're calling it these days. Sonic was never a straight platformer or a brawler, and this does both. It's not particularly badly put together, per se, just long and tiresome. You will learn to hate the background music that kicks in when you start fighting enemies, the bread and butter of your slog through the levels you were enjoying a minute ago at Mach 2.
Or will enjoy. In half an hour. Because sometimes you have to beat the Night levels first to unlock the Day levels. Yeah.
The rest of the time the music is solid and fun listening. Don't worry about that.
Chip makes me miss Omachao. Do you understand how sad that statement is? The plot itself is a bad joke. And that feeling in the back of your head, that you were cheated out of playing the opening movie? That doesn't go away.
At least we still have Eggman Land.