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Uncharted Trophies

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:41 pm
by Bobtheduck
The trophies for Uncharted just launched today, so for those of you with PS3s eager to build up your level on PSN, well... Here it is. If you have a PS3 and you don't have this game, GET IT...

Over half of the trophies are hidden, it looks like, so you can't be told how to get them (I was wondering how they were going to handle that, since it's the same with the medals on Uncharted and Resistance and Ratchet and Clank)

I got my first trophy just a few minutes ago: First treasure... Now for the first Headshot trophy.

Now, if only trophy unlocking had a better sound effect that it has... Maybe the theme editor will let you set your own trophy sound... You can change every other system sound, so why not?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 6:39 pm
by Omega Amen
Well, I am throwing down the gauntlet. I got my Platinum this week in Uncharted.

A few helpful tips. Most of the hidden medals are total number of kills with each type of weapon. And since it is cumulative with multiple playthroughs, it is not hard to get them. The other hidden ones are beating the game on each difficulty level (in order unlock Crushing, you have to beat the game on Hard). In order to unlock those, you must start a New Game in the menu.

One set of trophies that is cause of some confusion is the Steel Fist. By softening up first by gunfire, it really means softening the enemy with gunshots that are not aimed with L1.

Dyno-Might seems hard unless you find the right spot to do it. In the beginning of Chapter 7 (the jeep chase sequence), there are three pirates that come out to your right near an explosive barrel, use the grenade launcher to attempt to blow them all up at once. If you fail at first, pause then restart the checkpoint immediately and try again. You will want to keep restarting the checkpoint even if you succeed because the hidden medal is Expert Dyno-Might, which means doing Dyno-Might five times. So just keep repeating that part of the game until you unlock both trophies.