Bungie Podcast

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Bungie Podcast

Postby Omega Amen » Mon Sep 25, 2006 8:28 pm

Considering that we just released a new CAA Gamecast episode, it seems fitting that Bungie has just released their first ever podcast.

I am assuming some of you are interested in that.

Here is the link to their first podcast.

NOTE: It is a large file (60 MB). Considering the subject deals with audio, it makes sense to have a larger file for better audio quality.

NOTE: You cannot find this through iTunes and do not expect that ever. Remember Bungie works for a company that is positioning themselves to be a direct competitor to the iTunes service.
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Postby Link Antilles » Mon Sep 25, 2006 8:46 pm

That opening theme was very... Bungie.

NOTE: You cannot find this through iTunes and do not expect that ever. Remember Bungie works for a company that is positioning themselves to be a direct competitor to the iTunes service.

I'd blame Steve Ballmer if they don't go on iTunes. ;) It's interesting, though.. Larry Hryb (Microsoft Employee aka Major Nelson) is now on iTunes: http://www.majornelson.com
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Postby Bobtheduck » Tue Sep 26, 2006 12:57 am

I sorta wish they'd do a followup to "I Love Bees" Yes, it's my current obsession... Technically, Bungie didn't do it, but they accept it as canon, though. I hope Halo 3 brings some ILB characters into the game... Jan or Jersey or Durga or Rani... I doubt Kamal or Sophie would be in it, because they'd have no reason to be where the war was, but Jersey would... As would Jan, as soon as she was old enough to enlist. Maybe some 1.0's like Gilly or Gladys... Were there ever any 1.0's in the games? It'd be cool to see 1.1's too... Or even... Other 2.0's besides master chief.
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