Umihara kawase: My second import!

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Umihara kawase: My second import!

Postby Bobtheduck » Sun Oct 02, 2005 4:05 am

I think I may have talked about one of my favorite games I played in my emulation days. It's called "Umihara Kawase" I loved it so much, and when I started getting rid of my roms, I really knew I was going to miss this one. So, I kept a watch on ebay for it, and it popped up early this week, and I ordered it and got it! It was just under 30 bucks, and I just played it today. I tried to plug it into my super, like I was able to with Seiken Densetsu 2, but something was wrong... I wasn't able to plug it in! I was absolutely confused. The carts for the two games looked almost identical, but then I noticed. SOmeone had cut notches on the SD2 cart... So, I had my friend cut out notches for the new game, and it worked!

This game is incredibly strange, but very simple and very addictive. It playes a bit like a more refined version of Bionic Commando The mechanics are much better on this game, and you have more control over your grappling (which in this game is a fishhook on a bungie!) You catch these very large fish with legs and put them in your bag, looking for the exits to the levels.

My roomate keeps commenting on how strange the game is, and saying that the main character looks like Dora the Explorer, but this is one fun game, getting around how weird it is.

Apparently there was a sequal for PS1... It's an import, of course, and I don't have a modchip in my PS2, so I can't play it... *sigh* Oh well... Maybe I can get a PS1 emulator that will play imports... Using the real game which I will purchase, of course. :thumb: Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun Oct 02, 2005 6:16 am

yeah, import snes games won't fit...

you can either cut notches on the cart, or get rid of the wedge on the snes... either way you'll still beable to play both!
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