Namco X Capcom

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Namco X Capcom

Postby kaji » Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:14 pm

Preview blew me away…

Has anyone heard of this game? I just happened upon this preview and it knocked my socks off!!! Right now I’m lying on the floor trying to type this post with the last of my consciousness, as the that theme song plays over and over in my head… @_@

Please, just check it out for your self: Namco X Capcom.

*passes out from exposure to what may be a totally cool game*

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- J. Hudson Taylor
I remember that one fateful day when Coach took me aside. I knew what was coming. "You don't have to tell me," I said. "I'm off the team, aren't I?" "Well," said Coach, "you never were really ON the team. You made that uniform you're wearing out of rags and towels, and your helmet is a toy space helmet. You show up at practice and then either steal the ball and make us chase you to get it back, or you try to tackle people at inappropriate times." It was all true what he was saying. And yet, I thought something is brewing inside the head of this Coach. He sees something in me, some kind of raw talent that he can mold. But that's when I felt the handcuffs go on.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:28 pm

well, I liked what I could see of it. (Windows Media Player + my computer + streaming media = suck)
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Postby kaji » Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:45 pm

I forgot to mention that the link goes dirrectly to an .asx stream. :sweat:
Im sorry you couldnt really see it ShiroiHikari.

Though I could see it, I couldnt tell if it was more of an RPG or a fighter... Some of the shots looked kind of like a Disgaea-esque rpg, while the battles looked very fighter-ish. But there were a lot of Namco and Capcom characters shown.

*passes out again*

Depend on it. God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply. He is too wise a God to frustrate His purposes for lack of funds, and He can just as easily supply them ahead of time as afterwards, and He much prefers doing so.
- J. Hudson Taylor
I remember that one fateful day when Coach took me aside. I knew what was coming. "You don't have to tell me," I said. "I'm off the team, aren't I?" "Well," said Coach, "you never were really ON the team. You made that uniform you're wearing out of rags and towels, and your helmet is a toy space helmet. You show up at practice and then either steal the ball and make us chase you to get it back, or you try to tackle people at inappropriate times." It was all true what he was saying. And yet, I thought something is brewing inside the head of this Coach. He sees something in me, some kind of raw talent that he can mold. But that's when I felt the handcuffs go on.
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Postby K. Ayato » Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:59 pm

I remember playing Marvel vs. Street Fighter in the campus arcade. I'd laugh at my social psychology professor when talking about the aggression theories. Violent games are correlated with raised levels of aggression. Maybe, but not for me. When I play them, it lowers my aggression and raises my competitive spirit.
K. Ayato: What happens if you press the small red button?

*Explosion goes off in the movie*

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K. Ayato: Perfectly.

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Postby MasterDias » Thu Apr 28, 2005 2:39 pm

It's supposed to be a strategy RPG with a few fighting game elements.
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Postby Nate » Thu Apr 28, 2005 3:54 pm



I will buy this game...

I couldn't see the movie, but I saw the screenshots, and I saw Roll, Megaman, and Megaman Juno from the Legends series. Along with a few other familiar characters.

And now that you've mentioned it's a strategy RPG...this only sweetens the deal. Oh yes, it WILL be mine...

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Postby Link Antilles » Thu Apr 28, 2005 5:16 pm

Wow, that's just dang spiffy. I want that.

Man, I really hope this game makes it state side... all I see is May '05 for Japan. I'm to cheap to go import and far to ADD/lazy to learn Japanese. Personally, I'd love for something like that to come out on the PSP.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Thu Apr 28, 2005 5:24 pm

that art is looking pretty rad. I hope they release this stateside too! it looks totally aweeesome, dude.
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Postby kaji » Fri Apr 29, 2005 5:28 am

*watches preview for the 22nd time*

That’s fantastic! I was really hoping it would fall into the RPG category (and looks a lot like a strategy rpg at that).

I noticed it’s got Mitsarugi (from SC), Jin (form Tekken), and even KOS-MOS (from Xenosaga)… The link Master Dias put up indicates that there are over 200 total characters from the two companies!!! :wow!:

Just imagine, an army of all your favorite video game characters!!! In one game!!!

Oh, did I mention that music in the preview totally rocks? If you can watch it, you should.

*passes out after watching preview 23rd time*

Depend on it. God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply. He is too wise a God to frustrate His purposes for lack of funds, and He can just as easily supply them ahead of time as afterwards, and He much prefers doing so.
- J. Hudson Taylor
I remember that one fateful day when Coach took me aside. I knew what was coming. "You don't have to tell me," I said. "I'm off the team, aren't I?" "Well," said Coach, "you never were really ON the team. You made that uniform you're wearing out of rags and towels, and your helmet is a toy space helmet. You show up at practice and then either steal the ball and make us chase you to get it back, or you try to tackle people at inappropriate times." It was all true what he was saying. And yet, I thought something is brewing inside the head of this Coach. He sees something in me, some kind of raw talent that he can mold. But that's when I felt the handcuffs go on.
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Postby MasterDias » Fri Apr 29, 2005 2:50 pm

For those of you like myself who can't run streaming media properly due to a slow connection:

1. Go to this link:

2. Click on the WMV version of Japan Trailer 2.

3. When it brings up the streaming media screen, click on the WMV Save Media icon near the bottom of the screen. It's only 6.6 megabytes so it shouldn't take a terribly long time to download on a 56k machine.

This trailer is pretty cool. I would think that it has a decent chance of making it stateside due to the major franchises involved.
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