Pascal wrote:SO3 is cool, unfortunately I never knew I had to save Roger Huxely from the theives (I didn't even know he was in the forest at the time) and therefore lost him as a character forever... I also guess he must have been killed as well!? All because I was too focused on the mission... why! why! I tried looking for him afterwards but there was just a house with noone there...
I never played FFVIII (they need a new numbering system) but I still think the graphics are number one. But did anyone else note that at the beggining of the game the main characters seemed like little brats?
I'm not sure what you are refering to by "little brats." Are you refering to Final Fantasy VIII or Star Ocean 3?
Tom Dincht wrote:Am I the only one aggrivated that you spend WAY too much time on the planet where Roger and Nel and Albel and all those people are?!
I mean, i know you leave the planet where most of Disc 1 takes place at the end of Disc 1. I hope you don`t go back there! i want to see new worlds. Do you go back or not?
Well I stated that I never played FFVIII, in the beggining. The main characters just got on my nerves at the beggining. Fayt seemed to have neither ethics, or ideals, and sofia might have been worse. But luckily Fayt gained a few after whipple...
Spiritsword wrote:I have not played Till the End of Time yet, but I may buy it. Does it tie into the storyline of 2 at all (without revealing spoilers please)?
Stupid annyoing.......grrrrr...... Let me guess, on disk 2, while you`re escaping the stupid planet it crashes once again. The world is too small and you memorize the towns names and locations way too fast unlike FF10.
MasterDias wrote:For some reason, Roger S. Huxley is the only character you can actually miss entirely. Nel, Albel, and Peppita will all join you, at least temporarily, for plot-related reasons.
Although, of the four characters you have to choose from, Roger is technically my least favorite.
Actually, I would have prefered that all of the characters join the party permanantly. This system felt less coherant than the one in Star Ocean 2.
It takes place 400 years after the events of The Second Story. There are a few brief references to characters from the second one as, you might say, "cameo" mentions. But the stories do not tie into each other.
I bet Robin Wind has absolutely nothing to do with the plot and just stuck him in to tick you off.
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