Stompfest IN. Anyone going?

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Stompfest IN. Anyone going?

Postby ZiP » Sun Nov 28, 2004 7:10 pm

I'm hoping to go to stompfest this year,
Anybody else planning on being there?
I'm gonna get in on Counter strike, and maybe another game if I get one.

If you don't know what stompfest is:
It's an annual LAN party in Indianapolis, they have games like BattleField 1942, Warcraft 3, Quake I-III, Tribes 1 & 2, Half-Life (Counter Strike, TFC, etc.), Unreal, StarCraft, Age of the Empires II, Descent 3, etc....

It's gonna be sweet!
I'd post a link but there is some minor cussing on the website, so just google "Stompfest indiana" if you're interested.

I reaaally hope dad lets me go, but I can't garuntee it.

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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun Nov 28, 2004 7:17 pm

if i were to bring my dell they would laugh at my really bad computer. I mean! One guy has his computer inside an oven chasis! how 1337!

and my dell is bad, i shoulda bought a customized one before

maybe in a few years, ill get a customized one
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