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Chrono Resurrection shut down.....
PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 2:05 pm
by Link Antilles
I think this happened a few weeks ago... just found out today. Well anywho, it's sad to say... the Chrono Trigger remake project was closed by Square Enix. Yeah, Square is in prefect legal right to do this, I know... bla.. bla... But, it would seem... that this four man team with this much dedication... would be hired or something...
Anyways, they do have a 2 min trailer...
PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 2:10 pm
by Nate
I didn't even know about that! Such a shame though. Chrono Trigger was the best RPG for SNES ever. EVER! Then they made Chrono Cross and completely and without reservation destroyed the Chrono Trigger universe. And who even KNOWS if Chrono Break will ever come out (if that is indeed the name of the next one if it's even under development).
PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 2:24 pm
by Vyse
I say, Go Square Enix! That team, no matter how much they wanted to "glorify" that game, it was being done without permission. The least they should've done is e-mailed Square Enix for permission and waited to start till they got a reply. Because without permission, its basically stealing.
PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 3:33 pm
by ShiroiHikari
o.O those screens are incredible! these people should be working for Square O_o
PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 8:13 pm
by inkhana
How unfortunate. They had so much skill...and the scenes look JUST like the game! It's too bad they weren't able to finish it...
On a side note, if Square's gonna get uppity about something, why don't they do something about all the awful hentai sites that do so much more damage than a harmless fan game?
PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 8:19 pm
by Vyse
Ink, if you think Square Enix should shutdown the hentai sites you should send them an e-mail about it, I would but I don't know of any... nor do I want to know.
PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 10:21 pm
by true_noir_chloe
Vyse wrote:Ink, if you think Square Enix should shutdown the hentai sites you should send them an e-mail about it, I would but I don't know of any... nor do I want to know.
Hehe, Vyse what makes you think Ink knows where all the hentai sites are? 0_o
Shiroi wrote: o.O those screens are incredible! these people should be working for Square O_o
I agree
![Thumbs up :thumb:](./images/smilies/thumb.gif)
. My son showed me this and it was fantastic work from such a small group.
And Vyse, I'm just wondering if fans created something because they really admire a certain media why do you call it stealing? What do you think of fan art? I don't believe anyone here has been emailing anyone and asking permission to draw their images.
I think you need to reconsider your statement, which seemed to be made without any background information, and you really have no idea what went on between Square Enix and these creators of this game.
PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 11:15 pm
by Vyse
Because it wasn't their properity to begin with?
And no I won't considser retracting my statement at all, and according to the Bible we are supposed to respect the law, these people were not respecting the copyright laws. And Square Enix can do what they want to in-releation to fanart. Its their properity, their choice.
PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 11:36 pm
by ShiroiHikari
if this fan project was bad, then fanart must also be illegal and a sin. in other words, this argument doesn't make much sense unless you're gonna apply it to everything.
drop it or the thread is gonna get closed.
PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 11:40 pm
by Vyse
So your saying that I can't show my support for a decision that a company made? I simply came in here and said what I belived, I didn't directly relpy to anyone else if they thought it was okay, I never told anyone to retract their statements. I just gave my opinion, which apperently a lot of people here don't think I should be doing because they don't agree with it.
PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 11:41 pm
by Vyse
EDIT: delete please
PostPosted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 12:08 am
by true_noir_chloe
I'd hate to see yet another thread closed because of this. So let me say, Vyse, since you are such a "lover of the law." According to your own rules of life, that you seem to have set down, I would say these men would have every right to take you to court according to this law of libel:
Libel and
slander are two forms of
defamation (or
defamation of character), which is the
tort of making a false statement of fact that injures someone's reputation. When the communication is in writing, it is termed "libel". If made via the spoken word, the correct term is "slander". Both acts share a common legal history, although they may be treated differently under modern legal systems. The statement need not be derogatory in itself to be actionable, as where it constitutes
invasion of privacy or portrays the person in a
false light,
You called these men thieves who made this game, and in your comment you also stated, in a roundabout way that fan art is stealing, thus you have just called every artist, practically, on this board a bunch of thieves. How many lawsuits do you think that would be?
Anyways, I said at the beginning, RECONSIDER your statement, not retract. Because when you step in with your sword of law swinging, you had better be ready to draw the blood which will flow from it. Law is just, but mercy is best. That is why we have Christ.
Please, think over such grandiose statements. If you want to live by the law, be prepared to be judged by the law.
PostPosted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 12:15 am
by Arbre
Those screenshots looked pretty... but they still didn't have the legal backing to create something from that franchise.
I love art and drawing and creativity... but I also believe that the laws that are in place have to be followed-- even if I don't like it. That goes for fanart too, although if any company I knew of did that, I would really not like them for it because it seems unnecessarily selfish... But, yeah, they have the legal right.
Those people seem talented and they created some visually pleasing things (judging from screenshots), but they weren't supposed to have done that in the first place.
PostPosted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 12:16 am
by Vyse
I made no false statments, Chrono Trigger IS a properity of Square Enix, remaking it without their permission is stealing. Where does it say in the law people are allowed to take other people's properties WITHOUT their permission?
Using something that doesn't belong to someone else is stealing, and fan art is fine, as long as the people who own the art is based off is fine with it(which most are). In other words, having PERMISSION to recreate that art. But if a company does not wish for that art to be re-created, as Christians and law-abiding citizenes I belive we should respect that. And no, reproducing a game(which is still being sold I might add) is quite different then fan-art.
PostPosted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 12:20 am
by ShiroiHikari
I said no arguing...thread locked. take it to PMs.