Favorite games

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Postby TGJesusfreak » Fri May 28, 2010 1:26 pm

scarcrow wrote:I actually don't care much for Majora's Mask
I - you....... Never mind :|

the_wolfs_howl wrote: lousy Link's Awakening
Why you be hatin' 8U
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Postby ST. Attidude » Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:26 am

[quote="the_wolfs_howl (post: 1389754)"]

Final Fantasy X - A close second, FFX was my first FF game, and even now, after playing six more FF games, none can compare to this amazing game. Okay, so the voice acting is rather wince-worthy at times, and the sidequests you're forced to do at the end are incredibly frustrating, but the story more than makes up for that. I have yet to see a FF game story that grips me anywhere near as much as FFX did - and you can have your FFVII, geeks XD I gasped in FFVII, but I bawled like a baby in FFX.

Jak II - This is the only trilogy where the middle installment is my favorite. Jak 3 was pretty good, but it could have been better about some things; Precursor Legacy was pretty lame in comparison, and I'm glad I played Jak II first, or I would probably have given up on the series before I knew how cool it got. It's such a great mix of humor and excitement, and you get a nice wide range of levels, from shooting to platforming to X-games tricks, even. And it looks so stylish; rather than trying to make everything look super-realistic, they let it be cartoony, and it looks so much better for it.

I can totally relate with you on this, Wolf.
While I have yet to actually play FFVII, I have a feeling it wouldn't have as much of an emotional impact as FFX did.

As far what my faves are (what currently comes to mind anyways):

- Super Mario Bros for NES
- Super Mario Galaxy
- Final Fantasy VIII (have not finished yet but has amazing music), and X.
- Final Fantasy IV Advance
- Kingdom Hearts II (as confusing as the plot is, the vastly improved gameplay pretty much makes up for it)
- Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus (the only game in mind that makes wall-scaling and creeping dynamic)
- Odin Sphere
- The Neverhood (PCers should give this a try if you can, it was for Win95 and while it may seem that you can't play it on Vista, I hear its possible. The music is classic; completely hilarious)
- Muramasa: The Demon Blade (from the same developer of Odin Sphere; some of the best graphics I've seen on the Wii, and its essentially 2D!)
-Marvel vs. Capcom

that's all I can think of right now...
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Postby Seto_Sora » Sun Jun 20, 2010 11:08 pm

Favorite games were Mechwarrior (PC and Miniatures Game-not to be confused with Battletech), The Army Men Games, the Mario Brothers Games, Redemption Card Game, and the old Text Adventure Games... oh I especially love Titanic! :D

But I should also note that video games were for me much like drugs or alcohol, so I don't play them anymore. They are bad for me... just couldn't resist listing a few of my old time favs! :D


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Postby Bobtheduck » Mon Jun 21, 2010 7:36 am

I bought FF9 on PSN recently, and the last time I played it, I only got about 5 minutes or so into it. I've played a couple hours now (it's difficult for me to find time to play solitary games anymore) and it's well on its way to being my second favorite game in the series if it keeps this up. I've loved is so far. I just need to find time to play it. Gaming can be work, particularly an RPG...
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Postby FllMtl Novelist » Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:04 am

Nintendo faves:

LoZ: Ocarina of Time
' ' Majora's Mask
' ' Wind Waker
' ' Twilight Princess

Any Super Smash Bros. game

Any Mario Kart console game

Any Clash of Ninja game except the first (which I never played) and revolution 1 (CoN 2 was the game my friend let me borrow that got me into anime!)

Other faves:

Portal (can't wait for the sequel!)
Tombraider: Legend (why couldn't Anniversary and Underworld be as good?)

Mirror's Edge. Oh my gosh, I love this thing.
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Postby Song_of_Storms » Mon Jul 19, 2010 12:10 pm

[font="Garamond"]Beside ones I've mentioned over older threads ( ? I'm assuming X3 ) I have yet another game I can add to my "List O' Games I like".

Klonoa! I now love that game series. >w< I thought it was a lot of fun, perfect for a quick play during summer break. Plus, Klonoa was totally adorable! ( not that such had any effect on my decision... )[/font]
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Postby Saved Gamer » Tue Jul 27, 2010 12:43 am

My favourites are the Total War series from Rome onward, MGS3 and 4, Fallout 3, Final Fantasy IX and to round it off I'd say Half-Life 2.
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Postby Furen » Sat Aug 07, 2010 1:43 am

Tales of Symphonia

the storyline worked very well (as expected from Bandai/Namco)
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Postby Mister Frodo » Sat Aug 07, 2010 10:19 am

My top ten favorite games:

1. Knights of the Old Republic II: Okay, okay, the first one is better, but come on? Who needs an actual ending? XD Despite its flaws, I really do love this game, though.

2. The World Ends With You: I really enjoyed the story and characters of this game, and then when you throw in its addictive and hectic battle system, it's a winner for me. Also, emo teenagers! Who doesn't like emo teenagers?

3. Halo 2. Again, actual endings mean nothing to me. But no, while the story ends in a horrible cliffhanger, I spent so much time playing the campaign and multiplayer and enjoying it that I rank it as my favorite of the Halo games. Halo 3 could probably go here, but Halo 2 = more nostalgia.

4. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess: My favorite Zelda. I liked it more than Ocarina of Time or Wind Waker (though I was a little late to the party with the former). Sure, it's easy, but hey, that's okay in my book! :D

5. Super Smash Bros. Brawl: My favorite multiplayer game of all time. I like Brawl more than Melee, though Melee is awesome too.

6. Final Fantasy X: My favorite FF, possibly because it's the only one I've beaten. XD I enjoyed the battle system (despite random battles), the story, the characters (despite the voice acting), and the ending... man, what an ending. Though FFIX and FFXIII may replace this if I ever get around to finishing them.

7. Left 4 Dead 2: My favorite co-op game; I actually own it for both PC and 360. Fighting zombies with your friends just doesn't get old (at least, not for a long while).

8. Mass Effect 2: The first Mass Effect could probably go here, but I prefer the sequel's focus on the party members, even if the main plot somewhat suffers as a result. The way that combat and exploration are clearly separated from each other annoyed me, but still, I felt it improved or streamlined most of the problems from the first.

9. Metal Gear Solid 3: While I'm probably one of the worst MGS players, and I find the games sometimes convoluted and a chore to keep up with, I can't help but love these games. MGS 3 is my favorite: the plot's more straightforward than 2 or 4, and while the cutscenes and expository scenes aren't really lessened in length, they at least have larger chunks of gameplay between them. Also, the ending is one of my favorites in video games; it almost brought me to tears. T.T

10. Heavy Rain: While I don't like every aspect of this game (plot holes, sometimes stupid characters, choices not always mattering, the inconsistent voice acting), it touched me emotionally more than any other game. I felt sorrow, triumph, fear, desperation, and helplessness as I played through the story. Despite my complaints, Heavy Rain was certainly a unique experience for me.
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Postby Furen » Wed Aug 11, 2010 6:02 pm

Every Fire Emblem game is great and a good challenge.

Tales of... series is also great, starts out really hard but if you train it can be a breeze.

Endless Ocean, Harvest Moon series and Animal Crossing when I'm in a passive mood, which is very often
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Postby Sapphy » Wed Aug 25, 2010 9:18 am

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Super Mario Bros 1, 2, and 3
Super Mario 64
Mario Galaxy
...and probably other games I'm forgetting.

And I'll probably be murdered for saying this, but I think Ocarina of Time is the best LoZ game, and I'm not a big fan of any of the gameboy Zelda games. I haven't played enough of the original Zelda game to decide if I like it yet, and I haven't played the second game at all.
Yes. Zelda fangirl here... I'll admit that one. Though some people may disagree after that last paragraph... =P
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Postby Nate » Wed Aug 25, 2010 1:51 pm

I can't think of anyone who would murder you for saying OoT is the best Zelda game. I know plenty who would disagree with you because you're completely and absolutely 100% wrong (seeing as how Link to the Past is the best Zelda game), but murder? Nah.

And there's nothing wrong with not being a big fan of the GB Zelda games, although Link's Awakening is top-notch, but I admit the others can be difficult to get into. Still though, Twilight Princess? Bad taste when it comes to Zelda games. :p

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Postby Htom Sirveaux » Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:34 pm

- Anyone who knows me, knows I'm gonna start off with the Silent Hill games. Probably SH2 is the all-around best, though the first is my personal favorite. Also, Shattered Memories had a surprisingly good story and the ending was one of the best twists in the series. Hated SH4: The Room, though. It barely even counts as a Silent Hill game.

- Beyond Good & Evil and Psychonauts prove that a good story and likeable characters can often drive a game without spectacular gameplay mechanics.

- Earthworm Jim. When I rocked the Sega Genesis, this was hands down my favorite game.

- I have fond memories of playing Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2, WWF Smackdown 2, and Crash Team Racing with an old friend.

- Dino Crisis. Before I met Silent Hill, this was the #1 survival horror game in my heart. Never got to play DC2, though.

- God of War trilogy (excluding the PSP's Chains of Olympus) and the Uncharted series. Epic, the both of them.
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Postby Sapphy » Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:44 pm

Nate (post: 1419647) wrote:I can't think of anyone who would murder you for saying OoT is the best Zelda game. I know plenty who would disagree with you because you're completely and absolutely 100% wrong (seeing as how Link to the Past is the best Zelda game), but murder? Nah.

And there's nothing wrong with not being a big fan of the GB Zelda games, although Link's Awakening is top-notch, but I admit the others can be difficult to get into. Still though, Twilight Princess? Bad taste when it comes to Zelda games. :p

Alright, so "murder" is a bit harsh I guess... disagree because I'm completely wrong would probably be more accurate. Haha
And yes, I know my taste in Zelda games may be a bit strange. Few people agree with me on which ones are better most of the time. Well, except one friend of mine who is pretty much my clone... he asked if I've ever played OoT and seemed pretty happy to find that I completely love it x) lol
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Postby Nate » Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:53 pm

I don't see how that's unusual. Like 80% of Zelda fans think OoT is the best Zelda game. Another 15% think it's Twilight Princess. The remaining 5% are too varied to break down further, but the common responses from them are most of the remaining ones.

I suppose there are a few fringe fans who think that Minish Cap or the Oracle games are the best, but they're probably extremely rare. The "Zelda II is the best" fans are also somewhat rare, though more common than the MC or Oracle fans. They're probably the smallest main group of the 5%. The others seem like they'd be fairly evenly tied between the remaining games.

Also, I made all those percentages up. But I'm pretty sure the vast majority of the Zelda fandom considers OoT to be the best, followed second by the Twilight Princess fans, and probably Wind Waker or the original Zelda would be third.

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Postby Furen » Sat Aug 28, 2010 11:26 am

Ella Edric (post: 1369539) wrote:FINAL FANTASY!!!!!!!!! THE TOTAL AWESOMENESSSSSS!!!!!!!!
the same with LoZ, and FE! ^_______^

These as well as:
Tales of...
Harvest moon

Wow I have too many favourites...
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Postby the_wolfs_howl » Sat Aug 28, 2010 10:02 pm

Sapphy (post: 1419580) wrote:And I'll probably be murdered for saying this, but I think Ocarina of Time is the best LoZ game, and I'm not a big fan of any of the gameboy Zelda games. I haven't played enough of the original Zelda game to decide if I like it yet, and I haven't played the second game at all.

I'm in pretty much exactly the same place as you, though I didn't like Twilight Princess quite as much as you did. OoT was an amazing game, and will always be the standard I measure other Zelda games up to (whether that's a good idea or not, I can't help doing it). I think that was the first video game I cried for :waah!: But yeah, my second-favorite Zelda game is Link to the Past; that's a really good one. And I'm not much for the GB games either (not counting the GBA version of LttP, which is what I played, because it was originally for the SNES). Can't wait to see what Skyward Sword is like! 8D
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Postby Furen » Sat Aug 28, 2010 10:12 pm

[quote="the_wolfs_howl (post: 1420413)"]I'm in pretty much exactly the same place as you, though I didn't like Twilight Princess quite as much as you did. OoT was an amazing game, and will always be the standard I measure other Zelda games up to (whether that's a good idea or not, I can't help doing it). I think that was the first video game I cried for :waah!: But yeah, my second-favorite Zelda game is Link to the Past]

Not specifically to any person but is there a need around most Zelda players to have to compare everything to TP or OOC? They were both good but the others were good too.
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Postby Davidizer13 » Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:51 am

Furen (post: 1420415) wrote:Not specifically to any person but is there a need around most Zelda players to have to compare everything to TP or OOC? They were both good but the others were good too.

Yes, it is neccesary because this is the Internet, and arguing about what's better is what we do here.

But seriously, all it is is like a fan of a show going, "Oh, that episode was the best," and then another one comes along and says "Nope, I liked another one better," but they both like the show as a whole]Kirby Super Star[/I] is genius and you should play it, Shining Force 2 is genius and you should play it, and Hydorah is genius and you have no excuse about why you haven't played it yet, because it's free.
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Postby the_wolfs_howl » Sun Sep 05, 2010 8:32 am

<_< Just to clarify, by "measuring other Zelda games" up to OoT, what I'm measuring is how much I enjoyed it myself. Some games have actual "flaws" that I can point to (like TP's bosses being way easier than the ones in OoT), but mostly it's just how much I personally enjoyed the game, which is pretty arbitrary and based on my moods and imagination. I don't really have much to complain about for Wind Waker, for example, but I just didn't happen to enjoy it as much as OoT, therefore it doesn't "measure up."

But anyway, I realized I didn't mention Bowser's Inside Story! :dance: That's my favorite Super Mario game - so fun to play, and hilarious too. I've never been able to look at Bowser the same since :lol: Blowing into the mike to breathe fire was an awesome use of the DS, I think.

And the Professor Layton games are also favorites. My sisters just got Curious Village, and I'm stoked!
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