Postby Bobtheduck » Thu Nov 22, 2007 10:53 am
*oops, wrong thread... I guess the whole thread disappeared... Sorry for gravedigging*
May as well put my post here, anyhow, since I gravedug, may as well make it somewhat worth it:
I had a long reply here, and it disappeared... In any case:
Now that Uncharted is out and I have Rock Band (shared with a friend), I have nothing really to look forward to on PS3, unless I get the PS3 version of Unreal Tournament... If I get the PC version, it wont' run well on my PC, but I'll be able to use the editor and transfer my levels to my friend's PS3 and play them on there... Unreal Ed stuff being usable on PS3 is a really big strongpoint, since It means I can show off my level building, modeling, special effect, and texturing work on a console, something I'd never have been able to do before. I'm just not sure I want to be the one who buys the PS3 version, since that's buying the game twice, essentially. That releases on PS3 next month (PC version came out Tuesday)
As for after that?
Crisis Core whenever the criminally slow adaptation teams get done with it, hopefully this year, or Q1 of 2008.
Little Big Planet Q1 of 2008
Home (not a game of course) Q1 of 2008
Alone in the Dark Q1 of 2008
Orange Box hopefully before MGS4, though I may break down and get it for the PC. I'd just like to share it with others, which I wouldn't have been able to do before, but with my new Laptop, I may... Provided the integrated graphics card doesn't suck...
MGS4 in April 2008
Killzone 2 in Q2 of 2008
Eternal Sonata Q2 of 2008
Silent Hill 5 in Fall 2008 (Akira Yamaoka told me that personally as a target)
White Knight Story sometime in 2008
Resident Evil 5, maybe early 2009
Eyedentify whenever it comes out
Afrika, when they start turning it into a game rather than a bunch of cool shots of amazing animals (and pretty horrible water)
Final Fantasy XIII, perhaps in this dimension, maybe in another. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
Legend of Crying Bronies: Twilight's a Princess