I beat FFX last night...

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Postby MasterDias » Mon Jun 26, 2006 11:29 am

SP1 wrote:It's not that it is hard or expensive to continue after the main plot is over, it is just tedious and without plot-based merit. Does it really make sense in FFX for all of these party members to stick together after defeating the final boss? It's even worse in SO:TTEOT. In that one, you see an epilogue clip about what happens to all the characters (and they go separate ways), then, zap, you're all back together to take on several bonus dungeons. They should have just built these into the main plot line.

I think you are missing the point for all of the post-game content. Post-game content is usually not supposed to have anything to do with the story. It's whole purpose is to provide extra challenges for the players who wish for them, especially if the main game is not that difficult. Remember, these are video games, not movies. Gameplay is extremely important.
At any rate, I much rather prefer games with extra content, then games with basically no side-quests. The Grandia series is guilty of this latter point...

I wish to go on record one more time as saying, "I *hate* blitzball." Auron should have killed him. ]
At times, I wonder if I am the only person who somewhat enjoyed blitzball. I liked it better than those card games at any rate.
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Postby Nate » Mon Jun 26, 2006 11:35 am

MasterDias wrote:At times, I wonder if I am the only person who somewhat enjoyed blitzball. I liked it better than those card games at any rate.

I actually liked it pretty well myself, so no, you're not the only person.

I liked the card game in 8, though it was so hard I gave up on trying to get all the cards...the computer seems to be able to pull off those Plus/Same rules EVERY turn for some reason (I think it's because it's cheating, but I can't prove it...). The card game in 9 was confusing and didn't really serve a purpose other than to just get the cards, which isn't a lofty enough goal (in my mind) to justify playing it. Well, I mean after the Card Tournament. Gotta win that for a Rebirth Ring.

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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Jun 26, 2006 1:25 pm

As a whole, I haven't really liked the "big" mini-games in the Final Fantasy series. I play them enough to get the special items and then never again. But can we all agree that the main mini-game in FFX-2 was the worst? There's nothing wrong with math, but...

SP1 wrote:Really, can you actually imagine that Tidus would desert his sworn quest to go play blitzball?

Actually, I found it amusing to try to play Blitzball at the most inopportune times. As in directly before the chamber of a major boss or right after Sin slaughters the army.

MasterDias wrote:Post-game content is usually not supposed to have anything to do with the story. It's whole purpose is to provide extra challenges for the players who wish for them, especially if the main game is not that difficult.

I was going to say this, but you said it very well first. Though it is always odd to think that there are these other bosses far stronger than the main one just sitting around, they do provide challenges that not every gamer wants to take on.

Also, these frequently aren't after the game, merely more difficult than the ending. In FFX, for example, you can't play after the ending, so according to the real timeline, you beat the Monster Arena before taking on the final boss.
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Postby MasterDias » Mon Jun 26, 2006 1:40 pm

uc pseudonym wrote:But can we all agree that the main mini-game in FFX-2 was the worst? There's nothing wrong with math, but...

Heh, that one was sort of amusing. Having to do calculations in my head...
But, yeah, I lost my patience with it and gave up.
Missed a dress sphere because of it...but...oh well.
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Postby Tommy » Mon Jun 26, 2006 5:13 pm

Blitzball would've made that game perfect if it wasp layed like a sports game where you don't *ahem*... take turns.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Mon Jun 26, 2006 6:03 pm

everdred12a wrote:Like I said, Ultimecia's castle wasn't tough... I want to know, what part was tough? I really enjoyed Ultimecia's castle... it was fun to wander around and annihilate bosses with like, no junctioning and stuff. xD

Ultimecia's castle wasn't too hard at all. Now, that may be just because I had some awesome junctioning going on when I played through it, but I found that castle to be quite easy. And Ultimecia? She was VERY easy. I didn't die once while fighting her, and that's saying something, since it took me a full two weeks to beat Adel at the beginning of disc 4.

As for FFX, I still haven't gotten past the battle with Seymour on Mt. Gagazet. But I think that may have something to do with the fact that my sphere grid wasn't all that great. XD; Oh, well.
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Postby Mithrandir » Mon Jun 26, 2006 6:38 pm

RD: One of the points I make in my walkthrough is that, just before that battle, you should walk as far back as possible and fill out the monster arena. You get the satisfaction of completing part of a side quest, and your guys level up to the point you can really trounce Seymore. Who could as for anything more? lol
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Postby BigZam » Mon Jun 26, 2006 6:45 pm

Mithrandir wrote:I think a few people are missing the point, here. I don't think FFX was supposed to be difficult to BEAT]need[/i] KOR to beat Sephiroth, but you DO need it to beat Ruby Weapon. If any of you want to claim that beating EVERY enemy in FFX was easy then:

1. You obviously never actually beat every enemy in the arena, or
2. You are a master and I should kiss your feet.

It took over 300 hours to get my guys to a level where I could actually beat the final arena bosses. And those battles took forever. If you really want to know more about it, check out my walkthroughs (see sig).

yeah i used a cheat device and STILL couldn't beat alot of the arena bosses...
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Postby Mithrandir » Mon Jun 26, 2006 6:56 pm

That brings up an interesting point. I really did like how you had to master both power and strategy to beat these guys. I did it - barely. The final arena boss battle was unbelievably tough for me, and that's with 255's across the board. I had to combine a couple of battle strategies to figure out that one.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Mon Jun 26, 2006 8:41 pm

kaemmerite wrote:No, you can't bribe Omega, you have to fight him. Ultima WEAPON is the one you bribe (and you get 99 Pendulums from doing so).

I sure didn't. XP I beat a few of them, including Master Tonberry (who took me about 45 minutes and nearly did me in), but I didn't capture enough of the monsters to get the really tough guys. I haven't even seen Neslug or Nemesis.

Neslug (and maybe nemesis) is, I believe, the only monster(s) in the monster arena that has its own model... It isn't just a slight variation on another model... It seriously weirded me out the first time I saw it...

My friend was only able to beat neslug by doing attack reels with wakka at highest attack and a break damage limit weapon... He was able to blast the shell off of him which keeps him from healing... After that, he's easy, provided you don't let him get his shell back... I watched my friend kill Nemesis, on the other hand, and he said Nemesis wasn't hard as much as he was tedious... Man, it took forever... so... long...

everdred12a wrote:Like I said, Ultimecia's castle wasn't tough... I want to know, what part was tough? I really enjoyed Ultimecia's castle... it was fun to wander around and annihilate bosses with like, no junctioning and stuff. xD

It's been about 7 years since I beat it last, but I remember some of the bosses in Ultimecia's castle could only take physical attacks, some only magic, and you have to be able to choose what stuff to get back and make sure that you can fight the right monsters... There was no "annihilating" of bosses going on... I seriously got stuck... Now, if you used a strategy guide, telling you which order to take the monsters out and what thing to get back, then maybe it was easy... I didn't use a guide when I played through it the first time, so it was darned near impossible for me...

Not counting the monster arena, the 4 bosses in zanarkand were the only difficult bosses for me in FFX my first run, because I leveled so much... On my speed run, I actually found *someone* to be very difficult... He killed me with his *someone* bomb... My trip through ultimecia's castle, on the other hand, was incredibly difficult... Maybe I just hadn't mastered the battle system in 8, I don't know...

Off topic, It was always fun to fight chimerageist over and over for return spheres in FFX... Also the easiest way to get dark matter... Oh, another fun one would be Catastrophe... It made me sad when my friend with Break damage limit weapons took it out in like 3 hits... I used to spend hours on it, and it was greatly satisfying to see it never quite able to take me out (1 MP use and autolife on 2 people, to cast on everyone)
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Postby Yojimbo » Mon Jun 26, 2006 10:31 pm

The bosses leading up to the end and the final bosses of FFX were ridiculously easy for me. Me and my cousins for several days over Christmas break just went after every Ultimate Weapon and every Summon. I could beat Jecht with only Summon overdrives and the overdrives of half my party last I checked which was about two years ago. Heck I remember we grinded through all those fights to get to Omega Weapon which were harder than actually fighting Omega himself. I went to the bathroom and let someone else play and by the time I came back they had already gotten in the fight with Omega and won.
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Postby Destroyer2000 » Tue Jun 27, 2006 7:04 am

A friend of mine couldn't beat Everett on X, and I found him to be rediculously easy.
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Postby termyt » Tue Jun 27, 2006 7:38 am

I was very disappointed with Omega Weapon in X. Omega in VIII was a boss worthy of fighting, but in X he was a sad joke. I defeated him in three actions - and only that many because my first action was a defensive one. The fight was over before I could do anything, so I reset and fought him again so I could steal, etc from him. That said, if you are a compulsive leveler like I am, you never expect the final boss to be tough. The real challenge comes in fighting the optional bosses.

After reading this thread, I realized I never finished FFX-2. I remember why, now. I lost all will to play the game after failing to get the Mascot Dresssphere after doing everything I was supposed to do. I don't know what I did wrong. Although, I did beat the optional boss at the bottom of the temple's basement. Can't remember what the area was called. Anyway, man was that a tough fight.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat Jul 08, 2006 12:30 pm

Yojimbo wrote:The bosses leading up to the end and the final bosses of FFX were ridiculously easy for me. Me and my cousins for several days over Christmas break just went after every Ultimate Weapon and every Summon.

Every ultimate weapon? That is, like, an impossible task in and of itself... Do you know how many hours of blitzball that entails? How many stupid minigames and rediculous LIGHTNING DODGING that requires... And that stupid butterfly game... I think on one of my playthroughs, I simply got Yuna's ultimate weapon... Holy + one MP usage + Break damage limit + super-powered yuna = totally kicking butt... That takes leveling, still... After doing all of that, OF COURSE whatshisname at the end of the game would be easy for you...

You know, I don't think I knew about the celestial weapons on my first runthrough. The only thing I cheated on was Bahamut's cloister of trials, because that one gave me a headache. So, I didn't even know the ultimate weapons existed... With no break damage limit, the game becomes chalanging again... You should all try it.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sat Jul 08, 2006 1:52 pm

The one ultimate weapon I wanted but knew I'd never get is Tidus's. That chocobo game... I could probably get it if I played long enough, but I don't have the patience.

Personally, though, I'm surprised that more people didn't get Auron's ultimate weapon. It's really rather easy to get both of the items for it, because one is just lying on the ground (like one always is) and the other just requires catching some monsters for the Monster Arena.
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