The Official Nintendo Wii (Revolution) Thread

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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:49 pm

Well, I, for one, have officially lost all respect for Nintendo as a serious gaming company. They're nuts! :lol:
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Postby glitch1501 » Fri Apr 28, 2006 5:08 am

i think everyone, wether you like the Wii or not should read this article...he makes a few very good points

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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Fri Apr 28, 2006 6:44 am

I totally agree with that article. Excellent find!
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Postby Mega.EXE » Fri Apr 28, 2006 7:24 am

WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay i dont care what it's called i just want it!! :bang: give it to me Nintendo!!!!
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Postby Rogie » Fri Apr 28, 2006 8:36 am

He makes some good points in that article. And if you think about it, and if you watch the little teaser video at, what does it remind you of?

Apple. The font, the color scheme (white with charcoal gray lettering). Very clean, very simple. The word means nothing right now other than that it sounds stupid. But once that word is associated with something good, then it can *possibly* become a household name.

What did the word "iPod" mean ten years ago? Nothing. But now, it means a lot.

Thinking of it that way, I guess I can get used to it. The key is to show off some killer games at E3, and they *must* show off a radically new Mario game. Must.
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Postby Nate » Fri Apr 28, 2006 11:20 am

All I know is I will still call it the Revolution. Because I would look like a freakin' pansy asking for a Wii at the store.

I have my own comments on how they came up with the name, but you'll just have to wait for the next podcast to hear 'em. ;)

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Postby Omega Amen » Fri Apr 28, 2006 11:24 am

[quote="kaemmerite"]I have my own comments on how they came up with the name, but you'll just have to wait for the next podcast to hear 'em. ]I will try my best to give the other (positive) side to this name decision.... But man, that is going to be so hard, because I will not believe anything that I will say.

Edit: Not to mention I will be choking back my laughter constantly. I am just glad I have a handy mute button on my headset.
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Postby Nate » Fri Apr 28, 2006 11:29 am

By the way, here's what Tycho said in Penny Arcade (edited for language). I think I can get behind his position fairly well:

Tycho wrote:I'm uncomfortable with it because I think a word of alien origin like "Wii" is phonetically ambiguous for most people, but I doubt that I represent some genuine constituency. Nintendo clearly felt the name was so cryptic it required a Rosetta Stone alongside to contextualize it, which doesn't really speak to its deep strength or intuitive character. I believe, almost fervently, in their vision for the product - but I don't see any reason to do their public relations work for them. Enunciating each syllable clearly, I would call this moniker a profound error in judgement.

I'm aware that some people like it, or in any event they don't hate it. I am not those people, but I think that I can live in peace with them as long as they do not try and honestly suggest that the name is emblematic of togetherness. What makes me mad isn't that Nintendo has chosen a name based on bizarre, interstellar philosophy. It's that they chose a name that was and is so readily used to obscure and discredit the imaginative power of the system.

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Postby Tarnish » Fri Apr 28, 2006 11:33 am

Stop saying Wii! Nobody says Wii!!

Seriously, every time I hear that title I want to go kick a kitten...
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Postby Felix » Fri Apr 28, 2006 2:21 pm


I said Wii.


Watcha gonna do now?

On topic again, good article! *gives it teh thumbs of up*
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Postby indyrocker » Fri Apr 28, 2006 5:18 pm

Shia Kyosuka wrote:Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's rumble technology, too, now that I've thought back on the articles I've read on it.

The way the talk about how it wasn't included in the wavebird because it was wireless just points toward rumble. but, hey! It would be awesome if it did have Full Force Feedback, huh?
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Postby Shia Kyosuka » Fri Apr 28, 2006 6:00 pm

Well, Nintendo seems to be bringing in more and more non-gamers all around me, including two of the biggest non-gamers I know. My sisters. They were brought to gaming by the DS.

It told my mother about the Wii this afternoon.... She loved it! O_o

It's amazing seeing Nintendo's plan working all around me.

Just thought I'd share. ^_^


Just imagin a dating sim(non H) with that just think how brused you would be.

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Postby Link Antilles » Fri Apr 28, 2006 6:28 pm

After thinking about, I'm having doubts about this crazy name change being real. Seeing how we've been hearing that Nintendo hasn't registered any trademarks with the name, etc.... I think they are setting us up for E3. They did copy Halo 2’s viral marketing with Metroid Prime 2, remember.

Still, when the second X-box was finally given the name X-box 360. I laughed and laughed. Yet, the name did grow on me. Now, I own one and it's really not *that* bad of a name.

Time will tell.

Anyways, in happier news... rumors of a Kojima game are going around:
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Postby The-Case » Fri Apr 28, 2006 7:59 pm

The new name is actually already growing on me.

I think Nintendo will likely have to wrestle hardest with getting its name-picture out there by showing the world what the Wii logo looks like in the context of it's official brand design. PR.

Yesterday, I cringed every time I heard that foul name. It was like my soapbox was replaced with cardboard. Then, after I watched the official video at a few more times (well, actually more than a few), I only kind of winced. NOW--dare I say it--I sort of *enjoy* the ad and the feeling I get when I view the name. As folks have said before, it's just as much as a picture as a word. As I begin to associate that wide, smooth lettering with the name "Wii", I begin not to hate it. That's right, in the course of two days, I have actually come from hating the pajunk out the name, to accepting or even having an affinity toward it. I think that is how Nintendo plans to win out in the end.
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Postby Shia Kyosuka » Fri Apr 28, 2006 8:26 pm

had enough.
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Postby Shia Kyosuka » Fri Apr 28, 2006 8:37 pm


Force Feedback is CONFIRMED!

On page 2.

Looks like I was right, afterall.
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Postby Nate » Fri Apr 28, 2006 8:47 pm

I fail to see how this "confirms" it. That's an EA spokesperson, not a Nintendo spokesperson, and he could easily have mistaken "rumble capability" for "force feedback."

Sorry, but until you produce an article with a Nintendo employee saying "It will have force feedback and not rumble technology," I refuse to believe it.

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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Fri Apr 28, 2006 9:11 pm

kaemmerite wrote:I fail to see how this "confirms" it. That's an EA spokesperson, not a Nintendo spokesperson, and he could easily have mistaken "rumble capability" for "force feedback."

Sorry, but until you produce an article with a Nintendo employee saying "It will have force feedback and not rumble technology," I refuse to believe it.

I believe shia is right. I posted info about it on page 1
Canadian internet radio station Radio-Talbot recently spoke with Nintendo of Canada's Director of Marketing Pierre-Paul Trepanier in an interview centered around the Revolution. Two major points, force feedback and how the system will be able to measure the movement of the remote, were discussed.

In response to the query of force feedback being a possibility with the remote, Pierre said "Yes there's feedback in it even though it is wireless, we will show more at E3. Before in our wireless controllers, we didn't put feedback because of battery life problems but now we have found a way to do it without lowering the battery life of the remote."

[Via Go Nintendo] for more info

However like you said. It "might" be just a rumble feature. But I'm going to believe that it will have force feedback

We will know when E3 arrives
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Postby Nate » Fri Apr 28, 2006 9:12 pm

Um, nice, Ryan, except you forgot to mention the interview was in FRENCH and "force feedback" may be a mistranslation of "rumble capabilities." So, no, I still don't believe it.

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Postby Raiden no Kishi » Fri Apr 28, 2006 10:43 pm

agentsmith700 wrote:Just imagine a dating sim(non H) with that. Just think how bruised you would be.

Like, say . . . this?

So, about this "Wii" business . . . [you may take that as a "wii" pun, if you wish. Not a big one, just a "wii" pun. ^_~]

I liked Revolution better, but I think the new name will grow on me. I don't really care what they name it [within reason, mind you]. As long as it's a good system with good games, I'm for it. In fact, it's [so far] the only next-gen system I plan on buying. I'm a casual gamer ~ I don't have the cash to shell out for two or three expensive consoles and games that I may only play a few hours a wii-k, max [oh dear ~ there I go again with the "wii" puns].

Besides, Wii has that off-beat Japanese thing going on. And that has a tendency to become awesome. Sometimes. Wii-l just have to wait and see.

: : dodges old used Xbox controllers : :

Okay, that's enough. I can take a hint ~ even a wii one.

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Postby Myoti » Sat Apr 29, 2006 6:09 am

Odd, but it's just a name. As long as the system does what it promises, you could call "Gamestation of Doom" or whatever and I'd be fine.

Also (though I'm probably one of the few here that cares :p ), "One Piece: Unlimited Adventure" will be made for the Revolution.

Just a quick thought. The Nintendo "DS" doesn't mean what everyone might think it does. There was never a truly official meaning for it. Everyone just thought "dual-system", but the President of Nintendo said himself that a better meaning could be "developer system," and the games themselves have had different off-sets with the meaning.


It's a simple name, but one that can mean quite alot.
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Postby indyrocker » Sat Apr 29, 2006 6:32 am

haha ya raiden like that but with more bruses and blood.
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Postby Mega.EXE » Sat Apr 29, 2006 7:31 am

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Postby Yojimbo » Sat Apr 29, 2006 9:21 am

Myoti wrote:Odd, but it's just a name. As long as the system does what it promises, you could call "Gamestation of Doom" or whatever and I'd be fine.

Also (though I'm probably one of the few here that cares :p ), "One Piece: Unlimited Adventure" will be made for the Revolution.

Just a quick thought. The Nintendo "DS" doesn't mean what everyone might think it does. There was never a truly official meaning for it. Everyone just thought "dual-system", but the President of Nintendo said himself that a better meaning could be "developer system," and the games themselves have had different off-sets with the meaning.


It's a simple name, but one that can mean quite alot.

Actually I'm pretty sure it's "Dual Screen" which makes much more sense.
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Postby Myoti » Sat Apr 29, 2006 9:59 am

Actually I'm pretty sure it's "Dual Screen" which makes much more sense.

It was stated as meaning both. "Developer's system," as in, the developer has more they can do with it. Two screens and touch screen allows more (which many have taken advantage of).
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Postby Shia Kyosuka » Sat Apr 29, 2006 10:03 am

Here's a confirmed game list:

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Wii
Metroid Prime 3
Raid Over The River
Super Smash Bros. Wii
The Simpsons Wii
Madagascar 2
Beijing 2008
Free Radical Project (Untitled)
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2
The Legend of Zelda Wii
Animal Crossing Wii
Bob Ross: The Joy of Painting
n-Space Wii Project (Untitled)
Pirates of the Caribbean 3
Transformers (2007)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2007 (Untitled)
Spider-Man 3 Wii
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam
Super Mario Wii
Camelot RPG (Untitled)
Sonic The Hedgehog Wii
Donkey Kong Wii
Killing Day
Soul Caliber (next-gen sequel)
Red Steel
Disney/Pixar's Cars
Midway Wii Project (Untitled)
Trauma Center Wii
SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Madden NFL 2007
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz
Pangya Golf
Natsume Wii Game
Kid Icarus Wii
Blitz Games Project (Untitled)

(by someone from the nintendo forums)

Expected to grow during E3: ;) (no duhs)
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Postby Myoti » Sat Apr 29, 2006 10:10 am

You didn't include the One Piece game I just posted. o.o
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Postby Link Antilles » Sat Apr 29, 2006 10:12 am

It'd be freakin' awesome if it's true that Kid Icarus and a Camelot RPG (makers of Golden Sun) are in development.
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Postby Linksquest » Sat Apr 29, 2006 10:39 am

I think I'll overlook the name, and the games will be good (i'm glad they have a smash bros. title ready). It's just.... AGGRIVATING! blah... Nintendo? WHEN WILL YOU LEARN!!!!? it's so hard to defend you sometimes... e_e

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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sat Apr 29, 2006 12:03 pm

It's just a name guys. A lot of you are overeacting

What if Nintendo put a false name on purpose as a publicity stunt?
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