Xenosaga 3

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Postby Tommy » Sat Sep 24, 2005 2:53 pm

The link to the pictures that we all saw.
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Postby kazekami » Sat Sep 24, 2005 6:03 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:Wow, Shion and Yuna sound identicle.

This game has so many references to Xenogears it should be illegal.

The Colonel dude with the gray cross on his face, remember that? Now a guy who lloks identicle but a purple X on his face?

And how about those weird hypnotic scenes with the swinging cross from Xenogears? That`s in Ep.1 as well.

I would feel much better if I thought Square-Enix made these games. I mean seriously, the same people who made Pac Man made this and now have a sequel with badly dressed characters? Along with FFX, that was such a "Square" thing to do. Even in Ep.1 everyone could use more clothing.

Oh, yeah, BTW click on the link and see the first picture viewable of a person. Is that part of the outfit or a guy? if it`s neither, this game is a definate M.

Yuna and shion sound and look nothing alike. Neither do they act alike.

And Xenogears has the same writers as Xenosaga.

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Postby Rocketshipper » Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:16 pm

Oh, yeah, BTW click on the link and see the first picture viewable of a person. Is that part of the outfit or a guy? if it`s neither, this game is a definate M.

So which picture are you talking about? I'm confused.

[spoiler]Negredo with gun in hand standing in front of Shion cradling an apparently injured Momo. [/spoiler]

Is that the pic that's 4 up from the bottom of the page??? That's actully Mary and Shelly ^^.
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Postby kazekami » Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:52 pm

Your right that is Mary and Shelly.

Also I think Tom is seeing things because I saw nothing like what he's talking about.

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Postby Nate » Sat Sep 24, 2005 9:10 pm

kazekami wrote:Also I think Tom is seeing things because I saw nothing like what he's talking about.

I second that. o.O

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Postby Tommy » Sun Sep 25, 2005 6:49 am

No, the first picture in sight as you scroll down right under "Xenosaga Ep.3." I think it`s a pic of Shion alone in a spacecraft of some kind.

How long of a game is Xenosaga Ep.1? I read somewhere I`M 2/10 done and i`ve been playuing for a dang hour. I`m still in the ship you start out in.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Sun Sep 25, 2005 6:57 am

That is not a breast. Looks to high up. Probably part of the outfit. But what would I know I don't even know the game you're talking about.
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Postby Tommy » Sun Sep 25, 2005 7:04 am

Thank You W4J....

It just looks like er......nipples..... I was trying to hold back from saying that word refering to a girl BUT THAT IS WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE?! The only confidence I had that they weren`t is the fact Shion`s were um.........not flat in Episode 1. That looksl ike someone took Shions head and pasted it to a male body. That looks like a guy`s chest.

Sorry for discussing innapropriate content, but I just wanted to make sure that wasn`t what I saw. If you guys can`t see it, it`s the first picture of a person that comes to view as you scroll down.
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Postby kazekami » Sun Sep 25, 2005 9:43 am

Episode 1 is really long. Took me 70 hours to beat. You have a ways to go.

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Postby Tommy » Sun Sep 25, 2005 10:48 am

Oh, good it`s long. I was hoping that. Ep.2 I heard is much longer.

Can someone explain what that picture is of?
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Postby Rocketshipper » Sun Sep 25, 2005 11:31 am

70 hours? ^_^. It only took me like 25, but I had a player's guide. I do know that the game has about 8 and 1/2 hours of cinemas, because I recorded them all onto a VHS tape while I was playing ^^. Episode 2 has about 5 hours of cinemas, althougth the actull game is longer.

The first picture on that link is indeed Shion, but I didn't notice anything weird. Those aren't nipples, they are too high up and too far apart, it's just part of her outfit. You can see them in the picture that's 3 down from the top too.
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Postby Michael » Sun Sep 25, 2005 2:36 pm

Ep. 1 only took me like 40hrs first time through. I leveled up and beat it at lvl70 later, but even then I'd only did about 60hrs. It must vary from peron-to-person.

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Postby Wise Dragon » Sun Sep 25, 2005 6:25 pm

Ep. 1 only took me like 40hrs first time through. I leveled up and beat it at lvl70 later, but even then I'd only did about 60hrs. It must vary from peron-to-person.

Me too I was so mad because everyone was saying that it would take at least 70 hours to beat but Idid in 40. I didn't reallize the final boss was the finall boss because I was expecting a whole other half other half of the game.
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Postby Rocketshipper » Sun Sep 25, 2005 7:51 pm

Xenogears, on the other hand, really does take forever. I think my last game was like 55 or 60 hours, WITH a players guide!!
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Postby kazekami » Sun Sep 25, 2005 8:44 pm

Episode 2 only took me 30 hours to beat without doing all the side quest. I'm not sure why episode 1 took me so long. heh.

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Postby Tommy » Mon Sep 26, 2005 12:25 pm

Xenogears...I`m at the Nortune Sewers, 13 hours .....Gosh, Nortune reminds me so much of Midgar from FFVII. Actually, Xenogears was suppposedto be the next FF7.

FF7 - Sephiroth + Giant Gundam-Styled Robots + Sprites + Barbie-Doll Nudity - Legos + New characters + Better gameplay + The ability to jump + Blood + Not having the words "Final" and "Fantasy" = Xenogears.

FF10 + More addicting gameplay + Star Ocean-styled timeline + Better graphics= Xenosaga Ep. 1

Scratch what I said earlier, i heard Xenosaga Ep.2 is twice as short as Ep. 1 and Ep.2 has Two Discs....... the graphics must rock then.

One complaint, that ship you start off in at the begining....NEEDED MUSIC. Something similar to the music from Garden in FFVIII would`ve fitted perfectly but no music drove me crazy!

Gears own AWGs IMO.

Is that memorable villian on the back cover of Ep.2 in Ep.3 as well as Ep.1 ?

Were AGWs really the gears in Xenogears they recover from the ship`s ruins? If so, Gears are much bigger for some reason.
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Postby CDLviking » Mon Sep 26, 2005 1:26 pm

No. The robots in ep. 2 (AMWs I think), are actually much bigger, and more similar to the gears.
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Postby Rocketshipper » Mon Sep 26, 2005 2:41 pm

Is that memorable villian on the back cover of Ep.2 in Ep.3 as well as Ep.1 ?

Which villian are you talking about? Margulis (the guy with short red hair?) or Albedo (guy with white hair)?? Margulis is going to be in Episode 3, he's been seen in one of the screenshots that has been released. As for Albedo.......play episode 2 ^^.
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Postby Tommy » Mon Sep 26, 2005 3:51 pm

Albedo was on an in-game screenshot for Ep.1. so I`m assumming Albedo will be in that one.
Albedo was the one i was talking about.
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Postby kazekami » Mon Sep 26, 2005 6:53 pm

Episode 2 is shorter. Though the side quest will give you a lot of game time. They take forever! And some of the Dungeon music drives me crazy. -_- Also the soundtrack has an entirely different feel then episode 1. Yuki Kajiura did the FMV music. She did the music for .hack/sign, Tsubasa Resivoir Chronicles, Madlax, and Noir. I wonder whose doing the music for episode 3.

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Postby Bobtheduck » Tue Sep 27, 2005 12:02 am

Tom Dincht wrote:Sorry for discussing innapropriate content, but I just wanted to make sure that wasn`t what I saw. If you guys can`t see it, it`s the first picture of a person that comes to view as you scroll down.

Those are part of an undershirt or buttons, it looks like. If you look at the concept art further down the page, the same outfit clearly shows her anatomy lower and not flat, and the part visible on the first picture is part of the weird design of the shirt well above that region...

That picture does make it look like that, though...

Also, I don't find the outfits too crazy... Maybe I've been playing FFX for too long, but they seem normal for RPGs and I don't even pay attention to them unless they're like Yunalesca or the one girl in blitzball that has that "loin skirt" thing... Other than that, I don't even notice...
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Postby Tommy » Tue Sep 27, 2005 12:57 pm

Yeah, Yunalesca couldn`t have worn any less. There`s a picture of her in my stradegy guide and I had to draw a black dress on her with permanent longer because I didn`t wanna look at her whenever I needed tips for the boss....she was hard, might I add. I mean who is she trying to impress? i just noticed it looks like she has bunny ears.

FFX-2 looks worse in that category than this game. Look at LeBlanc. I came wicked close to not getting since it was my dad`s decision. He told me if anything "bad" happens to tell him so I could return it and never play another gamel ike that again. I told him about the Massage minigame which had no stradegy and was boring. The Cactuar game was awesome though.

Back on topic, I don`t think clothing is gonna stop me from seeing the conclusion to this series unless there`s none.

Question: Other than the Religious stuff, what makes Xenosaga Episode II such a bad game? If religion is it, I`m getting it.
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Postby Rocketshipper » Tue Sep 27, 2005 1:49 pm

And some of the Dungeon music drives me crazy. -_-

Ditto!! I hate the music they play on Second Miltia and in the foundation. Sometimes I'd just mute the game and listen to other music while I played. The FMV music is pretty good though. I like "Sweet Song" the main theme, and that song they play after the first sword fight.

I didn't think Episode 2 was a bad game; it wasn't perfect in terms of gameplay or non-FMV background music, but it wasn't horrible either, and since the story was awesome, and that's why I play RPGs, I was able to ignore the other flaws in the game.

Things about the gameplay I liked: 1. having a shared boost bar
2. unleashing devistating 20+ hit combos and doing massive damage (very satifying)
3. Being able to level up faster (at least it felt faster to me)
4. Having a few mech only dungeons
5. Some cool side quests and optional dungeons
6. The double tech attacks were fun to watch ^_^

Things that sucked: 1. non-FMV music ^^
2. Not being able to buy items or weapons or armor
3. Everyone learning the exact same ether abilities and having almost the same attacks
4. Some of the side quests are tedious and annoying.
5. paying off the captains debt >_<. (Brain explodes from having to fight the final boss 20 times to steal enough rare items)
6. fights with normal enemies are sometimes harder than the boss fights.
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Postby Tommy » Tue Sep 27, 2005 3:12 pm

I got some nice screenshots.

It includes Xenosaga III, Xenosaga Ds, and Baiten Kaitos 2....

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Postby Tommy » Tue Sep 27, 2005 5:14 pm

MOMOS....Pepita Rosetti.....MOMOS....Pepita Rosetti (Pepita Rosetti, Star Ocean III)

If those two character do not have the same VA I will raise my eyebrow then eat steak. Same voice, bothl ittle girls but then again I find Shion and Yuna`s voice to be identicle.

After that scene where that Tidus-Wannabe asked Shion if she would get a hotel room with him an she said "yes"... my thoughts on her took a dramatic 180.
Her and Yuna do sound alike and that is all they have in common other than the fact their gender is female.

Anyone see those DS shots? Cool huh? Chibi Kos-MoS.

OFF Topic: Star Ocean III won best RPG of th year in 2004. For all you Xenosaga fans out there who find real-time more fun than turn-based...THIS IS YOUR GAME!
It reminds me of Xenosaga sooooo much, actually vice versa since I beat So3 far before i bought Xenosaga. SOIII isn`t bad with religion either and it`s cheap now.

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Ok, you guys are probably going to bash me silly for brining So3 up so randomly. This game just is so much like Xenosaga I just had to make a shout out. Sorry I`ll delete it in seconds. Just one warning: I heard the voice acting in So3 could be much better. I don`t care for VA at all so I don`t think anything needs to be improved.

One Problum: No riding in giant robots, you do fight giant robots though.

BTW, do you visit planets in Ep. 1?
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Postby kazekami » Tue Sep 27, 2005 7:26 pm

[quote="Rocketshipper"]Ditto!! I hate the music they play on Second Miltia and in the foundation. Sometimes I'd just mute the game and listen to other music while I played. The FMV music is pretty good though. I like "Sweet Song" the main theme, and that song they play after the first sword fight.

I didn't think Episode 2 was a bad game]

I agree on all those points. My favorite tune was Jr's theme. It's really pretty. I also muted the sound when the dungoeun/town music got to me. Hopefully they won't have lame music for running around in episode 3.

And Tom you are wrong about Yuna and shinon having the same voice actor. And in episode 1 Momo did have the same voice actor as pepita. Also i like Xenosaga better then Start Ocean till the end of time. i like turned based better then real time.

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Postby Rocketshipper » Tue Sep 27, 2005 8:24 pm

Yep, both MOMO and Pepita are voiced by Sherry Lynn. She's awesome, she played Sasami in the Tenchi dubs.

After that scene where that Tidus-Wannabe asked Shion if she would get a hotel room with him an she said "yes"... my thoughts on her took a dramatic 180.

Tidus-wannabe? Allen?? lol, that's not exactly how I'd describe him. Allen is waaaay to spineless. At which part did she agree to share a hotel room?
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Postby kazekami » Tue Sep 27, 2005 9:46 pm

I don't recall that part either. She is clueless as to how Allen feels.

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Postby Rocketshipper » Tue Sep 27, 2005 10:03 pm

The impression I got was more that she's just not interested in him ^^. I was a supporter of Allen/Shion for like the first few hours of the game, then Allen started getting way too whiny and annoying for me, plus I started to feel like the two of them don't really have much chemistry. I'm actully leaning more towards Shion/Chaos, but I also like Chaos/Kos-mos ^^. Allen also has the ugliest bathing suit in the history of the universe.

Now that I think about it, I think Tom may be reffering to Tony, not Allen. I think I do recall Tony asking Shion to do something with him and she accepted. I don't remember what he asked her exactly, or what her tone was when he accepted, but at the time it didn't set off any warnings in my mind, seemed naturaly to me for a single girl to consider going out on dates.
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Postby Rocketshipper » Tue Sep 27, 2005 10:14 pm

*checks tape*

Tony:..Why don't you and I get a suite and settle in with a nice bottle of wine?
Allen: HEY! Why you!
Shion: (hesitates) um...sure.

She definitly didn't agree enthuisasticly.
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