Gr...did anyone else see the special they had about FPS on the news?

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Postby Knives » Thu Dec 02, 2004 1:01 pm

Destroyer2000 wrote:I hate people like that. They had something like the top 5 most violent games ever...Halo 2 was number 4. Doom 3 was number 1.

Heh people are really closed minded! Who cares what they think here is my list of the top 10 most violent games. (o yah just because there violent doesnt make them bad)
(one other thing.I havent played all these Im just going by what I hear)

1) Doom 3
2)Silent hill 4 the room
3)Mortal Kombat; Deception
4) Prince of Persia the Warrior Within
5) Man Hunt
6) GTA San Andreas
7) Half Life is pretty gorey but i dont know if it ranks 7)
8) Fallout: Brother hood of steel
9) Shinobi??
10) halo 2
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Fri Dec 03, 2004 2:11 am

Most importantly what
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Postby madphilb » Fri Dec 03, 2004 5:39 pm

Volt wrote:3. Jak 3
7. Prince of Persia

Unless I'm missing something, Don't you blow things up in Jak (though I'm sure it's cartoonish, it's still a bit violent for some people).

Prince of Persia I know is very hack-n-slash.... but does it have any blood to go with the stab-n-slash?

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Postby Bobtheduck » Fri Dec 10, 2004 11:09 pm

I'm gonna step in and defend my favorite series. Silent Hill 4 isn't THAT violent... It is the most violent in the series (refer to my argument with Volt for info on my perspective) but it still belongs pretty far down the list... There is no dismemberment and the "body parts" are just environment, as is most of the blood... The violence was upped because of the murders, but there were so many games that have murders in them, most of which were more violent than the murders in SH4...

It's the array of techniques so that it touches more fears that creates this idea that it is more violent... One character was just bloody (no punctures visible), one was burned (that's been in too many games to name, many of which you do the burning), one electrocuted (this was the hardest to deal with for me) one was drowned, and one... Well, I won't give away the last one, but I think Metal Gear Solid 2 was gorier than Silent Hill 4... I don't really consider the bloody motif to be "violence" because it is just there, and not really coming from a source... Its' not like the blood came from a person or animal that you observed dying, it just shows up in rooms for no reason... That's just a scare tactict... Of course, that's just my opinion... Even with that, SH4 has less of that that the first and third games, and even with the amount that 3 had, it is still not #2 on the list...

By the way, I love MGS2...

As for "Prince of Persia", the previous games were not bloody or gory, but the newest one earned an M rating, for gore I believe... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby skynes » Sat Dec 11, 2004 11:43 am

Lol. I was playing 18 games and watching 18 films since I was around 11 or 12, and I turned out fine

*goes on a homocidal killing spree*

...back .... right... now what was I saying?


I see the perspective of the parents, the games are violent. However if the parents would stop BUYING them for the children, these situations would not arise. 18 games are rated 18 as they are for 18yr olds and over. Not 8 or 9yr olds as some parents seem to think.

Some are just so totally oblivious to the ratings.
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