The MUSASHI Series

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The MUSASHI Series

Postby Tommy » Fri Aug 04, 2006 11:20 am

I just beat Brave Fencer Musashi last night and started Musash: Samurai Legend today (Am I now about to beat Chapter 2), and I have to say these games are sick and deserve a thread.

Let us compare:

The Good- The plot is good, the humor is funny, the tunes are catchy, the characters are nice, the voice acting is great and the game itself is just overall fun.

The Bad- The graphics are very blocky and even outdated for the time it came out. No dodgerolling (sorry, I felt the game needed that), and the most challenging part is trying to find out where to go next. Besides that, this game was very easy and short.

[SPOILER] The one problum I had was that we didn't get enough backround information on where Musashi lives and we barely know anything about his rival,Kojiro, besies the fact he is unhealthly cocky. [/SPOILER]

The Ugly- Rootrick.

The Good- Nice use of cel-shaded grahics. The "Duplication" technique is far better than the "Assimilation" technique in Brave Fencer Musashi since now the moves you learned are remembered. The combat system itself is more fun runs more smoothly. The tunes are still catchy.

The Bad: The prolbum is simply that this game tries to retell the story of brave Fencer Musashi and tries to pretend the first one never existed. Why do I say that? Because they are making sequels to this plot and not the other one. luckily, they are only available on the cellphone. "Musashi Mobile" and "Musashi Den II" follow after thsi game.
While the combat system is more fun, enemies seem to need to take a lot more damage, giving the game a repetitive feel.


Anyways, these are both good games, while Brave Fencer is highly superior. Any comments?
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Fri Aug 04, 2006 12:00 pm

I remember watching my brother play his borrowed copy of Brave Fencer Musashi a long time ago. XD I kinda wish I could find that game again, because it was pretty cool. But see, there was this character called "Scribe Shanky," and I'm like, 99.9% sure he was a total flame. xDD "Come clo~se~er..." Man. That guy was a trip. XD But yeah, if I ever get any cash, I'm going to buy this thing. Someday.
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Postby Tommy » Fri Aug 04, 2006 12:47 pm

Yeah, it's a great game.

Scribe Shanky......scared me.
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Postby Monkey J. Luffy » Sun Sep 10, 2006 4:42 pm

I... totally agree...
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Postby jon_jinn » Sun Sep 10, 2006 5:42 pm

my friend got musashi: samurai legend. the gameplays pretty cool and it has nice cell shading but musashi's shirt's sorta wierd. i mean, is it SUPPOSE to reveal the lower half of his stomach? and i agree with you tom dinct. the voice acting was pretty bad.
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Postby Tommy » Sun Sep 10, 2006 5:46 pm

You should totally buy Brave Fencer Musashi. It's the polar opposite due to the fact it's awesome. Dude, Steve Blum is a VA in it. Musashi's shirt in the first is a little more.....normal.
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Sun Sep 10, 2006 7:55 pm

Tom wrote:You should totally buy Brave Fencer Musashi. It's the polar opposite due to the fact it's awesome. Dude, Steve Blum is a VA in it. Musashi's shirt in the first is a little more.....normal.

Hahaha wait you were serious .........that game is rare. Don't get me wrong by laughing i am not saying its a bad game because it is freaking awesome but it is really hard to find. A very good find for you Tom. but yea Samurai Legend was "meh" i liked it untill i heard the voices and my ears started to bleed XD.
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Postby Monkey J. Luffy » Mon Sep 11, 2006 10:29 am

Yes thye were... the words whisker dude are forever scarred into my memory... Forever
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