Metroid Prime 2: Dark Echoes help

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Metroid Prime 2: Dark Echoes help

Postby Takuya » Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:10 am

My mom bought me a Gamecube with my two favorite titles (Metroid Prime 1 & 2) at Christmas time. Unfortunately, no memory card. I had been hittiong MP 1 hard at a friend's house and had never even seen DE in action so I started playing THAT regardless of the no memory problem and even made it up to Amorbis. Finally, some countless hours after I got a memory card, I beat it. But after a while I noticed that there was something missing from my scan logs. "There's a fourth crystal and beacon?" I said, "Is this a joke?!" I ran a web-search and found that there IS indeed a "Super Crystal" and "Super Beacon"

Then, just last night, after playing with my beam-weapons to figure it out, I turned on my scan visor accidentally and it was RED! The crystal was UN-SCANNED!!!

It turns out, it was the Annihilator Beam. Dark and Light at once. It draws the Ing into its destructive grasp and kills them instantly.

I sure hope this helps someone. Good luck guys. And as U-Mos says, "May the Light of Aether be with you."
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