Picked up Empire at War yesterday…

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Picked up Empire at War yesterday…

Postby Link Antilles » Fri Feb 17, 2006 8:16 am

So far, I am really enjoying this game. It’s definitely a big improve from the other Star Wars RTS games. The graphics are great, it runs smoothly, and the space combat is pretty addictive (for me).

However, if you are expecting a lot from the ground combat, your bound to be disappointed. Even after two hours of playing I found it to be a little repetitive. -Mostly because the strategy there in-lies a pretty simple form of rock/paper/scissors. And it’s all clearly layout on what works against what. So, to me, it feels like Battle for Middle Earth with fewer buildings and no “super-weaponsâ€
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Postby Link Antilles » Sat Feb 18, 2006 6:16 am

*double post*
I've haven't had a chance to play much more, but I was just popping back in here to say that Amazon has a pretty good deal going on for it.

How good? $44 and free shipping good!

Check it out:
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Postby Sephiroth » Mon Feb 20, 2006 4:24 pm

i got my copy in the door today. and i pretty much played it for most of the day, just doing some galactic conquests. i tend to prefer the space stuff as well, sometimes i just auto battle on ground (as long as i have the right stuff to know that i'll win) it takes a little to get used to the completly real-time environment even on galactic map, but once your into it its good.

i was wondering why the heck captain antilles' corvette wasn't the Tantive IV in the game, and he's about the only rebel hero i'm not a fan of in-game.

i've still to kill the death star yet, and i havent built one yet either. in my first game the empire didnt manage to get it up and running, and in the second i killed mon mothma before i got the opppertunity to build it :(
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