Courtesy of Gamespot we've got word that the 360 will be finally getting the Wii touch. PDP, the company responsible will be bundling the new peripheral with a game called "squeeballs" which just... sounds like some odd vasquezish pong.
The difference in technology is the placement of sensorbars. This peripheral will use two bars placed on either side of the TV to track movements. It will also, like the Wii, allow for four units to function at the same time.
I'm pretty non-plussed by the news myself. Personally, I've been thoroughly OK with the old paradigm of game design and haven't really missed having motion control on the 360. PS3 owners will attest that they don't miss it either, though some words can be said about the quality of the design and implementation there too.
I would also cast doubts simply because it's a peripheral being tacked on to the console relatively late in the 360's life cycle. Considering this was not the system's original design or direction, I doubt it will get much use as not many developers are going to spring out to design games for it. I suspect we will get the usual crapware gimmicks, but nothing of real depth beyond that.