Board Games!!

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Postby Scarecrow » Fri Mar 20, 2009 1:52 pm

Speaking of Hero Quest, why doesn't Milton Bradley re-release that game? I know it didn't have huge sales back in the day but I think seeing how this style of game is much more popular today, it definitely has a following now. And re-release all those expansion packs... 120 dollars for some of those >.< Ridiculous.

If they wait 2 years they could make it a 20th anniversary edition or something. (I can't believe it's 20 years old >.< i still remember seeing the commercials for that all the time on TV and begging my mom at target to buy it for me :P)
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Postby Sammy Boy » Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:52 am

Whitefang (post: 1298861) wrote:Heroquest --It really is D&D lite, though I've never played D&D, all the miniatures are painted for you and there are many pre-made scenarios (that are fun) for the GM to easily make a balanced experience.

Hero Quest is actually Warhammer Fantasy lite - the game is based in the same universe (since it was a joint venture between Milton-Bradley and Games Workshop).

I enjoyed the game alot, but because the monsters always died too quickly (only 1 body point each), we wrote little "wound markers" on pieces of paper so they could take a few more hits. :)

Scarecrow (post: 1298882) wrote:Speaking of Hero Quest, why doesn't Milton Bradley re-release that game? I know it didn't have huge sales back in the day but I think seeing how this style of game is much more popular today, it definitely has a following now. And re-release all those expansion packs... 120 dollars for some of those >.< Ridiculous.

If they wait 2 years they could make it a 20th anniversary edition or something. (I can't believe it's 20 years old >.< i still remember seeing the commercials for that all the time on TV and begging my mom at target to buy it for me :P)

I found some on eBay that doesn't seem that expensive, have a look if interested:

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Postby Robin Firedrake » Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:32 am

Wait... You guys are getting your heroquest stuff from Ebay? Huh. Down where I am we can still pick up an expansion for ten bucks at Wal-mart.
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Postby Aletheia » Sun Mar 22, 2009 11:41 am

I'm not a huge board game fan, mostly because the rest of my family isn't either, so I don't really have anyone to play with. But I do play sometimes at youth group and when I get together with friends. Some of my favorites are:

Monopoly - so much fun to play with my brother, because we usually end up as the last two people in. And then I win. XD

Acquire - I only played this once. My brother and I played as a team, while everyone else played single player (don't ask why), and we ended up winning. Like Monopoly, it's a money game, and it's based on building, expanding, and merging businesses in order to make money. Apparently it's really rare now, and sells for about $100 on eBay, but my former pastor received it as a gift once. If you ever get a chance to play, do it.

Loaded Questions - I play this with my close friends sometimes. Basically, one person draws a card, and picks a category on the card, depending what space on the board they're on. He or she then reads the question from the card, and every other player writes down their answer. One of the players reads all the answers, and the person who drew the card has to try to match each answer with each person. The questions can be funny, serious, personal, or just plain embarrassing. This is not a game I would generally suggest to play in mixed company. XP

Clue - needs no explanation. XD Unfortunately I don't have many friends who like this game. >.>

Also, I second Apples to Apples. I love that game. XD

That's pretty much it. Oddly enough, I've never played a complete game of Risk. I don't have the patience. XP
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Postby Scarecrow » Sun Mar 22, 2009 5:30 pm

Robin Firedrake (post: 1299021) wrote:Wait... You guys are getting your heroquest stuff from Ebay? Huh. Down where I am we can still pick up an expansion for ten bucks at Wal-mart.

Are you sure it's HeroQUEST or do you mean HeroSCAPE? Cause HeroQuest has been out of print for almost 20 years... That Walmart must not update their inventory often :P
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Postby Robin Firedrake » Sun Mar 22, 2009 5:34 pm

OWAIT! I made a mistake. Thank you for steering me straight! I feel silly now...
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Postby Sheenar » Sun Mar 22, 2009 6:10 pm

Risk (so much fun, but make sure you have some time to kill--last game I played took almost 5 hours to finish)
Apples to Apples
Fluxx (a really, really awesome card game where the rules are always changing!)
Imaginiff (really hilarious --we played this during the Spring Break mission trip)
Train (a dominoes game --though I haven't found anyone to play it with me)

I too love chess (but suck at it).
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