Rockman 9

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Rockman 9

Postby CAAOutkast » Wed Jun 25, 2008 5:07 am

According to this site: Rockman 9 might be a reality. This info was leaked by Someone who claims to be a Capcom employee. I find this Info questionable,though I Hope that the Rumors are true,because I really want a Rockman 9. I'm a big fan of the original series.
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Postby Etoh*the*Greato » Wed Jun 25, 2008 8:47 am

Oh, no, it's official. They confirmed it about two weeks past. ^-^
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Postby Nate » Wed Jun 25, 2008 10:13 am

It's official, but that "screenshot" isn't. XD

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Postby Solid Ronin » Wed Jun 25, 2008 6:29 pm

Megaman 9 ... cool!

Megaman Legends 3 ... BETTER!
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Postby Yuen Fei Lung » Wed Jun 25, 2008 8:14 pm

You know, it's honestly been years since I followed Megaman... really not since Megaman X 2 back on the Super NES have I enjoyed a Megaman/Rockman game. That being said, I'm interested to see exactly how Capcom plans to bring Megaman into the current generation.
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Postby Etoh*the*Greato » Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:55 pm

Solid Ronin (post: 1238995) wrote:Megaman 9 ... cool!

Megaman Legends 3 ... BETTER!

Heh. You know, Megaman was the birth of me as a gamer and has years of delicious crusty nostalgia grown around it, but I think I actually agree with you.
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Postby jon_jinn » Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:38 pm

SWEET! Old school Megaman is back! i've grown tired of these lame spin-offs! i want the real deal!!
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"Sometimes we don't present the Gospel well enough for the non-elect to reject it."
- John MacArthur

"In the total expanse of the human life, there is not a single square inch of which Christ, who alone is sovereign, does not declare, 'That is mine'."
- Abraham Kuyper

"God the great Creator of all things doth uphold, direct, dispose, and govern all creatures, actions, and things, from the greatest even to the least, by His most wise and holy providence, according to His infallible foreknowledge and the free and immutable counsel of His own will, to the praise of the glory of His wisdom, power, justice, goodness, and mercy."
- Westminister Confession of Faith (Chapter 5, Section 1)

"The wisdom of God has found a way for the love of God to deliver sinners from the wrath of God all the while upholding the righteousness of God!!"
- John Piper

"Grace is the pleasure of God to magnify the worth of God by giving sinners the right and power to delight in God without obscuring the glory of God!"
-John Piper

"The very One from Whom we need to be saved, is the One Who has saved us."
- R.C. Sproul

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- Mark Driscoll

"Believers do not pray with the view of informing God about things unknown to Him, or of exciting Him to do His duty, or of urging Him as though He were reluctant. On the contrary, they pray in order that they may arouse themselves to seek Him, that they may exercise their faith in meditating on His promises, that they may relieve themselves from their anxieties by pouring them into His bosom; in a word, that they may declare that from Him alone they hope and expect, both for themselves and for others, all good things."
- Martin Luther

"I have to tell you first that I am ready to die. I have put my affairs in order. Your supreme weapon is killing. My supreme weapon is dying, because when you kill me, people all over Romania will read my books and believe on the God that I preach - even more than they do now."
- Dr. Joseph Ton, the exiled Romanian pastor (quoted by James Montgomery Boice)

"The best prayer I ever prayed had enough sin in it to condemn the whole world."
- John Bunyan

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Postby Etoh*the*Greato » Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:25 pm

"I do not feel obliged to believe that that same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forego their use." - Galileo Galilei
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Postby Nate » Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:33 pm

Yeah but nothing will top this game intro.

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Postby Etoh*the*Greato » Thu Jun 26, 2008 5:09 pm

"I do not feel obliged to believe that that same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forego their use." - Galileo Galilei
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Postby CAAOutkast » Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:43 pm

I just found out about the 8-bit thing here: How can capcom be so stupid. What's next? Rockman X9 in 16-bits? Though,I'm kinda glad it's gonna be for WiiWere,since I have a Wii.
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Postby Nate » Thu Jun 26, 2008 7:01 pm

Christisright wrote:How can capcom be so stupid.

PROTIP: WiiWare games have a size limit. Making the graphics shiny and new would take up lots of memory making the game shorter. Having 8-bit graphics allows them to make the game longer.

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Postby Etoh*the*Greato » Thu Jun 26, 2008 7:07 pm

Also there is a stronger fondness in the target fan-base for the old games than the new ones.
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Postby CAAOutkast » Wed Jul 02, 2008 2:42 am

Etoh*the*Greato (post: 1239406) wrote:Also there is a stronger fondness in the target fan-base for the old games than the new ones.

Still,It would've been better if it was 16 or 32-bit.
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Postby Gabriel 9.0 » Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:36 am

Great news to hear. I haven't beaten the other Mega-man games yet. I'll keep a lookout for this one:D.
Some of my favorite scriptures.

A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.
Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.
Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;
There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

Hebrews 4-4
1Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.
2For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.
3For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world.
4For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works.

James 4
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

Revelation 22:14
Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
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Postby Etoh*the*Greato » Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:22 am

Christisright (post: 1241032) wrote:Still,It would've been better if it was 16 or 32-bit.

Not necessarily true... The regular Megaman series was in 16 and then 32 and that didn't improve the quality of those games. :lol: "WE MUST STOP DOCTA WIWY!" 7 was ok. I liked it well enough, but man... 8... I think a lot of people will associate the best games with the 8 bit period. Not saying 8's faults were to be placed on the graphics, but there is probably an association there in some people's minds. Ask me, though, the PSP remakes were great. They could have easily gone that route if they weren't doing wiiware.
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Postby Monkey J. Luffy » Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:58 pm

dude I think that going 8-bit is such a cool idea. I haven't seen many people go back to retro style before, and what better series to do it with then Megaman?
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Postby jon_jinn » Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:45 pm

jon_jinn (post: 1239318) wrote:SWEET! Old school Megaman is back! i've grown tired of these lame spin-offs! i want the real deal!!

hmmm...i was sorta hoping for something uhh...better, than simply a download-only file...
[SIZE="4"]*FASTING FROM CAA (9/25/08 - ???)*[/SIZE]

"Sometimes we don't present the Gospel well enough for the non-elect to reject it."
- John MacArthur

"In the total expanse of the human life, there is not a single square inch of which Christ, who alone is sovereign, does not declare, 'That is mine'."
- Abraham Kuyper

"God the great Creator of all things doth uphold, direct, dispose, and govern all creatures, actions, and things, from the greatest even to the least, by His most wise and holy providence, according to His infallible foreknowledge and the free and immutable counsel of His own will, to the praise of the glory of His wisdom, power, justice, goodness, and mercy."
- Westminister Confession of Faith (Chapter 5, Section 1)

"The wisdom of God has found a way for the love of God to deliver sinners from the wrath of God all the while upholding the righteousness of God!!"
- John Piper

"Grace is the pleasure of God to magnify the worth of God by giving sinners the right and power to delight in God without obscuring the glory of God!"
-John Piper

"The very One from Whom we need to be saved, is the One Who has saved us."
- R.C. Sproul

"All of Christian life is ceaseless worship of God the Father, through the mediatorship of God the Son, by the indwelling power of God the Spirit, doing what God commands in Scripture, not doing what God forbids in Scripture, in culturally contextualized ways, for the furtherance of the Gospel, when both gathered for adoration, and scattered for action, in joyous response to God's glorious grace."
- Mark Driscoll

"Believers do not pray with the view of informing God about things unknown to Him, or of exciting Him to do His duty, or of urging Him as though He were reluctant. On the contrary, they pray in order that they may arouse themselves to seek Him, that they may exercise their faith in meditating on His promises, that they may relieve themselves from their anxieties by pouring them into His bosom; in a word, that they may declare that from Him alone they hope and expect, both for themselves and for others, all good things."
- Martin Luther

"I have to tell you first that I am ready to die. I have put my affairs in order. Your supreme weapon is killing. My supreme weapon is dying, because when you kill me, people all over Romania will read my books and believe on the God that I preach - even more than they do now."
- Dr. Joseph Ton, the exiled Romanian pastor (quoted by James Montgomery Boice)

"The best prayer I ever prayed had enough sin in it to condemn the whole world."
- John Bunyan

"If the Christian has lost sight of Calvary, that shows that he has lost his way."
- J.I. Packer[/SIZE]
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Postby Nate » Thu Jul 03, 2008 1:36 am

jon_jinn wrote:hmmm...i was sorta hoping for something uhh...better, than simply a download-only file...

The reason why this is being released as a WiiWare title is simple.

Simply put, despite the "graphics aren't everything!" crowd, all three companies have rules and standards about what kinds of games can be put on their systems. One of the rules is, if it isn't a compilation of older games, then you cannot use older style graphics. In other words, you couldn't make a brand new game and have Atari 2600 graphics and release it on a Wii disc. However, a collection of Activision's old 2600 games would be perfectly fine.

So with this in mind, the question is, why is Capcom so set on having these kinds of graphics? Why not make the graphics awesome and super and release it on the Wii or PS3? Well, Keiji Inafune, creator of Megaman, says:
the simple fun of a classic Mega Man game "doesn't fit into the grandiose and expansive world that the consumer gaming industry has become, and so you have to make games that match the current expectations." He said pushing for the creation of a Mega Man in the style of the original "would be quickly criticized for things like being simplistic, outdated, or too expensive", thus making it "too difficult" to develop such games in the "current climate".

From the August 2008 issue of Nintendo Power.

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Postby ShiroiHikari » Thu Jul 03, 2008 9:27 am

I dunno, it sounds like a pretty cool idea to me. It shows that Capcom cares at least somewhat about the fans. If I had me a Wii, I'd be all over this.
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Postby CAAOutkast » Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:28 am

I still can't believe that after all of these years,we'll actually be getting a Female Robot Master!
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Postby Nate » Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:41 am

So who wants to see a gameplay video? :O

THE MUSIC. I knew Capcom would not disappoint on the music.

Also, pricing information. The game will cost 1,000 Wii points. That's a lot of points! But remember this isn't a rerelease of an older game, this is a brand new game.

ALSO WHAT'S THIS? DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT? :O This is the rumor going around!

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Postby CAAOutkast » Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:52 am

Nate (post: 1243232) wrote:So who wants to see a gameplay video? :O

THE MUSIC. I knew Capcom would not disappoint on the music.

Also, pricing information. The game will cost 1,000 Wii points. That's a lot of points! But remember this isn't a rerelease of an older game, this is a brand new game.

ALSO WHAT'S THIS? DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT? :O This is the rumor going around!

Looks fun. hopefully Capcom will take another chance like this with X9 and make it a 16 bit game for the Wiiware.

And yes 1,000 Wii points is alot,but hopefully it'll be well worth it.
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Postby Haruhiko » Fri Jul 11, 2008 10:32 am

In case no one has mentioned it yet, a new trailer was released today. Its also been confirmed for PSN and XBLA.

I am so psyched for this. Its going to be amazing.
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Postby Nate » Fri Jul 11, 2008 4:27 pm

The comments on that youtube video make me sad.

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Postby IchiTone » Fri Jul 11, 2008 7:37 pm

This had me salivating from day one. The original creators of the Blue Bomber together again to make a classic, and HARD Mega Man sequel....with 8-bit NES graphics?!?!

*tears up*

I <3, would you kindly release both of those new Bionic Commando games soon and make me one satisfied fanboy? Well, at least until Tatsunoko VS Capcom releases stateside? :grin:
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