Being unable to finish games

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Postby yukoxholic » Tue Feb 05, 2008 3:52 pm

Mithrandir (post: 1196992) wrote:For my current team, I have all the characters over level 90 (my core 3 are at 99), I have all armor, major weapons, spells, technicks and quickenings.

I can get TO him just fine, and I can get him most of the way dead. But when he's around 25%, he stops taking damage and I cannot heal my guys fast enough! What do you do when he's invincible? Just wait him out? Maybe I'm simply too impatient and/or overconfident. How do you keep your guys from dying?

Well, when I did this boss, I always, ALWAYS have a healer they never attack they just heal my party members that I set as my 'attackers'. Also, if my healer is in mid-healing for a player and another's HP is hitting critical I take them out immediately and switch in another member. I usually put my critical HP players back in when a major attack has already been done so I can get my entire team back up to snuff!

Also, before I even enter a Boss Battle I make sure all players have protect, shell, regain, haste, and attach any kind of accessory that wards against the Bosses magic-casting. I also at times cast Reflect on all my players but I don't like to do that because I can't use my healing magic and I will run out of items quickly. I also stress having a full stock of phoenix downs, Hi-potions (or x-potions), and ethers to replenish players ASAP.

Ok now how I beat this Boss! ^__^ ...

I equipped a Black Mask for each of my members as well as Rubber Suit, bubble belts, and bowline sashes. As I stated earlier before I go into a battle I always do my shell, protect, yada, yada....definitely cast Shell on ALL party members this will reduce your chances of instant death when he casts his Faith Spell (stupid Darkja!!!!!!) on himself. I try to dispel him before he casts Great Barrier, Faith, and Bravery on himself. There is a 50/50 chance here it will cause his magic to fail or it won't. Normally, if you dispel his enhancements it'll give your party members time to do physical attacks and weaken the Boss. Oh,also if he does use Darkja I reserve one High HP character to be 'waiting in the wings' if all of my party dies except for one, that way you can heal quickly and than use Cura to help everyone out. Zodiark will hit for around 2000+ HP or so I have noticed (I tried him about 10 times before I beat him!! ). When he casts Magic Shield, dispeling will not work, I try using Light items I have collected as well as magics since he's weakest against that elemental.

Basically I stayed mostly to physical attacks and kept a constant eye on who I needed to heal or switch out, casting the magic: regain helps ALOT when you're designated healer can't get to that party member. It's very tedious this way but it does slowly and surely weaken him bit by bit. I save my quickenings when like you he gets to 25% of his HP. At that time, he likes to cast critical damaging HP spells such as Swift and Scathe. When he casts Scathe I recommend switching from party member to party member, keeping each one moving lessens the chance of him killing off each one ASAP. Also, Reflect shields (like Mirror Mails to all party members) to reflect Scathe off your party and casting it on the party leader. This will take 9999 damage from him. When he uses Swift I do a Quickening chain, by the time I am finished with each member that has a quickening...tada! He died ^__^

Basically, set your gambits and keep a healer that never attacks! This theory above worked for me and I hope it works for you! Zodiark was the longest Boss Battle for me really patient!
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Postby Bobtheduck » Wed Feb 06, 2008 9:13 am

I've only beaten 2 of my PS3 games so far... Resistance and Uncharted.

I can't seem to beat Bohan on Heavenly Sword (last form)
I just haven't finished Folklore, but now with all the bonus missions on PSN, it looks like the only way I'll finish it is with a lot more time and a bit of money I can't be spending.
I stopped playing Ninja Gaiden Sigma once I got other games I wanted, but I know the frustration factor may be too much.
I was working hard on Ratchet and Clank, but got distracted by Rock Band (I finally brought the game home, since I bought it with a friend on launch day)

I also havent' beaten FFXII... I find I haven't had the patience for a long game since I've been in School, especially since I've been working. That should be remedied soon... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Etoh*the*Greato » Wed Feb 06, 2008 9:47 am

Most of my games sit unfinished... I have a short attention span. T-T I need need NEED to finish Dragon Quest 8 and Mass Effect.
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Postby KeybladeWarrior » Wed Feb 06, 2008 12:16 pm

Another one who has so many games that have not been completed yet. Still need to finish all 3 of those Fire Emblem games and FFVI.
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Wed Feb 06, 2008 12:41 pm

I can never finish games. I have only finished a handfull of games. I play alot but barely finish any.
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Postby Kkun » Thu Feb 07, 2008 4:05 am

I have trouble finishing some games. The worst case is with Final Fantasy XII because I've spent 176 hours playing it, I've done every hunt, obtained every major weapon and armor (including Tournesol and the Wyrmhero Blade..which means yes, I did complete the Fishing quest, kill Omega MK. XII and Yiazmat) and I'm RIGHT AT the final boss but I have no time/motivation to actually finish the game. If I walk in and fight him, I'll destroy him in about three and a half seconds, anyway.

Oh, and as for the Zodiark fight, if I'm thinking of the right one, start the battle off with Black Masks equipped. When you enter the fight, have only one character out and wait for him to cast his big spell (which he typically does immediately) then bring the other two out and start fighting him how you see fit. I don't remember having any trouble with him when my entire party was relatively highly levelled.
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