Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon

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Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon

Postby everdred12a » Wed Sep 19, 2007 12:14 pm

Search function didn't turn up anything, so I'm making this thread. If for some reason there's one already, I apologize.

Anyways, I picked this game up today... partially 'cause I didn't know it was out already. Had to go to THREE different places to find a copy, which shocked me; I've never heard of a HM game actually being sold out.

Moving on, I've seen threads pop up for other DS game online communities like Pokemon and Mario Kart, so why not Rune Factory? Given, it's not the same as Pokemon or MK, but we can still trade to level up items, right? I know I'm going to be addicted to this game for weeks, so hopefully I'll be ready to go online soon.

But for now, does anyone else have this game or plan on getting it? I've gotten to spend an hour with it before having to do some housework, but it's great from the brief time I got to play it.

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