I am really struggling right now
PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 10:36 pm
When I graduated I had a ton of schools looking to recruit me at defensive end including Oregon, Ohio State, Michigan State, Alabama, Auburn, Wisconsin and Purdue. And those are just the D1 schools I had maybe 10-15 schools offer me an array of scholarships and a couple full rides. However 2 things were in my way. The summer after I graduated I suffered an MMA injury that shattered my shin(no I didn't fall a leg kick... Looking at you Anderson) I went for a high kick and my sparring partner caught it incorrectly and fractured my shin in 15 places. I had bone fragments poking through my skin it was bad. So obviously I won't be making it to training camp in August. The result it backfired. Second most of them were to far away for me to be able to attend at a minimum of 3 states away. In addition to that my MMA injury has sent my career crashing before it could get off the ground. So now there's the question of how I'm going to support myself my gaming startup doesn't even have a website yet. I'm scared. I don't know what to do other than pray it seems like all I can do. What else do you have with no steady income?