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marriage counseling, bad burns and financial stuff

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 9:20 pm
by Gala
Hey guys,

I have a few prayer requests that I'm going to slam into one post.

First one is for marriage counseling. My husband decided to gift me with going to marriage counseling with me for his anniversary present to me for at least a year. I have been begging him since before we got married to go with me and now, 3 years later, he has finally agreed that it would be the best decision for us after some pretty bad stuff came up in our marriage and it showed him exactly what I had told him might happen if we didn't get some help (rather not get into details where everyone can read). Please pray that we find a counselor who we can afford and give him/her the wisdom to help us work through out issues. We still love each other and want our marriage to work but it has been a difficult 3 years (living the last 2 years apart because of finances). We started our whole relationship out rushed and now are suffering because of it.

The second request is for a really bad burn I now have on my hip. I burned it on New Years Eve night on a gas heater built into my husband's grandmother's house in the bathroom after loosing my footing. Now It is blistering, bleeding and swelling. Please pray it heals alright because as of right now it is looking worse and I really don't have the funds to go to a doctor for it right now.

The third and last one is probably the biggest problem we have overall: money problems. I will stop right here and thank God for all He has done for us so far, financially. My husband held down a job for nine months until he was terminated around Dec. 5th and I was hired by a tutoring company in November. I still have my job and now am making almost full time wages while working only 16 hours a week (which is great for my daughter since she gets to see me all the time this way).
Now to the not so praisy information and prayer request:
The full time wages I am making are still not enough to bring my husband and I back together and it is really hurting my daughter, my husband and I very much. He has to pay SR-22 insurance, surcharges on his license among other fees he accumulated with traffic violations over the years. My job barely covers that and what I have to buy monthly for my daughter and I and does not cover his rent at his friends' house at all. He will most likely be kicked out by the end of this month and be living in his truck if he does not find a job soon.
He started looking for a new job when rumors of him being fired started circulating around the office in June (only 2 months after he was hired). So far, no luck. He might have a job as a night stocker starting next month but we are not so sure.
He is diligently looking, still, for a new job anywhere. Even if that means taking on a minimum wage position at McDonald's.
Please pray that his efforts do not go unseen or wasted. My family thinks he is lazy because he has not been able to keep a job for more than a year at a time and they do not like the fact that I work right now when my daughter is only 3 years old (my mother keeps trying to get me to wait until she is in school to work).
I know that he can keep a job if he were to just find the right one. The problem is that everything he wants to do requires a degree and he has been turned down numerous times for grants and scholarships in the last year.
The other need that we have that I can not get because of finances is a vehicle. He has his truck but right now I can only work the 16 hours I am working because I do not have a vehicle of my own and depend on others to drive me. If I had a car, I could make more money but to get a car, I need more money. I feel like we're going in circles and almost feel like we will never make it back together. I want to have faith that we will but I don't see it happening any time soon. I don't want to go another year without living with him and straining our relationship and his relationship with our daughter any longer. I know God has a plan in all of this but I wish He could show us now (sorry, I'm a little impatient).

Thank you all.

I apologize about the length.

Re: marriage counseling, bad burns and financial stuff

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 7:06 pm
by Atria35

On a note about the burn - that sounds like a second degree burn, and if it's bleeding there's a possibility of it getting infected. Have you looked up how to treat it?

Re: marriage counseling, bad burns and financial stuff

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 11:13 pm
by Gala
Thank you

Yeah, I looked it up and it's starting to look a little better as of today. At least the bleeding stopped and the redness is starting to go away.

Re: marriage counseling, bad burns and financial stuff

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:30 am
by anlptgtsg
Praying. I can relate in some things you are going through.

Re: marriage counseling, bad burns and financial stuff

PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:04 pm
by shooraijin
On a burn like that (I agree with Atria, sounds 2nd degree), just keep it clean. Don't put stuff like Neosporin on it, because after a few days you'll get a counter-reaction. If you want to use something to moisten it, use Silvadene or 100% petroleum jelly. Cover it with something like Telfa so it won't stick to things. It won't heal nicely, but it will eventually heal.

Re: marriage counseling, bad burns and financial stuff

PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:47 pm
by Gala
The burn is healing.. parts of it are already showing scars but at least I kept it from any bad infections :)

Re: marriage counseling, bad burns and financial stuff

PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 8:24 am
by SierraLea
I will pray, especially for the financial stuff.
My family spent the last five years paying off someone else's debt. It's a long story, but suffice to say that the debt is huge and we are not in any way responsible for it. At first it was hard, and there were sometimes when we didn't feel like we were going to make it, and then God came in and put the smiles back on our faces. We gave God 10% of everything we got, and he often would give it right back in just the right way, like when my brother needed a new backpack and my grandma found a brand new one hanging out in a ditch somewhere, or we didn't have any christmas presents until several different families from our parish stepped up to the plate and helped pack the day. But I doubt any of this would have happened if we hadn't trusted Him by giving him 10% of everything.
Also, check out Dave Ramsey sometime. He's a hilarious speaker who really knows his financial stuff. He has something called Financial Peace University that me and my parents went through, and it teaches a lot of practical material with laughter and fun.

Re: marriage counseling, bad burns and financial stuff

PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 1:02 pm
by Sheenar
SierraLea wrote:I will pray, especially for the financial stuff.
Also, check out Dave Ramsey sometime. He's a hilarious speaker who really knows his financial stuff. He has something called Financial Peace University that me and my parents went through, and it teaches a lot of practical material with laughter and fun.

I am currently taking the Financial Peace University course. He has some good wisdom on handling money Biblically --plus what he says just makes sense and works. I highly recommend it.

I pray that things get better for you soon!

Re: marriage counseling, bad burns and financial stuff

PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:50 pm
by Gala
Thank you all for the prayers!

Update: The burn healed and at least it is in a spot I can hide :)

My husband now has a job selling ADT security systems. It isn't much but it will make something

My job has now made it where I can at least afford everything my daughter and I need, some of what my husband needs, paying my parents off for a car that they will be lending me the money for tomorrow and my car insurance with about $300 left over to either go on outstanding bills or into savings. My boss is still talking about giving me more clients/hours which will mean more money still to go on bills and whatnot

Although there is still much to be fixed/changed in our lives, at least it seems like things are slowly coming together. My husband and I are still looking for a marriage counselor to go to who we trust to be unbiased and to be patient enough to work with us.

Again, thank you all so much for praying! God works in amazing ways and I can't wait to see how much more He has in store for us!

P.S. We have done the Dave Ramsey study and I am trying to apply it to our lives now.