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PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 5:27 pm
by MrKrillz0r
Hey there! I'm currently going through a lot of hardships and my days tend involve a whole lot of anxiety, stress and feelings of guilt. Those feelings are often caused by my struggle with OCD, anger and some other stuff, but enough of that. What I need help with is Christian community.
I have no Christian friends and I do not really involve myself with other Christians, other than hanging out here and going to church on Sunday. And although I love going to Church, and have a good relation with my pastor, I feel a bit out of place there since there is not a single person around my age in the Church. (I'm 18, and most of the people are around 40-70 year old.) So I guess what I long for is to have Christian friends, as well as getting involved in Christian community overall.
I'm just a bit clueless about how to do this.. My current plan is to just reach out and say that I'm ready to help out if there is any need of help, which there always is. But I doubt that will give me any chance to get some new Christian friends in my age. (I'm blessed to have a whole lot of friends outside the faith, and I'm glad that I have them. But I long to have a friend which I can talk about Jesus with, and so on) I'd appreciate prayers and/or tips about this.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 5:37 pm
by Makachop^^128
Sound like we are in the same place right now, I'm the only one between 13-30 at my church sadly, I know it can feel lonely not having any christian friends....I'll be praying for you! Maybe Volunteering would help like you were saying :)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 6:34 pm
by Atria35
While you might like your church and the people, if you want to make friends your age you have to go to where they are. And that means not the church you're going to. You could ask your pastor if your church has any youth programs in your area, or whether he knows of any youth churches in your area.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 5:05 am
by MrKrillz0r
Thanks Maka! And Atria I know a bit about the other churches around here, and there aren't that many to be honest. I live in a small town, and my local church is the only one close enough to walk/bike if I don't want to make it to a training session. So meanwhile I do believe that there might be some youth to be found at the other churches I do not know how to get there, since I don't have a drivers license. I don't know how it works in bigger cities, but around here there isn't really much going on except for the gospel choir in the city which has a lot of youth members. (Most of them are not Christians though, and I'm really not interested in joining a choir.) But I think I'll try to talk with my pastor a bit as you said, and ask him if there is any specific events going on which I might be able to attend to.