Hi... long-time lurker... very infrequent poster... ^^/
I've been going through a few things over the course of the year and it's through those things that I've noticed some personally disturbing aspects of my character. I've seen some deeply personal things come about within me that have challenged everything that I thought I knew about myself. Because of what I've seen, I felt prompted to take a journey of sorts inward and try to understand the motivations of my heart: why I'm the way that I am, why I do what I do, and (most importantly) why I'm drawn to what I'm drawn to. And so, I have... and it's one of the most difficult things I've ever done, because I've had to take a good honest look at the light and the dark that I exists within me. To be honest, the whole exercise draws me closer to the brink of depression than I'd like to ever be, but I feel like such a thing is a necessary risk for the benefit of understanding myself, even if I do only a small bit more. I don't see how remaining ignorant of the reasons behind my motivations any longer can ever hope to benefit me, so I don't think I can be persuaded easily to end this pursuit (but if you have any warnings that you deem appropriate, I would be happy to hear them).
I guess the purpose of my post here is to ask you to pray for fortitude on my behalf. If this effort is to succeed, I will need the Lord to guide me to the parts of myself that I'm ready to face and to show me what to do once I've seen what I need to. I may also need someone in my life to help deal with what I find.
Thank you all.
P.S. - I kinda rushed this one out, so if there's anything that seems a little off, please let me know and I'll try to offer an explanation.